ACA Mandate...Freedom Loving?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Democrats exclusively forcing Americans (mandated) to pay for something they consider a socialistic Democrat policy doomed to failure and fiscal ruin..

Freedom loving or something else?

My opinion, without the "Exclusively Democrat" jack-booted mandate, Democrats hold no confidence of success..

For Wry Catcher and his pissing and moaning ways...Urban Dictionary: jack booted thug
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Freedom of speech.. USMB
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There is no ACA ‘mandate,’ it’s a bluff.

If one doesn’t buy insurance, he’s subject to a fee.

If one doesn’t pay the fee, his income tax return is garnished.

If one has no income tax return, nothing happens.

And all during this process the individual has no health insurance, as the ACA has no provision to ‘force’ anyone to purchase health insurance.

But you and others on the right know this already, yet you keep the myth of the ‘mandate’ alive nonetheless, for some perceived partisan gain.
There is no ACA ‘mandate,’ it’s a bluff.

If one doesn’t buy insurance, he’s subject to a fee.

If one doesn’t pay the fee, his income tax return is garnished.

If one has no income tax return, nothing happens.

And all during this process the individual has no health insurance, as the ACA has no provision to ‘force’ anyone to purchase health insurance.

But you and others on the right know this already, yet you keep the myth of the ‘mandate’ alive nonetheless, for some perceived partisan gain.

Here we have another liberal moron who doesn't know what force is. In the absence of force, nothing you listed above would occur.
I think all you dipshit neocons should have to pay a fee just for breathing.
There is no ACA ‘mandate,’ it’s a bluff.

If one doesn’t buy insurance, he’s subject to a fee.

If one doesn’t pay the fee, his income tax return is garnished.

If one has no income tax return, nothing happens.

And all during this process the individual has no health insurance, as the ACA has no provision to ‘force’ anyone to purchase health insurance.

But you and others on the right know this already, yet you keep the myth of the ‘mandate’ alive nonetheless, for some perceived partisan gain.

What will the federal government require that I buy next? They can now make a list of items everyone should buy and charge them a fee if they don't buy them. All they have to do is sell it to the Democrats in Congress as a fee and to the Supreme Court as a tax.

I thought you had to file an income tax return in order to get a subsidy to pay for the health insurance. Of course, not filing a return if you do have income is subject to fine and/or imprisonment.

It is a contradiction to say there is no mandate. If you work for a wage or a salary and earn enough to pay Federal Income Tax, you are going to buy health insurance or be penalized for not doing so.

Are you related to Obama? I guess it is back to what the meaning of "is" is.
Now is good time to complain. Two years from now you neo-Nazis will be claiming that Obamacare should be called Reagancare.
If it gives you choices and the private market runs it. Well, it isn't really government ran health care.

More of government regulated decentralized like private like system ;)

Where does the electricity come from that runs your computer? Is it privately provided, or regulated by the State?
If it gives you choices and the private market runs it. Well, it isn't really government ran health care.

More of government regulated decentralized like private like system ;)

Where does the electricity come from that runs your computer? Is it privately provided, or regulated by the State?

Government regulated privately owned power company ;-) The local government can step in and fine them or break them up at anytime.
Where does the electricity come from that runs your computer? Is it privately provided, or regulated by the State?

At my cabin it comes from the sun which is regulated by Mother Nature.

At my house it comes from the (city) government owned and operated power plant.

But you can get that when solar panels become sufficiently common they will somehow be metered or taxed by government. Already placement of wind machines is highly regulated and outlawed in many jurisdictions. As are engine-driven generators except in extremely rural areas.
Constitutionally illegal for the government to have a state religion. Thank god ;)

Prayer rugs are sold by merchants, not religions. I could understand a government that paid any attention to an antiquated historical document having an aversion to imposing a state religion. But that's not the case here. Nay, government capable of forcing you to buy insurance from a private supplier is also capable of fording you to buy a prayer rug from a private supplier. Just not (presently) capable of forcing you to pray on it.
There is no ACA ‘mandate,’ it’s a bluff.


Let's run with this one for a step or two. A 'bluff', as you say, is usually a term which refers to a poker player who is lying to his opponent players with the objective of personal benefit. Since the 'mandate' is codified in the Federal Congressional Record, the 'bluff' is _______ fill in the blank here. My brain just went numb.
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There is no ACA ‘mandate,’ it’s a bluff.

If one doesn’t buy insurance, he’s subject to a fee.

If one doesn’t pay the fee, his income tax return is garnished.

If one has no income tax return, nothing happens.

And all during this process the individual has no health insurance, as the ACA has no provision to ‘force’ anyone to purchase health insurance.

But you and others on the right know this already, yet you keep the myth of the ‘mandate’ alive nonetheless, for some perceived partisan gain.

Here we have another liberal moron who doesn't know what force is. In the absence of force, nothing you listed above would occur.

Exactly. It's like income tax. They can't force you to send in your return along with a check, but there is hell to pay if you don't. Pelosi thought sending people to jail for failing to pay the fine would be a fair thing to do.

Obama wants to fuck with the military regarding their health care insurance. He wants to phase out Tricare and will do it by charging 5 times as much for it over the next few years. That is what the typical dictator does. It would force people into Obamacare. Many of us already had insurance plans that we liked. We are losing them and have no choice but to accept whatever crap Obama says we can have. No freedom to make decisions we feel are in our best interest. Obama and the liberals don't know shit about health care and they are clueless about how businesses run. They can't even build a website. Hell, government couldn't run a whorehouse.

It should bother everyone that congress, Obama and the IRS want nothing to do with Obamacare. When the cook refuses to eat his own food, it's probably full of poison.

To the libturd who thinks Republicans should be charged for breathing, I think you and your fellow dipsticks should be fined every time you mindlessly regurgitate talking points. That money could go to paying for the government dependents and give the tax payers a big break. Oh wait, most of the idiots spouting talking points already are government dependents. And the wealthy people who do that don't want to part with their own money, they are just generous with other peoples' money.
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