About time!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

It's past time to go after these hard core Trump states who have little regard for the safety of children.

Masks work! Ask any doctor or nurse not affiliated with Fox News.
The children are safer without the vaccination. Masks will weaken their immune systems you rhetoric spouting loser.
It's past time to go after these hard core scum demonRAT states who have little regard for the safety of children.

Masks DO NOT work! .......Ask any doctor or nurse not affiliated with the msm
Bill, I just noticed you've posted this same thread about 47 times.

What's wrong with your brain? It seems to be broke.

It's past time to go after these hard core Trump states who have little regard for the safety of children.

Masks work! Ask any doctor or nurse not affiliated with Fox News.

These people don't want to do anything to stop this virus.

They just surrender like cowards they are without even doing the barest minimum to protect themselves and people around them.

Americans don't give up. We keep fighting until we win.

The people who just want to do nothing and surrender immediately are the ones who taking our freedoms from us.

If these people had followed simple guidelines and also got vaccinated, we wouldn't be having to do this mess all over again.

Yet they didn't. So they allowed this virus to get hold of our nation just as we were wining the fight with it.

Here we are now, back to masks and quarantines.

Only because stupid selfish people insist to take the lazy cowardly way and do nothing to fight this virus.

We were opening all over the nation and expected to be able to have close to normal back by the end of this year but the stupid, selfish, lazy and cowardly people took us backward to mask mandates, quarantines and people dying at such high rates, funeral homes can't keep up with it. Refrigerator trucks sent to keep dead bodies because there is no other place to put them. Emergency military medical people having to be sent back to help overrun hospitals and all the rest of the nightmare that is the virus.

None of this had to happen. The selfish, lazy, stupid and cowardly people have caused this to happen now.
Children have a higher heart rate and metabolism, which their bodies require more oxygen. And lowering the oxygen intake can cause them to suffocate. because children are very active and need more oxygen intake. Like a high performance race car. They remove the air filter and have a super powerful super charger turbo that crams more air into the air-fuel mixture. The more air they can cram into and more they can eliminate from behind, the more fuel they can add into one ignite. That it gives the car more power.

You can use a hair dryer to blow more air into the air intake. And you will see the RPM will go up higher on its own.

But if you restrict the flow of air, the fuel will not have a complete burn which will create more carbon monoxide, causing the car to lose more power.

After the blood flows through the body. That the blood turns bluish because of a lack of oxygen because the body absorbed most of the oxygen from the blood. But the blood recycles it back into the lungs where it goes back to get oxygenated, and the cycle restarts back over again.

But lowering it will cause the person to become sluggish because the oxygen levels are reduced. But more oxygen gives the body more energy. That is why professional bodybuilders try their best to get more oxygen into their bloodstream. It's because it gives them more energy to workout longer.

And what causes us to become tired at the end of the day. It is due to the increase of inflammation in the brain that is causing the lack of oxygen, which causes drowsiness and fatigue.

But after a long sleep. The body filters out the inflammation built in the brain, causing the increase of oxygen to the brain. Then you will wake up feeling rejuvenated.

Oxygen deprivation can cause metabolic changes and the metabolic changes that happen in neuronal cells are vitally important for cognitive functioning and brain plasticity and it is known that when drastic metabolic shifts occur in the brain, there are consequent changes of oxidative stress (cellular oxidative state) and these have a significant role in managing neuron functioning (we do not claim that masking would produce complete absence of oxygen of course).

The acute warning symptoms are headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, reduced ability to concentrate and reductions in cognitive function.


It's past time to go after these hard core Trump states who have little regard for the safety of children.

Masks work! Ask any doctor or nurse not affiliated with Fox News.
The real push of the Children Agenda started a few weeks ago or so. They have been out of school for the most part of a year. This will make equity even better.

It's past time to go after these hard core Trump states who have little regard for the safety of children.

Masks work! Ask any doctor or nurse not affiliated with Fox News.
Oh, I thought you were referring to the latest cover of Time:

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