Accidental deaths by firearms


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Less then 1000 people of all ages die each year due to accidents with firearms.

There are approximately 200,000,000 firearms in private hands. Ignoring Police and military firearms.

We will round up to 1000 deaths and we will use the 200 Million Firearms number.

The percentage of accidental firearms deaths to Firearms in use is .0005 Percent. Or with out the percent .000005. That is I believe 5 deaths per 100000.

We have people on this board and in this Country that would ban private firearms or restrict their possession or storage in a home for this INSIGNIFICANT number of accidents. They use tricks to try and make their point. For one they claim all 1000 deaths are children, they include 18 and 19 year olds as children. They add suicide rates in the number, a bald face misrepresentation, as suicide does not depend on a firearm to commit. The other trick is to claim one child every 9 hours dies due to accidental gun use.

While it is true that to the family of a dead loved one the death is not insignificant, that does not change the fact that statistically speaking this rate is meaningless.

Who believes that 5 deaths per 100000 people is a rate worth denying our Second Amendment rights? Or restricting gun owners in how they store and maintain their weapons?

Actually a National program of teaching our youth how to handle and use firearms, as was done up until the 60's would probably bring this number even lower. I would say that statistically speaking our firearms owners are a pretty responsible bunch.
I agree, but I do think if you have children in your home you should lock up your guns. I also think you should take classes, and belong to the NRA IMO. But it isn't the people who are responsible gun owners or even legal gun owners commiting most of the crimes, so I don't see the point of too much regulation these days. I do agree with a waiting period, and background check.
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We have a constitutional right to bear arms. Liberals, socialists and Marxist will ignore the Constitution in their attempt to remove them from the hands of law abiding citizens.

Liberalism is a mental disorder...of the first degree.
We have people on this board...that would ban private firearms or restrict their possession or storage in a home for this INSIGNIFICANT number of accidents.


Just in the last week we had a thread where the OP claimed we needed stricter laws on guns in homes and how they are stored. He brought up the a child killed every 9 hours by accident. Which is a bald faced lie. He was supported by a couple people in the thread.
I agree, but I do think if you have children in your home you should lock up your guns. I also think you should take classes, and belong to the NRA IMO. But it isn't the people who are responsible gun owners or even legal gun owners commiting most of the crimes, so I don't see the point of too much regulation these days. I do agree with a waiting period, and background check.

Background check is necessary. Studies conducted since the waiting periods have been introduced, including the annual ones conducted by the ATF and FBI prove waiting periods have had absolutely no effect on crime reduction. Just the opposite, incidences where people who were trying to purchase weapons for self defense were killed by ex boyfriends or husbands before they were able to make the purchase due to the waiting period. Granted these incidents are relatively rare and in some cases may have had little to no effect but the fact remains some would be alive today without the waiting period.
I agree, but I do think if you have children in your home you should lock up your guns. I also think you should take classes, and belong to the NRA IMO. But it isn't the people who are responsible gun owners or even legal gun owners commiting most of the crimes, so I don't see the point of too much regulation these days. I do agree with a waiting period, and background check.

Background check is necessary. Studies conducted since the waiting periods have been introduced, including the annual ones conducted by the ATF and FBI prove waiting periods have had absolutely no effect on crime reduction. Just the opposite, incidences where people who were trying to purchase weapons for self defense were killed by ex boyfriends or husbands before they were able to make the purchase due to the waiting period. Granted these incidents are relatively rare and in some cases may have had little to no effect but the fact remains some would be alive today without the waiting period.

That is a good point, I was thinking for of a waiting period to make sure their record came back clean. But you made a good point, somewhat changes my mind.
We have a constitutional right to bear arms. Liberals, socialists and Marxist will ignore the Constitution in their attempt to remove them from the hands of law abiding citizens.

Liberalism is a mental disorder...of the first degree.

Not all liberals do. ;)
I agree, but I do think if you have children in your home you should lock up your guns. I also think you should take classes, and belong to the NRA IMO. But it isn't the people who are responsible gun owners or even legal gun owners commiting most of the crimes, so I don't see the point of too much regulation these days. I do agree with a waiting period, and background check.

I agree with all you said except belonging to the NRA.

I belonged to them many years ago before their primary purpose was political.
We have people on this board...that would ban private firearms or restrict their possession or storage in a home for this INSIGNIFICANT number of accidents.


Just in the last week we had a thread where the OP claimed we needed stricter laws on guns in homes and how they are stored. He brought up the a child killed every 9 hours by accident. Which is a bald faced lie. He was supported by a couple people in the thread.

I didn't see that.

However, laws on guns in home and how they are stored would not infringe on the right to own guns.
I agree, but I do think if you have children in your home you should lock up your guns. I also think you should take classes, and belong to the NRA IMO. But it isn't the people who are responsible gun owners or even legal gun owners commiting most of the crimes, so I don't see the point of too much regulation these days. I do agree with a waiting period, and background check.

I agree with all you said except belonging to the NRA.

I belonged to them many years ago before their primary purpose was political.

Considering the decades long assault on the 2nd Amendment I personally have no problem with that. They have by far the largest weapons owning membership in the nation and many of the reasonable gun laws were authored or co-authored by the NRA including adding those with psychiatric issues to the background check for denial of ownership.
I agree, but I do think if you have children in your home you should lock up your guns. I also think you should take classes, and belong to the NRA IMO. But it isn't the people who are responsible gun owners or even legal gun owners commiting most of the crimes, so I don't see the point of too much regulation these days. I do agree with a waiting period, and background check.

I agree with all you said except belonging to the NRA.

I belonged to them many years ago before their primary purpose was political.

And I am not saying you should have to, I am just saying as a responsible gun owner you should. And I think nationally they are political, but locally not so much.
I agree, but I do think if you have children in your home you should lock up your guns. I also think you should take classes, and belong to the NRA IMO. But it isn't the people who are responsible gun owners or even legal gun owners commiting most of the crimes, so I don't see the point of too much regulation these days. I do agree with a waiting period, and background check.

I agree with all you said except belonging to the NRA.

I belonged to them many years ago before their primary purpose was political.

And I am not saying you should have to, I am just saying as a responsible gun owner you should. And I think nationally they are political, but locally not so much.

Very active locally too here.
I belong to a sporting/hunting club. Recently NRA members tried to make membership in the NRA mandatory. The leaders of this movement are also active tea baggers and extreme right wingers.
Had their motion succeded I was going to walk out.
I agree with all you said except belonging to the NRA.

I belonged to them many years ago before their primary purpose was political.

And I am not saying you should have to, I am just saying as a responsible gun owner you should. And I think nationally they are political, but locally not so much.

Very active locally too here.
I belong to a sporting/hunting club. Recently NRA members tried to make membership in the NRA mandatory. The leaders of this movement are also active tea baggers and extreme right wingers.
Had their motion succeded I was going to walk out.

I agree with you there. Membership is voluntary, period. Thankfully their motion was struck down, that's just wrong.

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