Abortion is the murder of an unborn human.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
We must all realize that abortion is the murder of an unborn human being. Its not a right that is written into the constitution of the United States. Women can not unilaterally decide to kill a unborn human, and see it as a right. It takes two people to create that fetus or embryo. Abortion must be banned through out the entire United States of America.
Your thoughts please. Abortion is genocide. What will people think of us at some point in the future.!!??
A fetus is nothing anyone would miss if it spontaneously ceased to exist. At worst it represents lost potential. At best it is disaster averted. If it were a malicious act to abort a fetus why do you think a malicious person would make a good parent if only they could be forced to deliver another human to this cruel world.
A fertilized human egg is a new human life in its first stages of development. It can be no other thing.
It cannot survive on its own for many years, both before and after birth.
Only a fool lets political dogma trump logic and science.
A fetus is nothing anyone would miss if it spontaneously ceased to exist. At worst it represents lost potential. At best it is disaster averted. If it were a malicious act to abort a fetus why do you think a malicious person would make a good parent if only they could be forced to deliver another human to this cruel world.
just like a heathen baby killer to speak for 6 billion people to justify his heinous act,,
A fetus is nothing anyone would miss if it spontaneously ceased to exist. At worst it represents lost potential. At best it is disaster averted. If it were a malicious act to abort a fetus why do you think a malicious person would make a good parent if only they could be forced to deliver another human to this cruel world.
Wow, I think you need to accept your own cynicism, anger, and despair as your own.. and realize that not everyone is as tragic, sad, and loathing as you are about life.
When does it become a human in your opinion?
When does "it" become a human?

When the 9 black robes say so I reckon.

They have all the answers, that is, only if they are appointed by the Left, otherwise they are just bad horrible mean people.

As for myself, I know the Birth Fairy makes "It" human as she waves her wand over the unliving globe of cells that exit the womb to make "it" human

Why was this moved out of the Clean Zone?

It would be nice to have a discussion on abortions without all the hate and name calling
Wow, I think you need to accept your own cynicism, anger, and despair as your own.. and realize that not everyone is as tragic, sad, and loathing as you are about life.
You need to accept that life for a poor person is a series of impossible choices. After all, abortion bans only prevent poor women from getting them. People who can travel out of state and write big checks will never have to worry about access.

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