Acosta Throws a Hissy Fit


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

President Trump ignores him at a presser in Vietnam.

Good for the president!

CNN's Jim Acosta complains Trump didn't call on U.S. press: “He was calling on reporters from Russian state media, Chinese state media, Sean Hannity from FOX”
Trump called on reporters from ABC, Bloomberg, CBS, Fox News, NPR, NYT, WashPost
Acosta is mad he did not get called on — Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) February 28, 2019
More @ WATCH: Acosta goes berserk after Trump didn’t give him a question in Vietnam | | Media Equalizer
Doesn’t rank up there with W finally pulling the plug on the insufferable Helen Thomas IMO, but it’s a nice well-deserved put-down for having acted like a jackass in the past. Jaime will get over it. In fact, I can imagine Trump going out of his way soon to call on him while needling him in the process. “...Jim, Acosta, please...I understand your feelings or something were hurt back in Vietnam, I that right? Did I get that right? Anyway, your question?...
I'm still trying to figure out why CNN still sends Jim Acosta to pressers.

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