Abortion Travel Time


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
So the overturning of the Texas abortion clinic law has been in the news lately. And there have been a few topics about it here.

Full disclosure: I am pro-life.

I also believe that one of the key solutions to reducing abortions is to get people to use birth control. Just about half of all abortions are the result of no birth control of any kind being used during the sex act which led to the pregnancy.

I also believe the extremists in the pro-life movement are really behaving in a counterproductive manner. Requiring women to have their vaginas wanded pisses off even a lot of pro-life women I know. And we are talking hardcore pro-lifers.

That was a really, really, really stupid move.

The same is true for those provisions in the abortion clinic law in Texas which caused the law to be overturned. It wasn't the 20-week limit for abortions that caught in the court's craw, it was the over-reaching bullshit that was piled onto the law.

Winning battles, losing the war. That's the problem with the pro-life movement these days.

So anyway, I noticed that one of the chief complaints from the pro-choice side was that these restrictive provisions in the abortion clinic law would cause some clinics to close, thus making women have to travel long distances to those clinics which were still open.

Example from HuffPo:
According to a recent analysis by the reproductive health news site RH Reality Check, a woman in rural Texas will now have to pay more than a month's worth of wages and drive seven hours round trip in order to have an abortion.

So here's the question. A seven hour round trip and a month's wages to get an abortion kind of makes that trip down to the corner Rite Aid to stock up on some inexpensive condoms look like the really smart thing to do now, doesn't it?

Don't be a tard trekking across the Texas desert to kill your kid. Be the smart chick (or dude) with the medicine cabinet stocked with Trojans.

Thank you, and have a common sense safe sex day.

Disclaimer: This poster has not received any incentives from the condom industry for this public service announcement.
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The reason the topic of abortion will remain contentious is because it has no moral or philosophical justification. Just take a newborn baby and start working backwards in time: At what point does it cease to have a right to life?
Is it easier to get an abortion (no matter where you live) or to use a condom?

I'm not sure making abortions more difficult is going to reduce the number of abortions because the alternatives are already a heck of a lot easier and that doesn't seem to be making much of a dent.

But I agree that a lot of things the pro-lifers (I am pro-life) are doing makes them their own worst enemies.

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