Adam Schiff is abusing power


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
House Intelligence Committee's Democratic chairman Adam Schiff announced Wednesday that his committee would look 'beyond Russia' into the president's finances. Trump wrote on Twitter that the Democrats are 'going nuts'. Harassment... they never did this to Obama': Trump blasts House Intel chairman Adam Schiff for probing 'financial and personal lives after finding zero Russian collusion'

The Psychocrat Bigots hate President Trump on 3 levels

Culturally: his race, his gender, his religion

Economically: Trump is a free market capitalist

Politically: Trump has exposed the how totally corrupt and dishonest the Left/Press/Hollywood/Dems really are.

I predict that this will backfire on the Dems. The Voters are disgusted by their dirty political games.

Trump blasts House Intel Chair Adam Schiff for 'looking into his financial and personal lives' | Daily Mail Online
Of course he is abusing his power. Doesn't he have a job to do for his constituents? Does his job description say "Spend every waking hour trying to destroy the President"? I don't think so.
If it was good enough for the Tea Party, I suppose it's good enough for Schiff.
His goal is to destroy the Trump family, their assets, and finally the Trump Administration, all on behalf of Pelosi, Schumer, Hillary, the Democrat party and RINO antiTrumpers.
Schiff is wasting time duplicating the Mueller investigation efforts.
Schiff is doing his duty.
Only his partisan duty but not for the unity of America as a whole.
With a known criminal in the White House leaking state secrets and doing our enemies bidding it is for the good of America as a whole.
You have zero evidence of a known criminal in the appropriately named White House leaking state secrets. If so show me the docket number. Nevertheless Trump is Making America Great Again!

Lol basic government oversight of a mafioso-type criminal is “abuse” according to conservatives now :rolleyes:
Schiff is wasting time duplicating the Mueller investigation efforts.
Schiff is doing his duty.
Only his partisan duty but not for the unity of America as a whole.
Not that the MAGA crowd has any interest in "unity," either. Only silent acquiesence by the other side.

Well, we know your idea of "unity" is the Democrat way or the highway. Hate to tell ya, but that doesn't work for some of us.
Schiff is wasting time duplicating the Mueller investigation efforts.
Schiff is doing his duty.
Only his partisan duty but not for the unity of America as a whole.
Not that the MAGA crowd has any interest in "unity," either. Only silent acquiesence by the other side.
We want unity in building a Wall to protect legal American citizens from third world Invaders who have zero business being in this country!
The irony is that Schitt and the rest of the Swamp (fake news MSM, democrats, DOJ, FBI, etc.) are behaving like the Soviets they claim The Donald is entangled with. Very sad! Time to get a special counsel to investigate Schitt and his fellow liars who are attacking our democracy!
The irony is that Schitt and the rest of the Swamp (fake news MSM, democrats, DOJ, FBI, etc.) are behaving like the Soviets they claim The Donald is entangled with. Very sad!

If The Donald has done nothing wrong, he has nothing to worry about, does he?
Schiff is wasting time duplicating the Mueller investigation efforts.
Schiff is doing his duty.

No. That's not duty. Mueller already has an investigation going and you can bet he's already looked into Trump's finances.

Schitt is just trying to look like a hero to the lefty loon brigade.

Hope he and the rest of the Dems take the next two years wasting tax payer dollars with investigation after investigation.

2020 is looking good for the Reps.

Go Dems.

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