Advancing Into Feudalism

In the broadest sense, they’re areas of land that are open to the public and managed by the government. You can think of it as land you own (and share with everyone else in the United States). There are three types of government that manage public lands: federal, state and local. Remember, public lands aren’t just national parks—your state and local city parks count, too. And there’s a difference among them. Federal public lands are held in trust for all Americans and the goal is to manage the land for the long-term health of both the land and citizens, according to The Conservation Alliance. Many federal agencies manage public lands for multiple uses, from recreation to timber, but in some form or another every American has a say in how these places get used. For states, it’s hard to generalize. For some lands, there’s no requirement to involve citizens in public land management decisions.
It was public land already...they just said nobody can rape it of it's resources.

Public has nothing to do with it.
The problem is when the federal government claims land as theirs.
There should be no federal land.
The only reason there originally was any federal land is that new, poor states were at first unable to afford to administer all of their land themselves.
That should no longer be true, so all federal land should have been returned to the states by now.
There is a risk then that some local wealthy may have inordinate power in each state, but tough. That is the way it goes.

Then you should start a thread about that. The fact is that these were already federal lands and the federal government is simply saying you can't rape it of its resources. They didn't "grab" anything.

Wrong. There were no federal lands are not supposed to be any.
It is just that when states first started out west, they could not afford to administer at first. The feds were only requested to administer temporarily, and they never were given or supposed to have ownership.
They were NOT already federal lands. In theory, there should be no such thing as any federal lands at all, anywhere, except DC. Even military bases are supposed to be state lands.
And the federal government is incapable of defending resources.
They are more distant and larger, so are MORE corrupt, not less.
"There were no federal lands are not supposed to be any."

Who's land? It all lands in the lap of who defines ownership. Think about it.

The states own their own land first, and if they care to give or allow federal use, that would not include important land like communal grazing land.
The federal government only was asked to administer these grazing lands because early on, these new states did not have the resource.
But there is no longer any reason for any federal BLM land any more, except land owned by natives.

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