Accused Oakland, CA Shooter: Glenn Beck 'Blew My Mind'

It's a short drive to get a tea bagger to go nuts, and they all have multiple guns.

How many TEA party members do you know?

And how do you know they all have guns, multiple guns?

The only violence at tea party demonstrations have been perpetrated by loony lefties. it's a (useless) scare tactic they're using to try to convince people that tea partiers are "scary" . It's what they do when the majority is against them. They lie and try to spread fear.

I knew that. I saw the video of the racist SEIU Purple shirts beat a black man down at a rally for being black and selling flags.

So much for freedom of association
Free enterprise
Free speech
Right to peacefully gather
* Democrats destroy town with May Day Bash Video
* Searchlight, NV - Senator Harry Reid Supporters threw eggs at Tea Party bus caravan
* It was fear of Democrat violence that caused Ann Coulter's speech to be canceled this week.
* It was a Democrat who bit the finger off a man who disagreed with him on health care.
* It was Obama-loving Amy Bishop who took a gun to work and murdered co-workers.
* Joseph Stack flew his plane into the IRS building after writing an anti-conservative manifesto.
* It was Democrats who destroyed AM radio towers outside of Seattle.
* It's Democrats who burn down Hummer dealerships.
* It was Democrats SEIU union thugs who beat a black conservative man who spoke his mind.
* It's doubtful that a conservative fired shots into a GOP campaign headquarters.
* Democrats lied saying Tea Party threw a rock through their 30th Floor window. Really? A 300ft vertical throw?
* Obama's friend Bill Ayers used terrorism as a tool for political change. SDS is still radical, with arrests in 2007 & storming the CATO Institute in 2008
* It was a Democrat who was sentenced to two years for bringing bombs and riot shields to the Republican National Convention in 2008.
* It was a Democrat who threatened to kill a government informant who infiltrated her Austin-based group that planned to bomb the RNC.
* It was Democrats who assaulted police in Berkeley.
* It was Democrats who intimidated and threw rocks through the windows of researchers.
* The two Democrat Black Panthers who stood outside polls intimidating people with nightsticks were probably not right-wingers.
* Every time the G20 gets together, it's not conservatives who destroy property and cause chaos.
* It was the Democrat Black Panthers who called both Bush Presidents "RACIST".
* It was Democrats who Destroyed, Rioted & Attacked at the first & second Bush Inaugurations.











[ame=""]Bush Inauguration 2001[/ame]
[ame=""]An indoctrinated little kid wants to kill Bush[/ame]
[ame=""]Democrat Terrorist in Action[/ame]
[ame=""]Democrat John Edwards "We're going to hang George Bush"[/ame]
[ame=""]Violent Democrats protest RNC[/ame]
[ame=""]Oakland Riot[/ame]
[ame=""]Students Attack Tuition Protest[/ame]
[ame=""]Psycho SEIU Democrats beating black man[/ame]
Looks like we are going to have to take a look at all the people who commit crimes in this country and determine what ideology they most like adhere to. Apparently thats what you are saying. Im pretty sure that every crime commited is because of one ideology or another right? Not for any other reason.

When you get into crimes of terrorism, which Byron Williams was into, it's not so cut and dried. It's more likely to be ideology based.

It is about as valid to blame a TV pundit as it is to say 'The Devil made me do it'.

For some libs, like Dick Head, there is no personal responsibility... McDonalds made them fat and Marlboro made them smoke... The only recourse is to sue them all...
# incite - motivate: give an incentive for action; "This moved me to sacrifice my career"
# incite - provoke or stir up; "incite a riot"; "set off great unrest among the people"
# incite - prod: urge on; cause to act; "The other children egged the boy on, but he did not want to throw the stone through the window"
I knew Beck's toxic leakage of mouth was eventually going to translate into actual violence, or almost-violence, had this guy gotten to San Fran. I hate Glen Beck, with a passion.

Your hatred makes you far worse than those you disagree with. it's far more toxic than anything Glenn has ever said.

I've noticed that despite how long this thread is no one has provided a single instance of Glenn inciting violence.
Who wants to shut you up? I'm pretty content that the radical right is snarling itself into incohesion. The more you yuck it up about armed insurrection, the easier it is for the American people to recognize what fringe whackos you are.

In case you haven't are the fringe whackos. The majority of the American people feel exactly as I do. And pretending it's otherwise won't make it so. It just makes you look like elitist retards.

Except if I lose at the polls, I'm not going to run around screaming for armed insurrection, and pretend it's a constitutional right.

Since when have you cared about the Constitution?
In case you haven't are the fringe whackos. The majority of the American people feel exactly as I do. And pretending it's otherwise won't make it so. It just makes you look like elitist retards.

Except if I lose at the polls, I'm not going to run around screaming for armed insurrection, and pretend it's a constitutional right.

Since when have you cared about the Constitution?

My entire life, asshat.
I knew Beck's toxic leakage of mouth was eventually going to translate into actual violence, or almost-violence, had this guy gotten to San Fran. I hate Glen Beck, with a passion.

Your hatred makes you far worse than those you disagree with. it's far more toxic than anything Glenn has ever said.

I've noticed that despite how long this thread is no one has provided a single instance of Glenn inciting violence.

It makes a good left wing loon talking point that came from their echo chamber. :eusa_whistle:
I knew Beck's toxic leakage of mouth was eventually going to translate into actual violence, or almost-violence, had this guy gotten to San Fran. I hate Glen Beck, with a passion.

Your hatred makes you far worse than those you disagree with. it's far more toxic than anything Glenn has ever said.

I've noticed that despite how long this thread is no one has provided a single instance of Glenn inciting violence.


Of course playing Glenn Beck on a liberal broadcast makes the recording wrong, right? No wait, he isnt inciting violence he's just saying Liberals want to kill people and they are "a great and powerful EVIL is coming"

Telling someone that a great and powerful evil is coming to kill you isnt inciting violence and wouldnt make anyone afraid for their lives. Oh except, the caller that calls him and believes him. What would you do if a great and powerful evil was coming to take your life? Would you do something violent to stop it?
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If this guy tried to connect dots like that, you'd have a point. That's quite different from Beck's rabble rousing, and the threats of violence we've seen with the tea baggers.

Who is threatening violence?

Here's one:

Sharron Angle Floated '2nd Amendment Remedies' As 'Cure' For 'The Harry Reid Problems'

Here's another:

Tea Party anger boils over into threats and violence, Democrats the target

Sarah Palin tweets: “Don’t retreat. RELOAD."




Geez, I guess sportscasters are going to have to stop saying "he's got a rifle for an arm",
"he blew him away with that pitch", etc. etc. etc.

To think that simple colloquialisms would be elevated by the libs to actual threats of violence is humerous at best and indicitive of a complete lack of understanding of the uses of the English language at worst....or maybe there is something else brewing?
I knew Beck's toxic leakage of mouth was eventually going to translate into actual violence, or almost-violence, had this guy gotten to San Fran. I hate Glen Beck, with a passion.

Your hatred makes you far worse than those you disagree with. it's far more toxic than anything Glenn has ever said.

I've noticed that despite how long this thread is no one has provided a single instance of Glenn inciting violence.


Of course playing Glenn Beck on a liberal broadcast makes the recording wrong, right? No wait, he isnt inciting violence he's just saying Liberals want to kill people and they are "a great and powerful EVIL is coming"

Telling someone that a great and powerful evil is coming to kill you isnt inciting violence and wouldnt make anyone afraid for their lives. Oh except, the caller that calls him and believes him. What would you do if a great and powerful evil was coming to take your life? Would you do something violent to stop it?

Keep listening to the Young Turks, it really looks like a place to go for a good indoctrination.
Your hatred makes you far worse than those you disagree with. it's far more toxic than anything Glenn has ever said.

I've noticed that despite how long this thread is no one has provided a single instance of Glenn inciting violence.


Of course playing Glenn Beck on a liberal broadcast makes the recording wrong, right? No wait, he isnt inciting violence he's just saying Liberals want to kill people and they are "a great and powerful EVIL is coming"

Telling someone that a great and powerful evil is coming to kill you isnt inciting violence and wouldnt make anyone afraid for their lives. Oh except, the caller that calls him and believes him. What would you do if a great and powerful evil was coming to take your life? Would you do something violent to stop it?

Keep listening to the Young Turks, it really looks like a place to go for a good indoctrination.

Cool I'll do that, now want to address the recording of Beck scaring the shit out of ppl and the lady calling to ask will she be killed? I know if someone told me evil was coming to take my life I might try to get them before they got me.
As I said, I don't take the threats of armed insurrection by the tea baggers, because they didn't get their way at the polls, as a joke. Williams and other domestic terrorists are a testament to that.

The polls have nothing to do with it. what has something to do with it is how Congress acted this year.

The polls have everything to do with it. They were duly elected by the people. The radical right fringe can yell "tyranny" all they want, but it doesn't change the fact that the election was the constitutional process for change. That doesn't dismiss the threats of armed insurrection being made by that fringe.

The polls do not have one thing to do with how people feel. What broke to back was how governmentdoubled down and did what ever it wanted to. next time people go to D.C. they will not be carring signs., WE ARE FED UP.

Of course playing Glenn Beck on a liberal broadcast makes the recording wrong, right? No wait, he isnt inciting violence he's just saying Liberals want to kill people and they are "a great and powerful EVIL is coming"

Telling someone that a great and powerful evil is coming to kill you isnt inciting violence and wouldnt make anyone afraid for their lives. Oh except, the caller that calls him and believes him. What would you do if a great and powerful evil was coming to take your life? Would you do something violent to stop it?

Keep listening to the Young Turks, it really looks like a place to go for a good indoctrination.

Cool I'll do that, now want to address the recording of Beck scaring the shit out of ppl and the lady calling to ask will she be killed? I know if someone told me evil was coming to take my life I might try to get them before they got me.

Oh brother, Beck didn't incite anything, and if there is people out there that are too scared to lived everyday life, it isn't Beck's fault. I have a feeling you fall into that category. Now get back and be indoctrinated by the "Young Turks". :cuckoo:
These people are unreal. :rolleyes:
I knew Beck's toxic leakage of mouth was eventually going to translate into actual violence, or almost-violence, had this guy gotten to San Fran. I hate Glen Beck, with a passion.
Blame obama or haven't you notice he has not tried one time to unite this country. He has shut the door in the face of people who still believe this country is a country of laws, and believe the Constitution is still a good thing.

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