Abuses in the Tennessee Walking Horse industry


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
My cousin is a WH trainer (but not big licks) and my family have had Walkers for years..I've shown a few times as well.

There are different ways to go with showing...the "big licks" are those who use the weighted pads and chains, and show in the really exaggerated gaits. This is the industry where abuses occur..to get them to do what they do, they beat, sore (caustic substances/wounding on their fetlocks to make them hurt more) etc. to get these wonderful horses to fling their feet out there.

The thing is, Walkers are such tremendous animals ANYWAY. They are the only breed I know that can undergo such systematic abuse over generations and STILL want to give you more. Not only that, they're TOUGH...try putting weighted shoes on Quarterhorses or Thoroughbreds and push them hard and see what you've got.

I've been to the shows and met the trainers...and I've never really come out and said that they need to get rid of the style of showing, because it is steeped in tradition and it really is fascinating. I've ridden a big lick champion...but it's time to stop. Walkers are wonderful the way they are...their gait is natural, they are born with that runwalk...and there's no way the big lick industry can continue without continued abuses. It's time to shut them down.

The video is in the link.

Feds strengthen enforcement of anti-soring laws - News - Horsetalk.co.nz
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuqN9n4RF4Y]Tennessee Walking Horse Show 2 year Old Mares and Geldings - YouTube[/ame]

The mares and geldings here are two year olds. They look small because they're still growing...
Walkers are a great breed! Anyone who would torture them to make their gait more showy should be beaten.

Good post. These beautiful animals have such an easy gait to ride, and are so willing to work, they should not be subjected to this sort of abuse.
This is a walker doing what they do naturally.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJCAF-g1WBE&feature=related]All Natural Tennessee Walking Horse Gelding BAREFOOT - YouTube[/ame]
I love that this girl takes her kids on board with her.

I always did, too. I taught my boys how to ride that way...and the Walkers I've known won't let a kid fall off.

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You know what that is, it's fucking disgusting! And all those people watching those horses are disgusting. To sit there and watch a horse that's been forced to walk like that by making it sore, etc.

Disgusting. I didn't even know something like this existed. I almost wish I hadn't read this thread.

People need to be going to jail for this. I was relieved to read in the article that something is being done about it, at first I thought it was acceptable practice.

You're right koshergrl, it's time to shut them down.

And I know how you feel, I am an Alaskan who as a lot of concerns with the sport of dog mushing.
I asked my cousin what she thought needed to be done..she said they need to actually punish people who get caught doing it, and punish the people at the shows who are supposed to report that stuff, when it shows up.

It is one of those things...everybody knows it's happening, everybody does it...and everybody denies they're doing it or it's happening..AS THEY'RE DOING IT.

I think most of the abusers are progressives, lol.
Had a Walker in NC and when I moved to Florida I brought him with me.

When I got him they had one of those ridiculous Walker bits and a tie down on him. I made a bit change to a Billy Allen which has a thick mouthpeice with a brass roller. The tie down came off and he quite acting like an idiot with his head.

Red turned out to be the absolute best trail horse I've eve had. I've come down the side of a mountain on that boy and he always kept me safe.

He wasn't a spook and crossed water no problem. He was always the first to go when horses were being assholes about crossing a ditch or a stream. Red went right through all of it.

Those "big lick" trainers should be shot. Horse abuse at its worst.

Walkers are great horses and deserve better than they get from those asshole trainers.
Yeah I don't know what a Walker bit is...we usually ride ours with snaffles or curbs, or a curb with a roller, they all seem to like the roller.


that's a walker bit..it's like a modified tom thumb...a snaffle used with a curb strap and shanks that works as a VICE on the lower jaw. I thought they were mild bits until someone told me that...so I put it over my hand and pulled the reins..sure enough, vice action...awful.

My mom rode a walker in a very tough 25 mile endurance race in New Mexico in the 80s..she came in 6th, right behind the money, which is pretty good. The winners were Arabs and one Appaloosa that she let around after the woman riding him rode up on her and stepped on her horse's heels. Nice. I've ridden after cows on them, traipsed all over the mountains..lovely, tough, sweet horses.
This is called a walker bit, too...but we always called it a grazing bit...

This isn't a bad bit, at least it doesn't break in the middle and crunch the jaw bones:


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