Adult Interrogation Tactics in Schools

I did a lot of pranks at school, church or my neighborhood....I was always looked to as the culprit when something occurred...They used to cal it being a boy, now they call it criminal behavior...
We used to be so bad in art class. When someone had done something terrible (like poked holes in peoples' sculptures, put paint on a sponge and threw it on the ceiling, threw paint under the door and onto someone's shoes, put wet clay in someones backback or the substitute teacher's purse, or painted a demon on the wall lol) the teacher would take us outside one by one, interogating us and extracting as many details from us as she could. Most of the time she was able to discover who the culprit was lmao

Yep, I was questioned many times for information about pranks, "children pranks", but never questioned like I was a criminal. We were kids, and kids are doing crazy and stupid things. We've all misbehaved growing up. That's what being a child is. But, we never did anything to be treated like criminals, and schools never subjected us to harsh questioning as though we had committed terrible criminal activities. The worst thing they did was call our parents. That was real punishment.
It seems schools are not confined to teaching our children, and are now broadening their scope of duties.

Adult Interrogation Tactics in Schools Are Turning Principals Into Police Officers
Extracting confessions through this method is only worsening the school-to-prison pipeline.

Adult interrogation methods do not belong in the classroom, so why are school administrators throughout the United States being trained to use them on their students in order to extract confessions?

John E. Reid & Associates is the largest interrogation trainer in the world and teaches such methods to hundreds of school administrators each year. Last month, members of the Illinois Principals Association, for instance, could register for a “professional development” event on “Investigative Interviewing and Active Persuasion." The School Administrators Association of New York State recently offered a workshop for administrators on this same topic, titled “Are you Sure They Are Telling the Truth”?

These administrators are learning the “Reid Technique,” which relies on "maximization” and “minimization" tactics in order to induce suspects to confess. Minimization focuses on reducing a suspect’s feelings of guilt, while maximization is designed to heighten suspect anxiety using confrontation. Both techniques are legal and both are incredibly coercive.
Controlled studies of Reid interrogation have documented that while such techniques may increase the likelihood that a guilty person will confess, they also increase the likelihood that an innocent person will as well. New research released in February found that the Reid technique causes witnesses to falsely implicate others.

Reid & Associates itself advises caution when using the technique on children, especially in schools. In addition to concerns about the efficacy of principal-administered interrogations are those involving basic fairness: school administrators are not required to issue Miranda warnings to children they interrogate on their own (without law enforcement present), so children are not advised of their rights to an attorney or to remain silent.

Adult Interrogation Tactics in Schools Are Turning Principals Into Police Officers Alternet

What have we allowed to happen to this country? I remember when schools were concerned only with education.
As an insider who quit in disgust, I can tell you, education is not in the top five concerns of public education.

1. Indoctrination into the politics of dependency.

2. Anti-drug propaganda.

3. Social engineering.

4. Gender confusion.

5. Building compliant "citizens".

Somewhere along the line, some teaching takes place.
I agree, thanks for sharing. Schools have changed so much since my days in the classroom ( 1953 - 1965 ). My grandkids tell me things that's hard to believe. And, people wonder why we lag behind other nations in education.

The proof is in the pudding.

We are a nation of semi-literate dumbasses.

Our high school grads all know how to place a condom on a banana, but, leave without the means of earning the price of either.
You're 110% correct. Teachers become teachers because in most states, the benefits are attractive. They aren't really interested in preparing kids for the future. In most cases, our kids learn because they really want to, and because they understand the importance of an education better than the teachers do.

How so? Please explain the why you think it's Bullshit. Thanks.
It seems schools are not confined to teaching our children, and are now broadening their scope of duties.

Adult Interrogation Tactics in Schools Are Turning Principals Into Police Officers
Extracting confessions through this method is only worsening the school-to-prison pipeline.

Adult interrogation methods do not belong in the classroom, so why are school administrators throughout the United States being trained to use them on their students in order to extract confessions?

John E. Reid & Associates is the largest interrogation trainer in the world and teaches such methods to hundreds of school administrators each year. Last month, members of the Illinois Principals Association, for instance, could register for a “professional development” event on “Investigative Interviewing and Active Persuasion." The School Administrators Association of New York State recently offered a workshop for administrators on this same topic, titled “Are you Sure They Are Telling the Truth”?

These administrators are learning the “Reid Technique,” which relies on "maximization” and “minimization" tactics in order to induce suspects to confess. Minimization focuses on reducing a suspect’s feelings of guilt, while maximization is designed to heighten suspect anxiety using confrontation. Both techniques are legal and both are incredibly coercive.
Controlled studies of Reid interrogation have documented that while such techniques may increase the likelihood that a guilty person will confess, they also increase the likelihood that an innocent person will as well. New research released in February found that the Reid technique causes witnesses to falsely implicate others.

Reid & Associates itself advises caution when using the technique on children, especially in schools. In addition to concerns about the efficacy of principal-administered interrogations are those involving basic fairness: school administrators are not required to issue Miranda warnings to children they interrogate on their own (without law enforcement present), so children are not advised of their rights to an attorney or to remain silent.

Adult Interrogation Tactics in Schools Are Turning Principals Into Police Officers Alternet

What have we allowed to happen to this country? I remember when schools were concerned only with education.
As an insider who quit in disgust, I can tell you, education is not in the top five concerns of public education.

1. Indoctrination into the politics of dependency.

2. Anti-drug propaganda.

3. Social engineering.

4. Gender confusion.

5. Building compliant "citizens".

Somewhere along the line, some teaching takes place.

Gross overstatement
How many years did you teach in public schools?
I did a lot of pranks at school, church or my neighborhood....I was always looked to as the culprit when something occurred...They used to cal it being a boy, now they call it criminal behavior...

What we did with fireworks at school for shits and giggles would be called terrorism today.
Yes, if it wasn't cherry bombs it was smoke bombs....
Stupid thread. When you try to find out the source for the studies you get the circle jerk instead. Nothing substantive shows up, just shrill bullshit. As far as I'm concerned they can replace administrators with cops that have been on the beat for awhile.
I've already counseled my kids on the importance of not being a rat, a stool pigeon or divulging anything personal to officials in school, the public or police.
I get why you did this, but to me, a person choosing to clam up only gives the other person or people involved a reason to go digging for whatever it is that they are looking for and if something is being hidden, how would you rather it be exposed?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Not giving up what is being looked for to me will only make things worse for yourself. I just pray that who you are trying to protect is worth it in the end if protecting another person is what you are doing by keeping a closed mouth.
Takes me back to my high school days, and to the librarian that banned me for a month through guilt by association*.

In school situations, adults can become tin pot dictators to kids.
I am just glad I graduated, and got out of there. :puke:

*Some of my friends put books in other kids bags to set off the alarm as other kids left.
It seems schools are not confined to teaching our children, and are now broadening their scope of duties.

Adult Interrogation Tactics in Schools Are Turning Principals Into Police Officers
Extracting confessions through this method is only worsening the school-to-prison pipeline.

Adult interrogation methods do not belong in the classroom, so why are school administrators throughout the United States being trained to use them on their students in order to extract confessions?

John E. Reid & Associates is the largest interrogation trainer in the world and teaches such methods to hundreds of school administrators each year. Last month, members of the Illinois Principals Association, for instance, could register for a “professional development” event on “Investigative Interviewing and Active Persuasion." The School Administrators Association of New York State recently offered a workshop for administrators on this same topic, titled “Are you Sure They Are Telling the Truth”?

These administrators are learning the “Reid Technique,” which relies on "maximization” and “minimization" tactics in order to induce suspects to confess. Minimization focuses on reducing a suspect’s feelings of guilt, while maximization is designed to heighten suspect anxiety using confrontation. Both techniques are legal and both are incredibly coercive.
Controlled studies of Reid interrogation have documented that while such techniques may increase the likelihood that a guilty person will confess, they also increase the likelihood that an innocent person will as well. New research released in February found that the Reid technique causes witnesses to falsely implicate others.

Reid & Associates itself advises caution when using the technique on children, especially in schools. In addition to concerns about the efficacy of principal-administered interrogations are those involving basic fairness: school administrators are not required to issue Miranda warnings to children they interrogate on their own (without law enforcement present), so children are not advised of their rights to an attorney or to remain silent.

Adult Interrogation Tactics in Schools Are Turning Principals Into Police Officers Alternet

What have we allowed to happen to this country? I remember when schools were concerned only with education.
As an insider who quit in disgust, I can tell you, education is not in the top five concerns of public education.

1. Indoctrination into the politics of dependency.

2. Anti-drug propaganda.

3. Social engineering.

4. Gender confusion.

5. Building compliant "citizens".

Somewhere along the line, some teaching takes place.

Gross overstatement
How many years did you teach in public schools?

Still at it, quitter.
We used to be so bad in art class. When someone had done something terrible (like poked holes in peoples' sculptures, put paint on a sponge and threw it on the ceiling, threw paint under the door and onto someone's shoes, put wet clay in someones backback or the substitute teacher's purse, or painted a demon on the wall lol) the teacher would take us outside one by one, interogating us and extracting as many details from us as she could. Most of the time she was able to discover who the culprit was lmao

Yep, I was questioned many times for information about pranks, "children pranks", but never questioned like I was a criminal. We were kids, and kids are doing crazy and stupid things. We've all misbehaved growing up. That's what being a child is. But, we never did anything to be treated like criminals, and schools never subjected us to harsh questioning as though we had committed terrible criminal activities. The worst thing they did was call our parents. That was real punishment.
As an insider who quit in disgust, I can tell you, education is not in the top five concerns of public education.

1. Indoctrination into the politics of dependency.

2. Anti-drug propaganda.

3. Social engineering.

4. Gender confusion.

5. Building compliant "citizens".

Somewhere along the line, some teaching takes place.
I agree, thanks for sharing. Schools have changed so much since my days in the classroom ( 1953 - 1965 ). My grandkids tell me things that's hard to believe. And, people wonder why we lag behind other nations in education.

The proof is in the pudding.

We are a nation of semi-literate dumbasses.

Our high school grads all know how to place a condom on a banana, but, leave without the means of earning the price of either.
You're 110% correct. Teachers become teachers because in most states, the benefits are attractive. They aren't really interested in preparing kids for the future. In most cases, our kids learn because they really want to, and because they understand the importance of an education better than the teachers do.

How so? Please explain the why you think it's Bullshit. Thanks.

Because what you posted is not true, of course.
It seems schools are not confined to teaching our children, and are now broadening their scope of duties.

Adult Interrogation Tactics in Schools Are Turning Principals Into Police Officers
Extracting confessions through this method is only worsening the school-to-prison pipeline.

Adult interrogation methods do not belong in the classroom, so why are school administrators throughout the United States being trained to use them on their students in order to extract confessions?

John E. Reid & Associates is the largest interrogation trainer in the world and teaches such methods to hundreds of school administrators each year. Last month, members of the Illinois Principals Association, for instance, could register for a “professional development” event on “Investigative Interviewing and Active Persuasion." The School Administrators Association of New York State recently offered a workshop for administrators on this same topic, titled “Are you Sure They Are Telling the Truth”?

These administrators are learning the “Reid Technique,” which relies on "maximization” and “minimization" tactics in order to induce suspects to confess. Minimization focuses on reducing a suspect’s feelings of guilt, while maximization is designed to heighten suspect anxiety using confrontation. Both techniques are legal and both are incredibly coercive.
Controlled studies of Reid interrogation have documented that while such techniques may increase the likelihood that a guilty person will confess, they also increase the likelihood that an innocent person will as well. New research released in February found that the Reid technique causes witnesses to falsely implicate others.

Reid & Associates itself advises caution when using the technique on children, especially in schools. In addition to concerns about the efficacy of principal-administered interrogations are those involving basic fairness: school administrators are not required to issue Miranda warnings to children they interrogate on their own (without law enforcement present), so children are not advised of their rights to an attorney or to remain silent.

Adult Interrogation Tactics in Schools Are Turning Principals Into Police Officers Alternet

What have we allowed to happen to this country? I remember when schools were concerned only with education.
As an insider who quit in disgust, I can tell you, education is not in the top five concerns of public education.

1. Indoctrination into the politics of dependency.

2. Anti-drug propaganda.

3. Social engineering.

4. Gender confusion.

5. Building compliant "citizens".

Somewhere along the line, some teaching takes place.

Gross overstatement
How many years did you teach in public schools?

Still at it, quitter.
It seems schools are not confined to teaching our children, and are now broadening their scope of duties.

Adult Interrogation Tactics in Schools Are Turning Principals Into Police Officers
Extracting confessions through this method is only worsening the school-to-prison pipeline.

Adult interrogation methods do not belong in the classroom, so why are school administrators throughout the United States being trained to use them on their students in order to extract confessions?

John E. Reid & Associates is the largest interrogation trainer in the world and teaches such methods to hundreds of school administrators each year. Last month, members of the Illinois Principals Association, for instance, could register for a “professional development” event on “Investigative Interviewing and Active Persuasion." The School Administrators Association of New York State recently offered a workshop for administrators on this same topic, titled “Are you Sure They Are Telling the Truth”?

These administrators are learning the “Reid Technique,” which relies on "maximization” and “minimization" tactics in order to induce suspects to confess. Minimization focuses on reducing a suspect’s feelings of guilt, while maximization is designed to heighten suspect anxiety using confrontation. Both techniques are legal and both are incredibly coercive.
Controlled studies of Reid interrogation have documented that while such techniques may increase the likelihood that a guilty person will confess, they also increase the likelihood that an innocent person will as well. New research released in February found that the Reid technique causes witnesses to falsely implicate others.

Reid & Associates itself advises caution when using the technique on children, especially in schools. In addition to concerns about the efficacy of principal-administered interrogations are those involving basic fairness: school administrators are not required to issue Miranda warnings to children they interrogate on their own (without law enforcement present), so children are not advised of their rights to an attorney or to remain silent.

Adult Interrogation Tactics in Schools Are Turning Principals Into Police Officers Alternet

What have we allowed to happen to this country? I remember when schools were concerned only with education.
As an insider who quit in disgust, I can tell you, education is not in the top five concerns of public education.

1. Indoctrination into the politics of dependency.

2. Anti-drug propaganda.

3. Social engineering.

4. Gender confusion.

5. Building compliant "citizens".

Somewhere along the line, some teaching takes place.

Gross overstatement
How many years did you teach in public schools?

Still at it, quitter.

How many years have you been teaching in public schools?

I enjoy my retirement, 25 is enough for anybody.

I won't go into details, but, when the Alternative School kids I was teaching were fucked over for the Super's "magnetic school", I told them to fuck themselves.

I wasn't fucking over the needy for the elites, to make a long story short.
Yep, I was questioned many times for information about pranks, "children pranks", but never questioned like I was a criminal. We were kids, and kids are doing crazy and stupid things. We've all misbehaved growing up. That's what being a child is. But, we never did anything to be treated like criminals, and schools never subjected us to harsh questioning as though we had committed terrible criminal activities. The worst thing they did was call our parents. That was real punishment.
I agree, thanks for sharing. Schools have changed so much since my days in the classroom ( 1953 - 1965 ). My grandkids tell me things that's hard to believe. And, people wonder why we lag behind other nations in education.

The proof is in the pudding.

We are a nation of semi-literate dumbasses.

Our high school grads all know how to place a condom on a banana, but, leave without the means of earning the price of either.
You're 110% correct. Teachers become teachers because in most states, the benefits are attractive. They aren't really interested in preparing kids for the future. In most cases, our kids learn because they really want to, and because they understand the importance of an education better than the teachers do.

How so? Please explain the why you think it's Bullshit. Thanks.

Because what you posted is not true, of course.
How do you know that it's not true? Do you have something to dispute it, or are you just expressing your opinion?
The proof is in the pudding.

We are a nation of semi-literate dumbasses.

Our high school grads all know how to place a condom on a banana, but, leave without the means of earning the price of either.
You're 110% correct. Teachers become teachers because in most states, the benefits are attractive. They aren't really interested in preparing kids for the future. In most cases, our kids learn because they really want to, and because they understand the importance of an education better than the teachers do.

How so? Please explain the why you think it's Bullshit. Thanks.

Because what you posted is not true, of course.
How do you know that it's not true? Do you have something to dispute it, or are you just expressing your opinion?

They hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of teachers I know and have worked with for decades.
You're 110% correct. Teachers become teachers because in most states, the benefits are attractive. They aren't really interested in preparing kids for the future. In most cases, our kids learn because they really want to, and because they understand the importance of an education better than the teachers do.

How so? Please explain the why you think it's Bullshit. Thanks.

Because what you posted is not true, of course.
How do you know that it's not true? Do you have something to dispute it, or are you just expressing your opinion?

They hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of teachers I know and have worked with for decades.
I see. So, you're assuming that ALL teachers are like the ones you know? Well, I know some that are different from the ones you know. But, you have the right to express your opinion, and I respect your right to do so. When you have something to dispute what I have said, other than just an opinion, please let me know. Thanks.
Obviously anybody who would seek to punish innocents has no place in this country.

"That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer, is a Maxim that has been long and generally approved; never, that I know of, controverted."
-- Benjamin Franklin; from letter to Benjamin Vaughn (March 14th, 1785)
Ben was smart. I agree with him 110%. Thanks for sharing.

Also, that it was a broadly accepted maxim, suggests that the average person back then was smarter than all the cop-worshipers of today.
It isnt extracting con fessions that fill the jails.

Its students committing crimes that they can confess to that does it.

Be better parents..stop raising criminals.
How so? Please explain the why you think it's Bullshit. Thanks.

Because what you posted is not true, of course.
How do you know that it's not true? Do you have something to dispute it, or are you just expressing your opinion?

They hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of teachers I know and have worked with for decades.
I see. So, you're assuming that ALL teachers are like the ones you know? Well, I know some that are different from the ones you know. But, you have the right to express your opinion, and I respect your right to do so. When you have something to dispute what I have said, other than just an opinion, please let me know. Thanks.

I Have more than a large enough sample size of personal and professional experience to call bullshit on your categorical statement.
How so? Please explain the why you think it's Bullshit. Thanks.

Because what you posted is not true, of course.
How do you know that it's not true? Do you have something to dispute it, or are you just expressing your opinion?

They hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of teachers I know and have worked with for decades.
I see. So, you're assuming that ALL teachers are like the ones you know? Well, I know some that are different from the ones you know. But, you have the right to express your opinion, and I respect your right to do so. When you have something to dispute what I have said, other than just an opinion, please let me know. Thanks.

I Have more than a large enough sample size of personal and professional experience to call bullshit on your categorical statement.
That's your opinion. And, as I stated earlier, you have the right to express it, and I respect your right to do so.
Because what you posted is not true, of course.
How do you know that it's not true? Do you have something to dispute it, or are you just expressing your opinion?

They hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of teachers I know and have worked with for decades.
I see. So, you're assuming that ALL teachers are like the ones you know? Well, I know some that are different from the ones you know. But, you have the right to express your opinion, and I respect your right to do so. When you have something to dispute what I have said, other than just an opinion, please let me know. Thanks.

I Have more than a large enough sample size of personal and professional experience to call bullshit on your categorical statement.
That's your opinion.

No, it's my direct, personal, extensive experience.
How do you know that it's not true? Do you have something to dispute it, or are you just expressing your opinion?

They hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of teachers I know and have worked with for decades.
I see. So, you're assuming that ALL teachers are like the ones you know? Well, I know some that are different from the ones you know. But, you have the right to express your opinion, and I respect your right to do so. When you have something to dispute what I have said, other than just an opinion, please let me know. Thanks.

I Have more than a large enough sample size of personal and professional experience to call bullshit on your categorical statement.
That's your opinion.

No, it's my direct, personal, extensive experience.
I am curious, what subjects and grades do you teach?

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