Addressing the January 6 propaganda committee- Tucker Carlson’s bombshell interview with the former capital police chief Steven Sund

1st post
You voted for Biden, dropped out of not one but two presidential elections for being caught lying. Go fuck yourself.
Trump isnt President and has 4 pending court cases currently with 80+ federal counts and that is all that matters. And you still believe the propagandist Tucker Carlson. You are on the wrong side of history.
Trump isnt President and has 4 pending court cases currently with 80+ federal counts and that is all that matters. And you still believe the propagandist Tucker Carlson. You are on the wrong side of history.
They've been desperately trying to dilute and dismiss the Insurrection since before that day was even over.

It's a game they feel they have to play, and that's what they're going to do.
5th post
Trumpster, you can call it a banana if it makes you "feel" better. I don't care.
Banana Republic is what YOU are cheering for, you fucking FLAKE!
The REAL insurrection was YOUR stolen election!
That is what makes YOU feel better.
Fucking HACK!!!
Banana Republic is what YOU are cheering for, you fucking FLAKE!
The REAL insurrection was YOUR stolen election!
That is what makes YOU feel better.
Fucking HACK!!!
The guy that tried to steal the election has been indicted and his name is Trump. Nothing you say can change that fact, traitor.
You're very emotional. Calm down.
That's the typical response I always get when I call out you demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies....."calm down".
You were stupid enough to soak in all the Marxist hatred of your own country without ANY sence of critical thinking!
America BAD, Orange Man now BAD!!!
I'll calm down when you brainwashed zombies are DEFEATED!!!
10th post
You can tell some of these trump supporters are on the verge of losing it.
They have a little battle going on inside them. It's clear now that they feel they've lost their country, and that they want to bring it down and replace it with essentially a dictatorship. They've said here that they want their own Pinochet.

That may be why they get so angry. The cat's out of the bag now, so they have to go 100%.
They have a little battle going on inside them. It's clear now that they feel they've lost their country, and that they want to bring it down and replace it with essentially a dictatorship. They've said here that they want their own Pinochet.

That may be why they get so angry. The cat's out of the bag now.
AGAIN, nothing but GASLIGHTING from you demented zombies!'re upset that Pelosi (supposedly) didn't stop MAGAcreeps like yourself from attacking the Capitol?

She didn't.
It's not just that she failed to provide National Guard troops for over 70 minutes while the Capitol Police Chief called begging for help 31 times during that time's that she then turned around and asked why Trump didn't do more to stop the riot, Lesh!
Did you want to take a crack at explaining why SHE wasn't called to testify in front of the House Committee? What would make her "off limits"?
This is the guy who was fired because he fucked up so badly that day right?

Fuck him too
Listen to the interview and tell me that it was HIM that fucked up, Lesh! It's quite obvious that he was one of the few people in charge of security that day that DIDN'T fuck up! Don't believe it? Get him and Pelosi in front of investigators...swear them both in and see who says what! He's more than willing. Nancy want's nothing to do with that. Gee...wonder why!
So you really have no clue what the interview contained. You’re content being a left wing tool. Maybe content is the wrong word. Desperate to be may be better. It’s the only way to remain a useless idiot.
Could care less.

The insurrection attempt failed; the insurrectionists were hunted down like dogs. Hopefully Moby Blob gets harpooned pretty soon. Why? Because they knew what we all have known...There was no conspiracy; you guys weren't entrapped, coerced, snookered, cheated, or even remotely prodded into acting like malcontents and felons.

My only hope is that the next time you guys do it; the cops open fire. That also goes for any move made by the left on the same scale at our nations capitol if/when Trump were to win and the Democrats were to nut up.

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