Afghan translator who worked for US Army reportedly beheaded by Taliban


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The Taliban beheaded an Afghan man who had worked as a translator for the U.S. Army, according to reports.

Sohail Pardis, 32, had been driving from his home in Kabul on May 12 to pick up his sister ahead of Eid, a Muslim holiday, according to The Sun.

But on the drive, Pardis — who had told friends he was receiving Taliban death threats because the terror group suspected him of being a spy — was stopped at a checkpoint manned by the militant group.

It's like every year we hear the same thing.
Well it going to be messy. Fingers will be pointed at those who aided or even did minor stuff like language translations.

They should have offered ways for those who want to leave the country to leave it at the same time that the US withdrew from the country.

I'm sorry is not an option and forgiveness is a foreign concept.
The Taliban beheaded an Afghan man who had worked as a translator for the U.S. Army, according to reports.

Sohail Pardis, 32, had been driving from his home in Kabul on May 12 to pick up his sister ahead of Eid, a Muslim holiday, according to The Sun.

But on the drive, Pardis — who had told friends he was receiving Taliban death threats because the terror group suspected him of being a spy — was stopped at a checkpoint manned by the militant group.

It's like every year we hear the same thing.
Another human tragedy and this was anticipated and expected. Just recently, US congress reps voted to "expedite" special immigrant visas (SIVS). It looks like they were too slow to help this poor soul, and no doubt many more will die as there is nothing the federal govt does efficiently except for getting out the federal tax "bills" on time. No hold up there, strange enough.

"Congress on Tuesday advanced legislation to expedite special immigrant visas (SIVs) for the 18,000 Afghans who assisted the American military during its longest ever war, as the September deadline for a full US pull out from Afghanistan looms large."

I wonder how many other US interpreters have been killed during this time of "congressional expediency"? Shouldn't that "expediency" been done years ago? True idiots or...just not overly's not their life after all. One pitfall is making sure the translator is only in it for the money, not to share info. It happens. This one, obvious from his targeted death hit by the Taliban, was no spy.

Maybe I should blame the journalist for using that word "expedient" and a member didn't actually use the word. Hard to know.
Another human tragedy and this was anticipated and expected. Just recently, US congress reps voted to "expedite" special immigrant visas (SIVS). It looks like they were too slow to help this poor soul, and no doubt many more will die as there is nothing the federal govt does efficiently except for getting out the federal tax "bills" on time. No hold up there, strange enough.

"Congress on Tuesday advanced legislation to expedite special immigrant visas (SIVs) for the 18,000 Afghans who assisted the American military during its longest ever war, as the September deadline for a full US pull out from Afghanistan looms large."

I wonder how many other US interpreters have been killed during this time of "congressional expediency"? Shouldn't that "expediency" been done years ago? True idiots or...just not overly's not their life after all. One pitfall is making sure the translator is only in it for the money, not to share info. It happens. This one, obvious from his targeted death hit by the Taliban, was no spy.

Maybe I should blame the journalist for using that word "expedient" and a member didn't actually use the word. Hard to know.
Yep. That expediency should have been taken care of years ago. I'd like to say it was mind blowing but at this point it is expected.
This has been happening for YEARs. The government is in 'we lost, now it's refugee time' mode. We get it after every ass kicking we receive.
The Taliban beheaded an Afghan man who had worked as a translator for the U.S. Army, according to reports.

Sohail Pardis, 32, had been driving from his home in Kabul on May 12 to pick up his sister ahead of Eid, a Muslim holiday, according to The Sun.

But on the drive, Pardis — who had told friends he was receiving Taliban death threats because the terror group suspected him of being a spy — was stopped at a checkpoint manned by the militant group.

It's like every year we hear the same thing.
wow, what a scoop. what's your point?
Fortunes of war you know..
This is not the fortunes of war.
No one is debating the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan. The question is, why did the withdrawal devolve into a horrifying disaster?
The incompetency of Joey Bai Dung, his handlers and lack of coordination with the military have to be answered....
There is still an estimated 10,000 Americans trapped in Kabal.
Will the State Department and Defense Department negotiate safe passage of American citizens with the Taliban or send troops into the city to find Americans and escort them back to the airport? That I fear is a dangerous gambit that could easily turn into a Mogadishu-like catastrophe.
Nor does all the speeches and excuses solve the issue of the thousands of Afghan civilians desperately seeking to escape the wrath and atrocities that surely will follow.
This is just a postscript of the massacre of Benghazi, where the military was late to the party or didn't show at all.
The Taliban beheaded an Afghan man who had worked as a translator for the U.S. Army, according to reports.

Sohail Pardis, 32, had been driving from his home in Kabul on May 12 to pick up his sister ahead of Eid, a Muslim holiday, according to The Sun.

But on the drive, Pardis — who had told friends he was receiving Taliban death threats because the terror group suspected him of being a spy — was stopped at a checkpoint manned by the militant group.

It's like every year we hear the same thing.

He got Biden'd!
wow, what a scoop. what's your point?

Any or all of those connected with assisting American or NATO forces during the last twenty years will suffer the same fate if they remain in Afghanistan.
Biden has pledged to bring them to America, but his total incompetence in the "withdrawal" has condemned all those that he has failed.
Not a damn thing....nor should he. Enough with trying to nation build medieval drug dealing tribes--we should have left 10 minutes after bin laden was killed.
WRONG! he's going to lavish more gifts on them. Didn't he give them expensive drones and other highly sophisticated military equipment for free?! Unless all parties rally to throw that scumbag out of office FAST, he is going to continue on his hashish trip.
Your homeland has been invaded, your countrymen drive out the invader only to see it invaded again fifteen years later. For twenty years the invader brings death, injury, indignity to you, your friends, your neighbors, to family members. This invader is driven out or just gets tired and leaves. How friendly or forgiving are you going to be to those who sided with them or assisted them?
Your homeland has been invaded, your countrymen drive out the invader only to see it invaded again fifteen years later. For twenty years the invader brings death, injury, indignity to you, your friends, your neighbors, to family members. This invader is driven out or just gets tired and leaves. How friendly or forgiving are you going to be to those who sided with them or assisted them?
Not very--I guess they should have fought harder when they had the chance?
Looks to me that the entire male half of the country decided they liked the good ole days better~
There should be a thread of shame for all the innocents Biden doomed to death in Afghanistan.

Lefties pretend Americans are down with the unsophisticated Muslims dying under Biden’s watch so….

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