Actor Alec Baldwin shoots and kills Director on set of movie

Somebody had to have planned this.

Who on earth purchased "real" bullets and why ? There is no reason for actual bullets to be anywhere near the set. Who loaded the bullets into the gun ?

Most people who handle guns are a BEAST when it comes to safety. They will drill you TO THE MAX about it. You do not handle ANY firearm with breaching and clearing said firearm YOURSELF.

So even IF Alec was told the gun was "clear" he was MORALLY OBLIGATED, to double check and clear the firearm himself. You do not point a firearm at any target, unless your intent is to shoot at said target. There is no way you can forget to remove the real bullets.

The union crew all conveniently walked off the job the day before. So they were using inexperienced, unlicensed locals. Which created a perfect opportunity to turn Alec into a patsy. This white girl - A purple haired 24 year old IG that was in charge of fire arm safety on set.

I mean. Is there anything else to say ?

How comes both of the people shot were directors? Why would he be pointing a gun at them in the first place?

Baldwin is a loose cannon and has serious issues with women so part of me would not be surprised if he slipped a real bullet in there to kill the female DP. He may have made advances toward her, she turned him down, and he got mad and shot her

Halyna Hutchins was a decent looking white woman


How convenient someone was there to take pictures of Alec "sobbing"


Just imagine Samuel L Jackson did this ?

I went to his insta and he's being cradled. Typical yt male shit.

There was a full moon on Wednesday. I'm a spiritualist who practices ATR and everyone knows if you want strong results you perform on the full moon


This whole thing was an op.

I wouldn't be surprised if someone had a vendetta against those victims and used Alec as an easy target to frame because he will likely get off without jail time (and the real murderer may think they'll get away with it) and since he's not very popular these days,
Somebody had to have planned this.

Who on earth purchased "real" bullets and why ? There is no reason for actual bullets to be anywhere near the set. Who loaded the bullets into the gun ?

Most people who handle guns are a BEAST when it comes to safety. They will drill you TO THE MAX about it. You do not handle ANY firearm with breaching and clearing said firearm YOURSELF.

So even IF Alec was told the gun was "clear" he was MORALLY OBLIGATED, to double check and clear the firearm himself. You do not point a firearm at any target, unless your intent is to shoot at said target. There is no way you can forget to remove the real bullets.

The union crew all conveniently walked off the job the day before. So they were using inexperienced, unlicensed locals. Which created a perfect opportunity to turn Alec into a patsy. This white girl - A purple haired 24 year old IG that was in charge of fire arm safety on set.

I mean. Is there anything else to say ?

How comes both of the people shot were directors? Why would he be pointing a gun at them in the first place?

Baldwin is a loose cannon and has serious issues with women so part of me would not be surprised if he slipped a real bullet in there to kill the female DP. He may have made advances toward her, she turned him down, and he got mad and shot her

Halyna Hutchins was a decent looking white woman

View attachment 555690

How convenient someone was there to take pictures of Alec "sobbing"

View attachment 555691

Just imagine Samuel L Jackson did this ?

I went to his insta and he's being cradled. Typical yt male shit.

There was a full moon on Wednesday. I'm a spiritualist who practices ATR and everyone knows if you want strong results you perform on the full moon

View attachment 555699

This whole thing was an op.

I wouldn't be surprised if someone had a vendetta against those victims and used Alec as an easy target to frame because he will likely get off without jail time (and the real murderer may think they'll get away with it) and since he's not very popular these days,

It crossed my mind that it was a frame job. Kill the person you want dead but put the focus on the asshole nobody likes.
Did Alec kill her with all this planning? I don't think so. He's too full of himself to harm his admiration of himself. I think someone else had a grudge...either against the lady....or more probably, against Alec and this was perfect payback to an asshole with a bad temper rep. He IS responsible though..manslaughter maybe. Negligence. Sueable for that negligence. But deliberate murder? I doubt it.

Time will tell.
It crossed my mind that it was a frame job. Kill the person you want dead but put the focus on the asshole nobody likes.
Did Alec kill her with all this planning? I don't think so. He's too full of himself to harm his admiration of himself. I think someone else had a grudge...either against the lady....or more probably, against Alec and this was perfect payback to an asshole with a bad temper rep. He IS responsible though..manslaughter maybe. Negligence. Sueable for that negligence. But deliberate murder? I doubt it.

Time will tell.
Columbo, Murder She Wtote

This would make a great story
I would say that his negative bullying/abusive attitude and energy has blocked his mind from being fully aware and connected in harmony with others. Plus the conflicts with crew over the unsafe unreliable firearms malfunctioning and reportedly misfiring prior to this fatal shooting were not resolved but still in contention. This pressure around unresolved issues and project deadlines allowed negligence to go unchecked. We all can learn from this, not just the one person the media is targeting. If you were in his shoes you would want to make peace and do more to make up for this horrible tragic death that we all feel the loss and grief from.

The shot through her chest went through the heart of anyone who feels any connection at all with this story, with the media and politics, with the creative process and teamwork it takes to make productions work. I feel that shot. I feel for the actor despite his awful history and image. I would not want to be in his shoes, but I have been in similar and been blamed and judged for what I think is worse than what he did. Laura Bush had to face the fact she killed a teenage classmate and had to listen to a grieving mother cry. It made her a more humble person who dedicated her service to helping save lives around the world. I prefer to follow the role models who let God take the lead and follow that calling. Not the broad gate of destruction where everyone points the finger at other people or groups. We can do better. What we do for the least among us, we do for the Lord. What we fail to do for others, we fail to do for Him. Let us all be better people and show by example to take higher roads.
The Hollywood Left loves to glorify gun violence and make money off of it yet can’t stand the thought of licensed, trained, law abiding Americans owning guns.

I think it is necessary for any Movie Company or production company using guns in their movies need to go through regular training from the NRA.
But just think LeftofLeft, that’s an actual means to preventing it from occurring again. If it’s going to cost “too much”money for appropriate training, not sure liberal producers will support it. Some progressives and leftists will claim that logical requirement supports gun rights.
But just think LeftofLeft, that’s an actual means to preventing it from occurring again. If it’s going to cost “too much”money for appropriate training, not sure liberal producers will support it. Some progressives and leftists will claim that logical requirement supports gun rights.
That’s the point. Liberal Hollywood will support gun rights. Accidents happen. Just stop the bullshit of taking guns from lawful gun owners.
New info.....

Not a PROP – The gun Alec Baldwin fired was being used for TARGET practice with LIVE rounds say MULTIPLE on-set sources​

But TMZ is now reporting that multiple sources on the set of the film Rust have confirmed that not only was it a live round on that day, but that this particular gun was used every day to fire live ammunition – for recreational purposes.

The smoking gun that claimed the life of Halyna Hutchins might’ve been more than just an on-set prop — it was also being fired recreationally, even when cameras weren’t rolling.
Multiple sources directly connected to the ‘Rust’ production tell TMZ … the same gun Alec Baldwin accidentally fired — hitting the DP and director — was being used by crews members off set as well, for what we’re told amounted to target practice.

“We’re told this off-the-clock shooting — which was allegedly happening away from the movie lot — was being done with real bullets,” TMZ writes, “which is how some who worked on the film believe a live round found its way in one of the chambers that day.”

Real gun. Real bullets. Real bad.

This happened after many complaints from crew that the “green” armorer in charge wasn’t properly handling the on-set weapons, and that there had already been multiple accidental discharges.

Baldwin is not just an actor on the film, and not just the person who fired the fatal shot killing a woman and injuring the director, he’s an executive producer. One of the people responsible for what happens on the set of his film.

This is a terrible thing to happen and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. But the question of responsibility and culpability still has to be decided in a court of law. And it is very possible Baldwin’s responsibility is real, and he is legally culpable, even if only in part, for the tragic event. Negligence and lack of gun safety is something with a foreseeable outcome.

Alec should be in deep doo doo as executive producer but the woman's father said he doesn't blame Baldwin.

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