About those poll questions in universal background checks…..


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
When anti-gunners ask loaded questions in polls to get anti-gun answers, we have more accurate questions and the results of those polls….

The Crime Prevention Research Center hired McLaughlin & Associates to survey people’s views on universal background checks. We started with the standard question asked by survey groups such as Gallup and Morning Consult+Politico, and they added details about these laws that are left out of these surveys.

When anti-gunners ask loaded questions in polls to get anti-gun answers, we have more accurate questions and the results of those polls….

The Crime Prevention Research Center hired McLaughlin & Associates to survey people’s views on universal background checks. We started with the standard question asked by survey groups such as Gallup and Morning Consult+Politico, and they added details about these laws that are left out of these surveys.

That's a corollary to lies damn lies and statistics
Background checks are nothing more than a placebo for the stupid.

They do nothing to prevent a person hell bent on committing a crime from getting a fire arm.

In addition background checks violate the American principle of innocent until proven guilty. A requirement to get a background check is an assumption of guilty until proven innocent. Very anti Liberty.

The worst thing is that is violation of our Constitutional right. There is a Constitutional Right to keep and bear arms and it is established in the Bill of Rights. If we have to get government permission (i.e background check) to enjoy a Constitutional right then the Bill of Rights isn't worth the paper it is written on, is it?
Background checks are nothing more than a placebo for the stupid.

They do nothing to prevent a person hell bent on committing a crime from getting a fire arm.

In addition background checks violate the American principle of innocent until proven guilty. A requirement to get a background check is an assumption of guilty until proven innocent. Very anti Liberty.

The worst thing is that is violation of our Constitutional right. There is a Constitutional Right to keep and bear arms and it is established in the Bill of Rights. If we have to get government permission (i.e background check) to enjoy a Constitutional right then the Bill of Rights isn't worth the paper it is written on, is it?
You may have noticed, but in just in case...

Anti-gun loons don't give a hoot in hell about the 2nd Amendment.
They simply ignore it, as if it were never written.
You may have noticed, but in just in case...

Anti-gun loons don't give a hoot in hell about the 2nd Amendment.
They simply ignore it, as if it were never written.
The Democrats must think the Black and Brown street thugs have an absolute right to keep and bear arms because they do absolutely nothing to prevent gun crimes in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes.

Moron.....the anti-gun assholes like you don't care about criminals getting guns.....you can tell because when cops arrest criminals with guns, anti-gun democrats keep letting them out of jail and prison to do more gun crime.

The only reason you shitheads want universal background checks is so you can then demand gun registration....that is the only reason you push universal background checks....you need gun registration before you start banning and confiscating guns.....
2aguy is hemorrhaging his common sense out his ass. Background checks, waiting laws, and red flag laws are most appropriate, yes. I don't care about gun registration. That is unwarranted. The problem is not guns, it is the freaks who get guns.

His anger shows that he knows he is on the wrong track.
2aguy is hemorrhaging his common sense out his ass. Background checks, waiting laws, and red flag laws are most appropriate, yes. I don't care about gun registration. That is unwarranted. The problem is not guns, it is the freaks who get guns.

His anger shows that he knows he is on the wrong track.
You're lying again.

Red flag laws have one purpose: you want to legalize SWATing gun owners.
Jarl is delusional yet again. I don't want the wrong critters to have access to firearms. I don't care if you have a bazooka if I think you are going to be responsible.
Jarlaxle is delusional if he thinks I want arms confiscated. I want certain people to not be able to legally access weapons.

Nothing ad hom about those statements.

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