About All Those Positive COVID 'Cases' Fauci Keeps Freaking Out Over...


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Real science, not the crazy stuff overreacting to the virus.

Dr. Anthony Fauci was on CNN Monday morning, lamenting the number of daily positive tests for COVID-19. Of course, these are always called “cases,” which makes people with a medical background want to tear their hair out for several reasons. However, it is crucial to the preferred narrative that you think there are 40,000 new sick people every day. People who could need the type of sophisticated care being given to President Trump at Walter Reed Medical Center.

This idea is ridiculous, misleading, and alarmist for many reasons. First, citing “cases” of illness suggests individuals have symptoms of it. In a significant number of people who are testing positive for COVID-19, this is simply not the case. People who are not and won’t get ill receive a positive test result because of the way the most common type of test used to detect the virus works.

The PCR test does not detect a live virus. For a virus to infect an individual or be transmitted to another person, it must be capable of replication. The PCR does not measure the ability of the material detected to make additional copies of itself. It is appropriate to use the word material because the PCR test looks for pieces of the virus’s RNA. It does not require a complete RNA strand to return a positive result.


As Dr. Beda M. Stadler, a Swiss biologist, emeritus professor, and former director of the Institute of Immunology at the University of Bern, noted that the same virus particles found in a recovered patient will be found in someone with an effective immune response to COVID-19 (emphasis mine):

So if we do a PCR corona test on an immune person, it is not a virus that is detected, but a small shattered part of the viral genome. The test comes back positive for as long as there are tiny shattered parts of the virus left. Correct: Even if the infectious viruses are long dead, a corona test can come back positive, because the PCR method multiplies even a tiny fraction of the viral genetic material enough [to be detected].

Reporting at The New York Times echoed this observation. According to a study done on positive samples in New York, Massachusetts, and Nevada, 90% of tests had very little viral debris in the sample, indicating that infection and transmission are unlikely:

In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus, a review by The Times found.

On Thursday, the United States recorded 45,604 new coronavirus cases, according to a database maintained by The Times. If the rates of contagiousness in Massachusetts and New York were to apply nationwide, then perhaps only 4,500 of those people may actually need to isolate and submit to contact tracing.


Real science, not the crazy stuff overreacting to the virus.

Dr. Anthony Fauci was on CNN Monday morning, lamenting the number of daily positive tests for COVID-19. Of course, these are always called “cases,” which makes people with a medical background want to tear their hair out for several reasons. However, it is crucial to the preferred narrative that you think there are 40,000 new sick people every day. People who could need the type of sophisticated care being given to President Trump at Walter Reed Medical Center.
This idea is ridiculous, misleading, and alarmist for many reasons. First, citing “cases” of illness suggests individuals have symptoms of it. In a significant number of people who are testing positive for COVID-19, this is simply not the case. People who are not and won’t get ill receive a positive test result because of the way the most common type of test used to detect the virus works.
The PCR test does not detect a live virus. For a virus to infect an individual or be transmitted to another person, it must be capable of replication. The PCR does not measure the ability of the material detected to make additional copies of itself. It is appropriate to use the word material because the PCR test looks for pieces of the virus’s RNA. It does not require a complete RNA strand to return a positive result.
As Dr. Beda M. Stadler, a Swiss biologist, emeritus professor, and former director of the Institute of Immunology at the University of Bern, noted that the same virus particles found in a recovered patient will be found in someone with an effective immune response to COVID-19 (emphasis mine):
So if we do a PCR corona test on an immune person, it is not a virus that is detected, but a small shattered part of the viral genome. The test comes back positive for as long as there are tiny shattered parts of the virus left. Correct: Even if the infectious viruses are long dead, a corona test can come back positive, because the PCR method multiplies even a tiny fraction of the viral genetic material enough [to be detected].
Reporting at The New York Times echoed this observation. According to a study done on positive samples in New York, Massachusetts, and Nevada, 90% of tests had very little viral debris in the sample, indicating that infection and transmission are unlikely:
In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus, a review by The Times found.
On Thursday, the United States recorded 45,604 new coronavirus cases, according to a database maintained by The Times. If the rates of contagiousness in Massachusetts and New York were to apply nationwide, then perhaps only 4,500 of those people may actually need to isolate and submit to contact tracing.

New, broader lockdowns incoming . . . ?
Yes we know Trump has said when you test, you have a case but if there is no testing then we would have very few cases

Yet Trump gets tested daily and probably most of the white house personnel but it still spread.

Still without test then how would you know when to isolate your yourself and stay at home. Without testing people will spread the disease without knowing

So I do not have a problem calling it a case as it is just a term. It's only purpose in layman terms is to create action that may be needed. It is not that big of a deal

Science can argue amongst themselves as to whether it is a case or not.
See Sweden....
It is remarkable that the left goes to great pains to avoid Sweden and its success. Sweden followed the science. The very science that Conservatives were demanding that the United States follow way back in April. You know, the immunity to a disease that all living mammals achieve when a virus runs through the population.

Sweden is now back to what normal is. They did not lockdown. They did not enforce masks. They spent a month using social distancing (without masks) and today, they eat in restaurants, got to movies, and ride busses and trains in complete freedom. Mask free.

They still test, and their results are that less than 1% come up positive and a tiny fraction of that 1% actually becomes ill enough to need medical intervention.

Kind of reminds Me of how the world treats influenza.

So, when you hear a leftist scream "The Science" put a map of Sweden up and show them the real science.
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Yes we know Trump has said when you test, you have a case but if there is no testing then we would have very few cases

Yet Trump gets tested daily and probably most of the white house personnel but it still spread.

Still without test then how would you know when to isolate your yourself and stay at home. Without testing people will spread the disease without knowing

So I do not have a problem calling it a case as it is just a term. It's only purpose in layman terms is to create action that may be needed. It is not that big of a deal

Science can argue amongst themselves as to whether it is a case or not.
Ask the Swedes. They didn't bother with testing and now only test as a response to other national pressures.
About All Those Positive COVID 'Cases' Fauci Keeps Freaking Out Over...[

Could you please to the forum how you came to the stupid conclusion that Fauci is "freaking out" about that?

Are you fucking nuts? :dunno:
See Sweden....
It is remarkable that the left goes to great pains to avoid Sweden and its success. Sweden followed the science. The very science that Conservatives were demanding that the United States follow. You know, the immunity to a disease that all living mammals achieve when a virus runs through the population.

Sweden is now back to what normal is. They did not lockdown. They did not enforce masks. They spent a month using social distancing (without masks) and today, they eat in restaurants, got to movies, and ride busses and trains in complete freedom. Mask free.

They still test, and their results are that less than 1% come up positive and a tiny fraction of that 1% actually becomes ill enough to need medical intervention.

Kind of reminds Me of how the world treats influenza.

So, when you hear a leftist scream "The Science" put a map of Sweden up and show them the real science.
This is because they knew from beginning that the virus was not anywhere near as deadly as portrayed, they knew this most likely because they participated with communist China in loosing it upon the planet! This is why they "lumped all deaths in with wuhan fever, especially seasonal flu deaths!" Its not for nothing that fake erroneous fatality ratio plummeted with retreat of seasonal flu, and it is why the DNC and its agent, Andrew Cuomo forced nursing care facilities to take wuhan fever cases no matter what! They were intentionally spiking figures upwards..... Democratic party are co-equal murderers with China's CCP......
See Sweden....
It is remarkable that the left goes to great pains to avoid Sweden and its success. Sweden followed the science. The very science that Conservatives were demanding that the United States follow. You know, the immunity to a disease that all living mammals achieve when a virus runs through the population.

Sweden is now back to what normal is. They did not lockdown. They did not enforce masks. They spent a month using social distancing (without masks) and today, they eat in restaurants, got to movies, and ride busses and trains in complete freedom. Mask free.

They still test, and their results are that less than 1% come up positive and a tiny fraction of that 1% actually becomes ill enough to need medical intervention.

Kind of reminds Me of how the world treats influenza.

So, when you hear a leftist scream "The Science" put a map of Sweden up and show them the real science.
This is because they knew from beginning that the virus was not anywhere near as deadly as portrayed, they knew this most likely because they participated with communist China in loosing it upon the planet! This is why they "lumped all deaths in with wuhan fever, especially seasonal flu deaths!" Its not for nothing that fake erroneous fatality ratio plummeted with retreat of seasonal flu, and it is why the DNC and its agent, Andrew Cuomo forced nursing care facilities to take wuhan fever cases no matter what! They were intentionally spiking figures upwards..... Democratic party are co-equal murderers with China's CCP......
By "They" I'm assuming you mean the Democrats.

I don't think they were active in letting this virus loose on the world. But I DO think that they saw an opportunity for power and jumped on it. Never let a crisis go to waste, is their motto.
Yes we know Trump has said when you test, you have a case but if there is no testing then we would have very few cases

Yet Trump gets tested daily and probably most of the white house personnel but it still spread.

Still without test then how would you know when to isolate your yourself and stay at home. Without testing people will spread the disease without knowing

So I do not have a problem calling it a case as it is just a term. It's only purpose in layman terms is to create action that may be needed. It is not that big of a deal

Science can argue amongst themselves as to whether it is a case or not.
Case is not just a term where media is involved. It’s a coercive propaganda tool.
Yes we know Trump has said when you test, you have a case but if there is no testing then we would have very few cases

Yet Trump gets tested daily and probably most of the white house personnel but it still spread.

Still without test then how would you know when to isolate your yourself and stay at home. Without testing people will spread the disease without knowing

So I do not have a problem calling it a case as it is just a term. It's only purpose in layman terms is to create action that may be needed. It is not that big of a deal

Science can argue amongst themselves as to whether it is a case or not.
Case is not just a term where media is involved. It’s a coercive propaganda tool.

if they said number of positive test instead of the number of positive cases does that change anything

well if you refer to as a propaganda tool then are you not using it
as a propaganda tool.

When trump says that there are only a few cases is that a propaganda tool

Seems like the number game. Too many cases makes him look bad, low number of cases makes him look good.

well a propaganda tool is anything that is used for political purposes. If the economy is good and a politician claims credit for it then is that a propaganda tool
Yes we know Trump has said when you test, you have a case but if there is no testing then we would have very few cases

Yet Trump gets tested daily and probably most of the white house personnel but it still spread.

Still without test then how would you know when to isolate your yourself and stay at home. Without testing people will spread the disease without knowing

So I do not have a problem calling it a case as it is just a term. It's only purpose in layman terms is to create action that may be needed. It is not that big of a deal

Science can argue amongst themselves as to whether it is a case or not.
Ask the Swedes. They didn't bother with testing and now only test as a response to other national pressures.

continue, why didn't they bother with testing and why are doing it now

A failed strategy and now they have to regroup to cover their asses ??
See Sweden....
It is remarkable that the left goes to great pains to avoid Sweden and its success. Sweden followed the science. The very science that Conservatives were demanding that the United States follow way back in April. You know, the immunity to a disease that all living mammals achieve when a virus runs through the population.

Sweden is now back to what normal is. They did not lockdown. They did not enforce masks. They spent a month using social distancing (without masks) and today, they eat in restaurants, got to movies, and ride busses and trains in complete freedom. Mask free.

They still test, and their results are that less than 1% come up positive and a tiny fraction of that 1% actually becomes ill enough to need medical intervention.

Kind of reminds Me of how the world treats influenza.

So, when you hear a leftist scream "The Science" put a map of Sweden up and show them the real science.

Sweden registered 752 new COVID-19 cases on Thursday, the highest daily rise since June, Health Agency statistics showed, the latest in a steady rise in infections in recent weeks after months of limited spread during the summer holiday season.

Sweden’s coronavirus strategy has largely been based on making recommendations and getting information out to the public, leveraging people’s high level of trust in national and local authorities and eschewing legal mandates as far as possible

Sweden has registered 5,893 deaths among COVID-19 patients, a per capita fatality rate that is several times higher than its Nordic neighbours
I wonder if the US has a high level of trust in national authorities with the CDC saying one thing and Trump saying something else

Meaning they did worst that their neighbors . Sure you can look at the total number and say , yeah its low but when compared to similar countries they failed.
See Sweden....
It is remarkable that the left goes to great pains to avoid Sweden and its success. Sweden followed the science. The very science that Conservatives were demanding that the United States follow way back in April. You know, the immunity to a disease that all living mammals achieve when a virus runs through the population.

Sweden is now back to what normal is. They did not lockdown. They did not enforce masks. They spent a month using social distancing (without masks) and today, they eat in restaurants, got to movies, and ride busses and trains in complete freedom. Mask free.

They still test, and their results are that less than 1% come up positive and a tiny fraction of that 1% actually becomes ill enough to need medical intervention.

Kind of reminds Me of how the world treats influenza.

So, when you hear a leftist scream "The Science" put a map of Sweden up and show them the real science.

Sweden registered 752 new COVID-19 cases on Thursday, the highest daily rise since June, Health Agency statistics showed, the latest in a steady rise in infections in recent weeks after months of limited spread during the summer holiday season.

Sweden’s coronavirus strategy has largely been based on making recommendations and getting information out to the public, leveraging people’s high level of trust in national and local authorities and eschewing legal mandates as far as possible

Sweden has registered 5,893 deaths among COVID-19 patients, a per capita fatality rate that is several times higher than its Nordic neighbours
I wonder if the US has a high level of trust in national authorities with the CDC saying one thing and Trump saying something else

Meaning they did worst that their neighbors . Sure you can look at the total number and say , yeah its low but when compared to similar countries they failed.
Your sources are "worthless," literally worthless! :auiqs.jpg:
Yes we know Trump has said when you test, you have a case but if there is no testing then we would have very few cases

Yet Trump gets tested daily and probably most of the white house personnel but it still spread.

Still without test then how would you know when to isolate your yourself and stay at home. Without testing people will spread the disease without knowing

So I do not have a problem calling it a case as it is just a term. It's only purpose in layman terms is to create action that may be needed. It is not that big of a deal

Science can argue amongst themselves as to whether it is a case or not.
Case is not just a term where media is involved. It’s a coercive propaganda tool.

if they said number of positive test instead of the number of positive cases does that change anything

well if you refer to as a propaganda tool then are you not using it
as a propaganda tool.

When trump says that there are only a few cases is that a propaganda tool

Seems like the number game. Too many cases makes him look bad, low number of cases makes him look good.

well a propaganda tool is anything that is used for political purposes. If the economy is good and a politician claims credit for it then is that a propaganda tool
Words have consequences. A case would suggest illness. Positive test is just that.
What’s more, many stupid people out there equate case with death. They still hide in the basement.
Yes we know Trump has said when you test, you have a case but if there is no testing then we would have very few cases

Yet Trump gets tested daily and probably most of the white house personnel but it still spread.

Still without test then how would you know when to isolate your yourself and stay at home. Without testing people will spread the disease without knowing

So I do not have a problem calling it a case as it is just a term. It's only purpose in layman terms is to create action that may be needed. It is not that big of a deal

Science can argue amongst themselves as to whether it is a case or not.
Case is not just a term where media is involved. It’s a coercive propaganda tool.

if they said number of positive test instead of the number of positive cases does that change anything

well if you refer to as a propaganda tool then are you not using it
as a propaganda tool.

When trump says that there are only a few cases is that a propaganda tool

Seems like the number game. Too many cases makes him look bad, low number of cases makes him look good.

well a propaganda tool is anything that is used for political purposes. If the economy is good and a politician claims credit for it then is that a propaganda tool
Words have consequences. A case would suggest illness. Positive test is just that.
What’s more, many stupid people out there equate case with death. They still hide in the basement.
well people will interpret things differently in any scenario but a case at most just means it still needs to be investigated to arrive at a conclusion. You can jump to the conclusion that it is dire or that it means nothing before having any facts or a way to put what is known in prospective.

People react to things and trying to choose the right terminology is a struggle. If we all got along then it would be irrelevant.
About All Those Positive COVID 'Cases' Fauci Keeps Freaking Out Over...[

Could you please to the forum how you came to the stupid conclusion that Fauci is "freaking out" about that?

Are you fucking nuts? :dunno:

It is the title of the linked-to article in the OP. Duh!
See Sweden....
It is remarkable that the left goes to great pains to avoid Sweden and its success. Sweden followed the science. The very science that Conservatives were demanding that the United States follow way back in April. You know, the immunity to a disease that all living mammals achieve when a virus runs through the population.

Sweden is now back to what normal is. They did not lockdown. They did not enforce masks. They spent a month using social distancing (without masks) and today, they eat in restaurants, got to movies, and ride busses and trains in complete freedom. Mask free.

They still test, and their results are that less than 1% come up positive and a tiny fraction of that 1% actually becomes ill enough to need medical intervention.

Kind of reminds Me of how the world treats influenza.

So, when you hear a leftist scream "The Science" put a map of Sweden up and show them the real science.

Sweden registered 752 new COVID-19 cases on Thursday, the highest daily rise since June, Health Agency statistics showed, the latest in a steady rise in infections in recent weeks after months of limited spread during the summer holiday season.

Sweden’s coronavirus strategy has largely been based on making recommendations and getting information out to the public, leveraging people’s high level of trust in national and local authorities and eschewing legal mandates as far as possible

Sweden has registered 5,893 deaths among COVID-19 patients, a per capita fatality rate that is several times higher than its Nordic neighbours
I wonder if the US has a high level of trust in national authorities with the CDC saying one thing and Trump saying something else

Meaning they did worst that their neighbors. Sure you can look at the total number and say , yeah its low but when compared to similar countries they failed.
So now we see your hypocrisy on display. Sweden registered 752 new cases of COVID. First, cases are a meaningless metric. It is hospitalizations and deaths that are in fact, the only meaningful metric in the entire debate. Sweden had an initial surge of hospitalizations and deaths of the most vulnerable. That was the whole point of 'flattening the curve'. But that flattening was a very short program because the science always shows that there is an initial surge and that after that surge, the curve drops dramatically. We witness this in Sweden. The main part of the hypocrisy is that you say "a percapita fatality rate several times higher than their neighbors", but when it is pointed out that our mortality rate in the US is far lower than any other country, you suddenly start talking about total deaths.

You cannot have it both ways.

By every measure that has true meaning, the Swedes program of following the science and letting the natural immunity of the herd work in their favor, they not only have passed the crisis point, but they have also, in fact, turned the corner and returned to normalcy.
See Sweden....
It is remarkable that the left goes to great pains to avoid Sweden and its success. Sweden followed the science. The very science that Conservatives were demanding that the United States follow way back in April. You know, the immunity to a disease that all living mammals achieve when a virus runs through the population.

Sweden is now back to what normal is. They did not lockdown. They did not enforce masks. They spent a month using social distancing (without masks) and today, they eat in restaurants, got to movies, and ride busses and trains in complete freedom. Mask free.

They still test, and their results are that less than 1% come up positive and a tiny fraction of that 1% actually becomes ill enough to need medical intervention.

Kind of reminds Me of how the world treats influenza.

So, when you hear a leftist scream "The Science" put a map of Sweden up and show them the real science.

Sweden registered 752 new COVID-19 cases on Thursday, the highest daily rise since June, Health Agency statistics showed, the latest in a steady rise in infections in recent weeks after months of limited spread during the summer holiday season.

Sweden’s coronavirus strategy has largely been based on making recommendations and getting information out to the public, leveraging people’s high level of trust in national and local authorities and eschewing legal mandates as far as possible

Sweden has registered 5,893 deaths among COVID-19 patients, a per capita fatality rate that is several times higher than its Nordic neighbours
I wonder if the US has a high level of trust in national authorities with the CDC saying one thing and Trump saying something else

Meaning they did worst that their neighbors. Sure you can look at the total number and say , yeah its low but when compared to similar countries they failed.
So now we see your hypocrisy on display. Sweden registered 752 new cases of COVID. First, cases are a meaningless metric. It is hospitalizations and deaths that are in fact, the only meaningful metric in the entire debate. Sweden had an initial surge of hospitalizations and deaths of the most vulnerable. That was the whole point of 'flattening the curve'. But that flattening was a very short program because the science always shows that there is an initial surge and that after that surge, the curve drops dramatically. We witness this in Sweden. The main part of the hypocrisy is that you say "a percapita fatality rate several times higher than their neighbors", but when it is pointed out that our mortality rate in the US is far lower than any other country, you suddenly start talking about total deaths.

You cannot have it both ways.

By every measure that has true meaning, the Swedes program of following the science and letting the natural immunity of the herd work in their favor, they not only have passed the crisis point, but they have also, in fact, turned the corner and returned to normalcy.

where to begin first you say new cases is a Meaningless metric because of the word cases. Smoke screen that ignores that over 700 people who have tested positive is somehow meaningless because of using the word "CASES" , how scary is that. The word cases has nothing to do with 700 people getting infected. Just a way to miss the point of it all.

Assuming that the over 700 people who tested positive is irrelevant. Thus there is no blame. but to blame the terminology.

You say cases are a meaningless metric well it does still reflect how many new people are infected. It does indicated that more people may get infected if nothing is done. So there is a purpose that you easily ignore and the question is why?

Cases is a republican way to deny the pandemic. You want to point to something that will make you feel good. Well if using 700 cases make you feel good. Fine. It still does not change the fact that their are 700 more people infected with the disease that have tested positive. Placing additional people who may come in contact with those infected at risk. You can't control the outbreak if your afraid of the words you use.

The course of action that someone must take is the purpose of testing. It defines what the course of action should be for those infected. Of course when Trump says that we have this pandemic under control , it is something easily accepted by those who believe what he says.

It is meaningless to create a narrative that using the word cases is meaningless. It overlooks the primary purpose of testing.

This is republican hypocrisy that will point to something as being meaningless because its a political inconvenience. Missing the real point of the matter and hung up on the word cases. It is not the word cases it is the number of people who are infected. It then is a factor in how many deaths, and we still do not know the long term consequences for those who have caught the disease.

hypocrisy is using the pandemic as a way to make Trump look good when the most tested person in the world still catches the virus. There is a failure somewhere. Well maybe he downplayed the word cases as meaningless. Yet he got infected.

using US total number of death rate is delusional when comparing one country to another country. That is really meaningless unless your purpose is to wow people with big or small numbers. Meaningful objective measurements are done using per capita and that way you can compare different statistics from one country to another.

Flattening the curve. Well you seem to understand it but easily try to tie that in with what Sweden is doing. Yet the numbers don't agree.


where is this flattening and when will it occur. obviously it hasn't yet so to claim that their management is a success because they have very less cases is delusional as there are so many factors that it would make your head spin

Sweden when compared with other Nordic countries has not fared that much better is the main point of the article and nullifies their herd mentality approach. Yet the right ignores that and jus points at the total numbers as being relevant.

In fact it can be said that this herd mentality just sacrifices those who are unlucky for the rest of the herd. Playing GOD with peoples lives for the country. It may work in times of war but it does show a lack of compassion in peacetime.

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