Afghan Deaths – And The Media Ignores Them


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Using the AP’s Afghanistan casualties database, Breitbart News calculated that between January 20, 2009, and the end of last month 1,595 U.S. soldiers lost their lives in the Afghanistan conflict. The total number of military deaths so far is 2,153.

That means that about 74 percent of all U.S. military deaths in Afghanistan have taken place under Obama’s watch. During the eight years of the previous administration there were only 558 fatalities, or about 26 percent of the deaths that have taken place from October 7, 2001, the start of the war, to November 30, 2013.

I've posted about this before and been sneered for it by Libtards who claim they hate war but seem to feel it's okay under Obumbler's rule. I don't this comes from a Right-wing site, the truth is there to read @ Obama Administration Sees Three Quarters of All U.S. Military Deaths in Afghanistan

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