Abortion relief for women in Texas

The slaughtering of innocents in the womb is called:
"Abortion relief"
"increased options for healthcare"
"civilized family of nations

And the good people defending babies are:
"authoritarian and backward"
"right wing loons"

The banal euphemisms in these lines are just staggeringly repulsive. Goebbels would have been proud. Making the horrendous sound pedestrian, and the good sound evil. That's what leftists of all stripes do.

The Taliban permits abortion.

So the majority of abortions are for white women.

Wrong...... Black people kill their own a lot more than whites. In fact, black people kill more of their own inside and out of the womb.

In states where blacks are more than about 15% of the population, they outnumber whites on abortion. And even some states like Texas, where white greatly outnumber blacks, their % is close to equal.

LoL... States like NY (where you know the blacks greatly outnumber whites isn't even listed)

Reported Legal Abortions by Race of Women Who Obtained Abortion by the State of Occurrence


Yes the Mexian Supreme court has legalised abortion in Mexico. This will give women in Texas increased options for healthcare.

Currently Texas is an authoritarian and backward healthcare desert. As other countries legalise abortion and join the civilised family of nations the US is bedevilled by a backward taliban of right wing loons.

I am sure that we will see a flood of women at the border hoping to access modern medical treatment down Mexico way..

Mexico may need to build a wall to keep them out.
does healthcare mean a death sentence for a beautiful unborn human being....liberals are some sick trash for real
Who is it that did this to these people? It's not me or Abbott. They did it to themselves. They and the leftwing policies that enabled them.


^^^ you ^^^
Instead of being so focused on abortion why aren't liberals also pushing birth control in the same way they pushed masks and COVID jabs?

the (R) party wants nothing to do with sex education being taught in schools AND wants nothing to do with funding birth control accsess AND there are some extremists all in favor of limiting AND outright banning the use of contraceptives.
Yeah, deranged pervert weirdos wanting to be the ones to teach our kids about sex will never not be creepy.

if parents taught their kids about sex & how to avoid pregnancy & were responsible enough to provide the means to avoid it, when it's age appropriate.... there would be a lot less abortion.
This is excellent news. The best. Medical care in Mexico is iffy, at best. The number of botched abortions should result in increased sterilization. And no malpractice lawsuits. Yay.

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