About Bishop Mariann Budde.

400 21 white Christian nationalist Republicans “attacking “Christians” - attacking a specific “Christian“ - her name is Mariann Budde. The Christian authoritarians and it’s not so Christian billionaires have met their match.

Christianity is divided - there are the “love the neighbor” Christians vs “ storm the capitol” Christians such as Roadrunner and ding . I’m on the side with BUDDE.. abmbz00421

i. Road Runner i Original Post. : If babies aren't alive in the womb, then how does abortion exist? After all, how can you kill somebody who was never alive in the first place? rdrnnr 230929 aqfpc00001

ii. NotfooledbyW cdxxi to aqfoc00001: See Post nf.23.08.18 #10,336 .. Here is a relevant excerpt;

Rabbi Schneur Zalman explains that the Torah’s use of the word “breath” to describe the Neshama, to teach that it comes from the essence of God, and he refers to it as a “part of God.”[15]

Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan (1934-1983) provides additional insights into this metaphor: [16]
“God's exhaling a soul can be compared to a glassblower forming a vessel. The breath (neshama) first leaves his lips, travels as a wind (ruach) and finally comes to rest (nefesh) in the vessel.

The vessel (our body) I understand is depicted in the lower picture (sleeping infant) and neshama comes to rest in the vessel at birth which I call First Breath.

FIRST BREATH Science is more in line with JEWISH BELIEF than CATHOLIC BELIEF and you can read more about that here: Post nf.22.07.21 #4,

nfbw 250123 abmbz00421
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The response was somewhat predictable.

GOP member wants bishop ‘added to deportation list’ after Trump prayer service

Rep. Mike Collins (R-Ga.) heavily criticized statements made by the Right Rev. Mariann Budde on Tuesday at the inaugural prayer service held for President Trump.

“The person giving this sermon should be added to the deportation list,” Collins wrote in a post on the social platform X, alongside a clip of Budde’s comments.

Cuz, you know, when free speech is exercised by someone who is opposed to trump's immigration polices that person must be punished. Or marginalized. That voice must be extinguished. Because in authoritarian countries dissent is not tolerated.

you keep running on that, cuz the more you do the more he's going to be around. And if you arrest him, he'll probably get a 3rd term

None the less it is true. Right now, in the Oval Office there is a Convicted Felon and Adjudicated Rapist. Our country cannot call itself a law and society when there is a convicted criminal as our chief executive.
The woman behind the pulpit ended to stick to the prayer gathering and not make political comments to the guest president. She was wrong, all of us have the same rights and protections under the Constitution and laws current;y on the books. Apparently, she wants preferential treatment for the subject individuals and that wold be wrong and unfair to the rest of us.
None the less it is true. Right now, in the Oval Office there is a Convicted Felon and Adjudicated Rapist. Our country cannot call itself a law and society when there is a convicted criminal as our chief executive.
Well now, have you contacted your representatives to ask them to do something about the "convicted criminal?" That would be your first step if you feel so strongly- I'd think.
The woman behind the pulpit ended to stick to the prayer gathering and not make political comments to the guest president. She was wrong, all of us have the same rights and protections under the Constitution and laws current;y on the books. Apparently, she wants preferential treatment for the subject individuals and that wold be wrong and unfair to the rest of us.

Being expected to mind-read what pronoun someone wants you to use is like me getting pissed off when someone cannot pronounce my name (which is a challenge). I should demand that someone can be jailed for mispronouncing my name?


The woman behind the pulpit ended to stick to the prayer gathering and not make political comments to the guest president. She was wrong, all of us have the same rights and protections under the Constitution and laws current;y on the books. Apparently, she wants preferential treatment for the subject individuals and that would be wrong and unfair to the rest of us.
/——/ No matter. It’s working.
Border encounters drop sharply as Trump launches crackdown on illegal immigration
Border encounters drop sharply as Trump launches crackdown on illegal immigration
Well now, have you contacted your representatives to ask them to do something about the "convicted criminal?" That would be your first step if you feel so strongly- I'd think.

WTF! It is her right under the First Amendment to engage in free speech, that is exactly what she did. I've never been to National Cathedral. Your just pissed she called out the Orange Shit Stain being the true asshole he is.
That's a character lesson. I would never go to church for stuff like that; I can get character lessons anywhere and everywhere. In children's books, movies, etc.

A Christian sermon should always center on God, Jesus, or Scripture.
Yeah, a Christian sermon should center on how serial adultery, prolific thievery, and pathological lying are sins.
That lady was rude and a dishonest hate and fear monger
"They aren't sending their best people. They bring crime, they're rapists".

THAT is hate and fearmongering, dipshit.

And so is broadcasting every crime committed by an immigrant without mentioning as a group they are far more law abiding than Americans.

Don't even start lecturing about hate and fearmongering. That is ALL your MAGA propagandists do.

Doom music. Militaristic music. Right out of the communist propagandist playbook.
"They aren't sending their best people. They bring crime, they're rapists".

THAT is hate and fearmongering, dipshit.

And so is broadcasting every crime committed by an immigrant without mentioning as a group they are far more law abiding than Americans.

Don't even start lecturing about hate and fearmongering. That is ALL your MAGA propagandists do.

Doom music. Militaristic music. Right out of the communist propagandist playbook.
The Democrat Party is based on hate
Bishop Budde is a U.S. Citizen. She cannot be deported. The Constitution protects her right to free speech.

What fuck headed so-call "Christian" would NOT support The Right Reverend Bishop Budde? A fuck head MAGA MAGGOT who while they believe in the bible, lies out their teeth when saying they are a "Christian".
Bishop Budde is a U.S. Citizen. She cannot be deported. The Constitution protects her right to free speech.

What fuck headed so-call "Christian" would NOT support The Right Reverend Bishop Budde? A fuck head MAGA MAGGOT who while to believe in the bible, lies out their teeth when saying they are a "Christian".

A Catholic who knows she's only pretending to be a bishop.


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