ABC News..Brian Ross says Batman shooter has tea party page.

ABC's Brian Ross reported this morning that there is "a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site... talking about him joining the Tea Party last year."

"Now, we don't know if this is the same Jim Holmes," Ross cautioned "but it's Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado."
Aurora shooting: ABC News draws possible Jim Holmes Tea Party connection -

I must also note that Brian Ross who maybe of ABC news pleaded not guility..

ST. ALBANS — Four men pleaded not guilty today at Franklin County District Court for their alleged roles in the ongoing case surrounding the death of Christopher Davis, 22.

Brian Ross, 23, Travis Bugbee, 23, Joshua Fortine, 29, and Stephen Wells, 36, all pleaded not guilty, with their defense attorneys arguing for their release.

Ross and Bugbee are charged with the assault and robbery of Davis who was found dead in the St. Albans City swimming pool more than three weeks after the alleged attack. Bugbee also faces an unlawful mischief count.

Death case arrests made | The Saint Albans Messenger

UPDATE: ABC News has issued a correction to their earlier report. The alleged shooter was not linked to the Colorado Tea Party:
An earlier ABC News broadcast report suggested that a Jim Holmes of a Colorado Tea Party organization might be the suspect, but that report was incorrect. Several other local residents with similar names were also contacted via social media by members of the public who mistook them for the suspect.

He's 24 years old. Been in college since he got out of high school, targeted the military in the theater, booby trapped his apartment to "off the pigs" like a good little OWSer. He's likely a heavy pothead like Jared Loughter is.

This doesn't happen in a vacuum. His mother expected it. Likely he was well known for being a nut for a long time. It was buried because no one wanted to be offensive.
what if its true?

That's how you justify this disgusting, sickening attempt to interject political bias into the mass murder of 12 innocent people. Shoot first and ask questions later. Just make the baseless accusations and ask what if its true later.

TM, I already knew you were a obsessed, poorly educated MSNBC fanatic, but this is a new low.

I'm sure you said the same thing during the Giffords shooting when MSNBC without any evidence, just like now, assigned blame to Palin.

Classless, simply and undeniably classless.
ABC apologizes for incorrect Tea Party tie or Left happy he isn't a white Hispanic

Editor's Note: An earlier ABC News broadcast report suggested that a Jim Holmes of a Colorado Tea Party organization might be the suspect, but that report was incorrect. ABC News and Brian Ross apologize for the mistake, and for disseminating that information before it was properly vetted.​

id have more respect if they would just come out and say "listen we are left wingers, we make up stuff and frankily we feel ud rather watch this than real journalism" at least they
would be speaking truth for once.

Good point comrade

But as left wingers
truth does not matter to us
Just what we can make the proletariat believe

Truth is hard for the Left
In fact it is our worst enemy
Latest reports coming out claim he's a registered Democrat. If that means anything to anyone.

Clearly he's an Obama supporter who took the Bane Connection too seriously

Obama needs to tell his supporters to pull back on the fanaticism

His plates were from tennessee likely meaning he was a radical right wing teabagger.

Limbaugh just days ago said the new batman movie was a liberal conspiracy against Romney as the villain's name is bane, which could have been the motive.

Bat Man has been labeled the Black Knight. Maybe we should check to see if there's a connection to a certain unnamed liberal at USMB.

But I am terribly sorry that you are, apparently, a hystrionic woman.

No family-Meister.
Wow. You are low.

What an asshole.

But, you say you are such a great Christian. :rolleyes:

Just feel that love of Jesus.

Speaking of which...what would Jesus do in the face of something like this?

Would Jesus call for people to pray? Or, would Jesus attempt to flog the death of 12 people for political gain?

Hard questions, right?

I'd recommend that Buford read "In His Steps" by Charles Sheldon in an attempt to transcend his superficial religiosity.
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No family.
Wow. You are low.

What an asshole.

But, you say you are such a great Christian. :rolleyes:

Just feel that love of Jesus.

Speaking of which...what would Jesus do in the face of something like this? Call for people to pray? Or, attempt to flog the death of 12 people for political gain.

Hard questions, right?

I'd recommend that Buford read "In His Steps" by Charles Sheldon in an attempt to transcend his superficial religiosity.
I think some may actually have to ponder that one, sadly.
Clearly he's an Obama supporter who took the Bane Connection too seriously

Obama needs to tell his supporters to pull back on the fanaticism

His plates were from tennessee likely meaning he was a radical right wing teabagger.

Limbaugh just days ago said the new batman movie was a liberal conspiracy against Romney as the villain's name is bane, which could have been the motive.

You MUST be kidding! PLEASE tell me you are kidding and not just foaming at the mouth crazy.:eusa_drool:

It's funny how when a right wing piece of trash makes an asinine post stating the shooter clearly is an Obama supporter, the right wing trolls are silent

I make a post mocking them, and the right wing trolls go into a complete uproar,..

What a bunch of vial trash the radical right are,...
I believe My first response urged restraint until the facts were in. To my knowledge Brian Ross is not a poster here but you are.

Horseshit, yeah condemn those pointing out the politicizing of a tragedy by ABC News but claiming it is the OP that is doing what Brian Ross has obviously done on national television.

Any child can comprehend who is actually politicizing yet another tragedy. The Giffords shooting it only took four hours before NBC declared Palin to blame--I think ABC has broken that record.

I have yet to speak of the shooting itself in a political light and will not start now, But I am condemning the right wing reaction on this board. I do not watch TV news for the very good reason that it is usually full of crap so I cannot speak to the specific statement made on ABC but I can speak directly to reactions of various members of this board and I find many of them to be disgustingly misdirected into tea party damage control and unmindful and without sympathy for the dead.

You are condemning the right wing reaction on this board....fucking priceless....:clap2:
His plates were from tennessee likely meaning he was a radical right wing teabagger.

Limbaugh just days ago said the new batman movie was a liberal conspiracy against Romney as the villain's name is bane, which could have been the motive.

You MUST be kidding! PLEASE tell me you are kidding and not just foaming at the mouth crazy.:eusa_drool:

It's funny how when a right wing piece of trash makes an asinine post stating the shooter clearly is an Obama supporter, the right wing trolls are silent

I make a post mocking them, and the right wing trolls go into a complete uproar,..

What a bunch of vial trash the radical right are,...

As opposed to a left wing piece of trash reporter starts this entire fiasco and a left wing piece of trash like you totally ignores the source of the uproar. I bet you piss sitting down, you limp thing.
The only thing I have to say about what happened in Aurora is that businesses should think twice about banning their customers from being armed. If this movie theater (which is only an hour drive from me) had a pro-self defense policy, I think this terrorist would have thought twice about going in to shoot it up. Banning self defense only empowers criminals. This case is proof of that.
His plates were from tennessee likely meaning he was a radical right wing teabagger.

Limbaugh just days ago said the new batman movie was a liberal conspiracy against Romney as the villain's name is bane, which could have been the motive.

You MUST be kidding! PLEASE tell me you are kidding and not just foaming at the mouth crazy.:eusa_drool:

It's funny how when a right wing piece of trash makes an asinine post stating the shooter clearly is an Obama supporter, the right wing trolls are silent

I make a post mocking them, and the right wing trolls go into a complete uproar,..

What a bunch of vial trash the radical right are,...

I haven't seen any posts of anyone saying that this man is a Democrat or an OWS supporter. Nor have I seen anyone on Fox News do the same.

Why is it so hard for you to recognize and condemn the obvious politicizing of this tragedy by ABC News the real vial trash?

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