Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

We have more child abuse, crime, and poverty now than we did in 1972.

Looks to me like abortion didn't help at all.

Not really.

Let's look at that.

Child abuse- It's only being REPORTED now. And things my parents considered valid "discipline" in 1972 would get you a nice visit from DCFS today. So that's already an artificial measure.

Crime. Sorry, Crime is down from 1972. It had better be. We lock up 2 million people, it better be fucking down. Of course, it's still much higher than every other industrialized democracy where they have welfare, abortion and no guns...

Now on to poverty. It is true. We had less poverty in the 1970's. Then Reagan and the Bush's rather nicely destroyed the middle class and union jobs and all those other things my parents enjoyed when they were using belts for discipline.
Uh...I promise you, my tampons contain exactly zero zygotes...and this is true with tampons everywhere.

No zygotes in tampons. Return to biology class.

Joe is a man. He cannot possibly know what a woman has to go through. (Oh wait, I think I heard that from a pro choice liberal once.)

Well, beside the nauseating excercisie of speculating what might be in KG's unmentionables. (There goes my dinner!) the point is, I don't try to tell a woman what to do with her lady parts.

It's none of my business.

And it's none of yours.

Coming from you that's absolutely hilarious. You were just telling her what to do with her lady parts. She (by your premise) has no right to say she wishes to have a child, but has every right to kill it.

That's pretty lame Joe. That is an extremely fatal flaw in your contention; your sarcasm notwithstanding.
Joe is a man. He cannot possibly know what a woman has to go through. (Oh wait, I think I heard that from a pro choice liberal once.)

Well, beside the nauseating excercisie of speculating what might be in KG's unmentionables. (There goes my dinner!) the point is, I don't try to tell a woman what to do with her lady parts.

It's none of my business.

And it's none of yours.

Coming from you that's absolutely hilarious. You were just telling her what to do with her lady parts. She (by your premise) has no right to say she wishes to have a child, but has every right to kill it.

That's pretty lame Joe. That is an extremely fatal flaw in your contention; your sarcasm notwithstanding.

As long as it's still in her womb, that decision should be between her and her doctor.

Here's my position on abortion.

It's not the governmetn business, the church's businss, an insurance company's business or anyone's business but the woman making that choice.

Well, beside the nauseating excercisie of speculating what might be in KG's unmentionables. (There goes my dinner!) the point is, I don't try to tell a woman what to do with her lady parts.

It's none of my business.

And it's none of yours.

Coming from you that's absolutely hilarious. You were just telling her what to do with her lady parts. She (by your premise) has no right to say she wishes to have a child, but has every right to kill it.

That's pretty lame Joe. That is an extremely fatal flaw in your contention; your sarcasm notwithstanding.

As long as it's still in her womb, that decision should be between her and her doctor.

Here's my position on abortion.

It's not the governmetn business, the church's businss, an insurance company's business or anyone's business but the woman making that choice.


I have no problem with you stating what your position. What you need to be prepared for is someone with a counterpoint. I agree the government should stay out of the decision making process. But here you are debating why a woman should be allowed to have an abortion as opposed to having the child (or being punished by it as Obama put it) justifying why one choice takes precedence over another. Your position would be more respectable if indeed you thought that. This in essence is telling a woman what to do with her "lady parts".

Who says it should be the doctor's decision either? You suggest a woman be completely independent of any outside suggestions and opinions but her own. How far do we take this? Why should the woman have complete plenary power in determining the fate of the child? One could argue that her one night stand with a man that results in an unwanted pregnancy should suggest that she has no ability to make that decision on her own. In fact it reveals the immaturity of both sides to tell you the truth.

Don't play me for a fool, Joe. You seem to think that anyone who has any opinion but yours is.
You're lying about that too, I'm sure.

Yup, everyone who disagrees with you is lying.

Because you can't handle the thought that anyone can honestly have a different opinion than you do.

The sad thing is, you are such a RUBE.

You really think the GOP cares about the fetuses as much as you do.

They don't.

It's why abortion is still legal even though the court has been stacked with Republican appointees for decades.

I have no problem with you stating what your position. What you need to be prepared for is someone with a counterpoint. I agree the government should stay out of the decision making process. But here you are debating why a woman should be allowed to have an abortion as opposed to having the child (or being punished by it as Obama put it) justifying why one choice takes precedence over another. Your position would be more respectable if indeed you thought that. This in essence is telling a woman what to do with her "lady parts".

Who says it should be the doctor's decision either? You suggest a woman be completely independent of any outside suggestions and opinions but her own. How far do we take this? Why should the woman have complete plenary power in determining the fate of the child? One could argue that her one night stand with a man that results in an unwanted pregnancy should suggest that she has no ability to make that decision on her own. In fact it reveals the immaturity of both sides to tell you the truth.

Don't play me for a fool, Joe. You seem to think that anyone who has any opinion but yours is.

Yes, people who don't hold my opinions are fools.

But you have a constitutitional right to be a fool.

All the rhetorical rabbit holes you are diving down proves that.

Incidently, I think if a woman wants to have a baby, she should have one. WHile I am not happy with the thought of bible thumping morons breeding like rabbits, they have every right to do so. Most of their kids will grow up to be atheists, anyway.
No, you were saying that a tampon's contents are the same thing as an unborn baby.

And as usual, you were lying.

Go back and read the thread. One of your fellow idiots said life begins at conception.

1/3rd of concieved zygotes end up in tampons.

We don't hold funerals over tampons.

That was my post and you ignored it......dumbass do you understand what a mentrual cycle is and what it's for?

Where is the stat comming from, 1/3????

And again most people assume it attaching in the woman.....OMG....you're an idiot.....abortions arent about eggs that dont attach dumbass...stick with apples and apples

but like I said most familes grieve over a miscarriage, maybe yours is different....
You're lying about that too, I'm sure.

Yup, everyone who disagrees with you is lying.

Because you can't handle the thought that anyone can honestly have a different opinion than you do.

The sad thing is, you are such a RUBE.

You really think the GOP cares about the fetuses as much as you do.

They don't.

It's why abortion is still legal even though the court has been stacked with Republican appointees for decades.

I don't think everyone lies, but I know that you do.

And the rest of your insane blathering is apropos of...what, exactly? I can't see that it has anything to do with anything. What you think I think is not only wildly fanciful...it's completely irrelevant.
Yeah. You're a liar, so excuse us if we don't give a shit what you think.

Of course you don't.

You anti-Choice fanatics couldn't change minds if you wanted to.

Again- until about six years ago, I was as right wing as you are...

Until my boss showed me what the game was really about.

That's BS. Pure and utter BS. You have been arguing Liberal counterpoints for as long as I've been here. Your pattern is undeniable, very discernible.

If I had my views changed by one person out of millions, I would be easily swayed by anyone and anything. I don't rely on consensus either. You, in fact are a closet liberal, and that is all there is to it. Your language "anti-Choice" belies your neutrality on the subject.

Be silent you unnatural noise.

I have no problem with you stating what your position. What you need to be prepared for is someone with a counterpoint. I agree the government should stay out of the decision making process. But here you are debating why a woman should be allowed to have an abortion as opposed to having the child (or being punished by it as Obama put it) justifying why one choice takes precedence over another. Your position would be more respectable if indeed you thought that. This in essence is telling a woman what to do with her "lady parts".

Who says it should be the doctor's decision either? You suggest a woman be completely independent of any outside suggestions and opinions but her own. How far do we take this? Why should the woman have complete plenary power in determining the fate of the child? One could argue that her one night stand with a man that results in an unwanted pregnancy should suggest that she has no ability to make that decision on her own. In fact it reveals the immaturity of both sides to tell you the truth.

Don't play me for a fool, Joe. You seem to think that anyone who has any opinion but yours is.

Yes, people who don't hold my opinions are fools.

But you have a constitutitional right to be a fool.

All the rhetorical rabbit holes you are diving down proves that.

Incidently, I think if a woman wants to have a baby, she should have one. WHile I am not happy with the thought of bible thumping morons breeding like rabbits, they have every right to do so. Most of their kids will grow up to be atheists, anyway.

wow spoken like a true eisenhower republican........I love that....I just cant help but make fun of you for that bullshit.

But you're the fool......you're one of the people that said under Bush that it was the worst ever, if so lets do go back to the 1920s....obviously it was better then, correct?

I have no problem with you stating what your position. What you need to be prepared for is someone with a counterpoint. I agree the government should stay out of the decision making process. But here you are debating why a woman should be allowed to have an abortion as opposed to having the child (or being punished by it as Obama put it) justifying why one choice takes precedence over another. Your position would be more respectable if indeed you thought that. This in essence is telling a woman what to do with her "lady parts".

Who says it should be the doctor's decision either? You suggest a woman be completely independent of any outside suggestions and opinions but her own. How far do we take this? Why should the woman have complete plenary power in determining the fate of the child? One could argue that her one night stand with a man that results in an unwanted pregnancy should suggest that she has no ability to make that decision on her own. In fact it reveals the immaturity of both sides to tell you the truth.

Don't play me for a fool, Joe. You seem to think that anyone who has any opinion but yours is.

Yes, people who don't hold my opinions are fools.

But you have a constitutitional right to be a fool.

All the rhetorical rabbit holes you are diving down proves that.

Incidently, I think if a woman wants to have a baby, she should have one. WHile I am not happy with the thought of bible thumping morons breeding like rabbits, they have every right to do so. Most of their kids will grow up to be atheists, anyway.

No Joe, those who fall in line with consensus are fools. Like you. You participate in the willful cognitive dissonance known as the mainstream, barking and swallowing opinions at will.

This post just proves that your position is wrong, although it is your position. This is an utterly childish response. When you lack a counterpoint, you hurl insults and witless quips. Sarcasm equals the death of an argument.

You had better try a bit harder than that Joe. A lot harder.
Yeah. You're a liar, so excuse us if we don't give a shit what you think.

Of course you don't.

You anti-Choice fanatics couldn't change minds if you wanted to.

Again- until about six years ago, I was as right wing as you are...

Until my boss showed me what the game was really about.

That's BS. Pure and utter BS. You have been arguing Liberal counterpoints for as long as I've been here. Your pattern is undeniable, very discernible.

If I had my views changed by one person out of millions, I would be easily swayed by anyone and anything. I don't rely on consensus either. You, in fact are a closet liberal, and that is all there is to it. Your language "anti-Choice" belies your neutrality on the subject.

Be silent you unnatural noise.
Joe was NEVER a Conservative, or Catholic, as he laughingly tries to claim.....His values (as if he actually had any) are far left wing, progressive lunacy, nothing more....And no doubt, he's ALWAYS had those loony values.

Notice how the clown tries to blame his former boss for all failures in life, which is so typical of progressives.....He was obviously let go from his job because he couldn't perform, couldn't get his ass there everyday, and was most likely lousy at his job...And, if he was too sickly to get his ass to work, and became a financial liability on the business, his ass definitely should have been let go.....Nobody owes his sorry ass a damn thing, NOBODY!
No, you were saying that a tampon's contents are the same thing as an unborn baby.

And as usual, you were lying.

Go back and read the thread. One of your fellow idiots said life begins at conception.

1/3rd of concieved zygotes end up in tampons.

We don't hold funerals over tampons.

That was my post and you ignored it......dumbass do you understand what a mentrual cycle is and what it's for?

Where is the stat comming from, 1/3????

And again most people assume it attaching in the woman.....OMG....you're an idiot.....abortions arent about eggs that dont attach dumbass...stick with apples and apples

but like I said most familes grieve over a miscarriage, maybe yours is different....

I've never seen a family greive over a miscarriage the way they greive over an actual child dying...

And women don't grieve over abortions at all.

because it isn't the same thing.

And to the point, I was responding to the moron who stated life begins at conception. This isn't just a cliche, it's actual dogma of the Church. It's why nutbags on the right opposed the sale of RU-486 (The Morning After Pill) because it kills zygotes right after conception. It's why Church Hospitals refuse to dispense it to rape victims.
Yeah. You're a liar, so excuse us if we don't give a shit what you think.

Of course you don't.

You anti-Choice fanatics couldn't change minds if you wanted to.

Again- until about six years ago, I was as right wing as you are...

Until my boss showed me what the game was really about.

That's BS. Pure and utter BS. You have been arguing Liberal counterpoints for as long as I've been here. Your pattern is undeniable, very discernible.

If I had my views changed by one person out of millions, I would be easily swayed by anyone and anything. I don't rely on consensus either. You, in fact are a closet liberal, and that is all there is to it. Your language "anti-Choice" belies your neutrality on the subject.

Be silent you unnatural noise.

Guy, you've only been here a month. I'm not sure how you can say you've known what my opinions have been my entire life.

You see, I used to be pretty right wing. Until my Romney-loving boss fired me after six years of service because I had the bad luck to run up medical bills. That's when I realized that

1) The GOP has just become about making the rich wealthier at the expense of the rest of us.

2) Issues like Abortion, gay rights, Immigration, prayer in schools - are just to keep the rest of us fighting amongst ourselves while they pull this off.

The question I keep asking you guys, and none of you answer- if ending abortion is such a moral imperative, why has the GOP done so little to actual end it in the last 40 years?

I mean, the rich got their tax cuts, they got their right to work laws, they got their free trade treaties. They got every thing THEY wanted.

But you bible thumping morons who keep putting them in office.

Well. Abortion is still legal, the tenth state has legalized gay marriage, your kids are still being taught they evolved from Monkeys.

Someone is being played for a Rube.

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