A Vote For Biden Is a Vote To Reward....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
1) Barry, BIDEN. and Barry's 'most FOIA and Federal Records Act criminally noncompliant administration in US history' for ANOTHER criminal betrayal of the American people and violation of both US Constitution, Constitutional Rights, Civil Rights, and Rule of Law - as has been proven now - by committing Conspiracy, perjury, obstruction of justice, violations of the Espionage Act, sedition, collusion, and treason through attempting a 4-year-long filed coup attempt.
-- Obama, Biden, Hillary, Clapper, Rosenstein, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, Baker, Clinesmith, Rice, Powers, and more should be 'rewarded' with a healthy sentence in GITMO.

2) Democrats for continuously attempting to undermine the President / US government, attempting to overthrow the US govt, attempting to affect their own coup attempts for 4 years, during which time they also committed crimes, violated the Constitution, violated Constitutional and civil rights while committing treason.

3) D-Adam Schiff. Schiff violated numerous laws to include attempting to submit his own personally authored false transcript of the Phone call between the President and the Ukraine PM as criminal evidence, admitting he leaked classified evidence, and committed perjury bl claiming he did not know who the leaker was AFTER stating he and his staff knew who it was.

4) D-Gerry Nadler. Nadler, the House JUDICIARY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN, threatened the United States' top law enforcer with Censure if the US AG REFUSED TO BREAK US LAW...then led the Democrats in the house to do just that - Nadler and the Democrats Censured the US AG for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW.

5) D-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi swore to the American people she would not allow Impeachment to proceed unless there was 1) OVERWHELMING CRIMINAL EVIDENCE AGAINST THE PRESIDENT, & 2) bi-partisan support for impeachment.

The House held a 'show trial' that only succeeded in proving THERE WAS NO CRIME, THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE, & THERE WERE NO WITNESSES....and Pelosi BROKE HER WORD TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE and proceeded with Impeachment.

Pelosi, after arguing that President Trump was a dire threat to the nation that had to be removed from office IMMEDIATELY then held up the Articles of Impeachment, refusing to hand them over to the Senate, believing she could FORCE them to agree to her demands of running the Senate hearing as SHE wanted. She failed.

The House Democrats' frantic high-paced Impeachment became the 1st Politically Partisan Impeachment - based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses - in US history . Democrats even declared they did not need a crime to remove a President rom office.

Theirs was the 'fastest rush to Impeachment based on the weakest case for impeachment in US history'.


Biden is an old, white, elitist millionaire, corrupt, confessed extorting, dementia-suffering racist who has vowed to undo every successful thing President Trump has done, promised to re-instate Barry's business/economy-choking regulations - guaranteed to drive manufacturing back overseas and millions of Americans back onto the Democrat 'dependence plantation' via 'policies of 'economic slavery'. He has already vowed to raise taxes....

Which the Democrats are going to need to achieve the goals of their Green New Deal - high-speed solar powered trains, making internal combustion engines and fossil fuels illegal, and waging their winning war against cow farts.


And thanks to Democrats and COVID-19 Americans know exactly where they stand and what they can expect if another Pandemic hits - Democrats will declare there is nothing to worry about, will tell people to herd in large numbers, hey will oppose life-saving travel bans, and will kill off more of the elderly by filling the nursing homes with more infected patients.


George Soros, Madura, Putin, China, and our other enemies. Socialist, foreign enemy fueled/funded domestic terrorists will continue to destroy the US' history and culture, eliminate peace keepers, shred the Constitution, and quickly strip Americans of their rights and freedoms.

Where does Biden stand on violent socialists / enemies / terrorists on tearing down monuments and engaging in violence? He refuses to say...until after the election.

You don't have to worry about that, and you don't have to worry about Biden being a puppet after getting elected - he is already a puppet. His handlers keep him in his basement, only allow his to come out for short periods of time, only the huge mainstream fake news media is allowed to cover his events...and cover for Biden after them, he doesn't answer questions, he isn't allowed to have an opinion....because he can't string two coherent sentences together anymore.

And extreme leftist, butt-hurt, anti-America, pro-socialist/domestic terrorist-supporting Dems and snowflakes would rather the country be destroyed than under Trump 4 more years.

Don't reward these traitors....and a vote for Biden is just that.

The outrageous corruption and contemptible incompetence of Democrats continues to roll in day after day at such an astounding pace that nobody can possibly keep up with it.
And the sheep excuse it all. They're smarter than you and better than you so shut the hell up or you'll get knocked out or shot.
Should be hung.jpg
1) Barry, BIDEN. and Barry's 'most FOIA and Federal Records Act criminally noncompliant administration in US history' for ANOTHER criminal betrayal of the American people and violation of both US Constitution, Constitutional Rights, Civil Rights, and Rule of Law - as has been proven now - by committing Conspiracy, perjury, obstruction of justice, violations of the Espionage Act, sedition, collusion, and treason through attempting a 4-year-long filed coup attempt.
-- Obama, Biden, Hillary, Clapper, Rosenstein, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, Baker, Clinesmith, Rice, Powers, and more should be 'rewarded' with a healthy sentence in GITMO.

2) Democrats for continuously attempting to undermine the President / US government, attempting to overthrow the US govt, attempting to affect their own coup attempts for 4 years, during which time they also committed crimes, violated the Constitution, violated Constitutional and civil rights while committing treason.

3) D-Adam Schiff. Schiff violated numerous laws to include attempting to submit his own personally authored false transcript of the Phone call between the President and the Ukraine PM as criminal evidence, admitting he leaked classified evidence, and committed perjury bl claiming he did not know who the leaker was AFTER stating he and his staff knew who it was.

4) D-Gerry Nadler. Nadler, the House JUDICIARY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN, threatened the United States' top law enforcer with Censure if the US AG REFUSED TO BREAK US LAW...then led the Democrats in the house to do just that - Nadler and the Democrats Censured the US AG for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW.

5) D-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi swore to the American people she would not allow Impeachment to proceed unless there was 1) OVERWHELMING CRIMINAL EVIDENCE AGAINST THE PRESIDENT, & 2) bi-partisan support for impeachment.

The House held a 'show trial' that only succeeded in proving THERE WAS NO CRIME, THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE, & THERE WERE NO WITNESSES....and Pelosi BROKE HER WORD TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE and proceeded with Impeachment.

Pelosi, after arguing that President Trump was a dire threat to the nation that had to be removed from office IMMEDIATELY then held up the Articles of Impeachment, refusing to hand them over to the Senate, believing she could FORCE them to agree to her demands of running the Senate hearing as SHE wanted. She failed.

The House Democrats' frantic high-paced Impeachment became the 1st Politically Partisan Impeachment - based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses - in US history . Democrats even declared they did not need a crime to remove a President rom office.

Theirs was the 'fastest rush to Impeachment based on the weakest case for impeachment in US history'.


Biden is an old, white, elitist millionaire, corrupt, confessed extorting, dementia-suffering racist who has vowed to undo every successful thing President Trump has done, promised to re-instate Barry's business/economy-choking regulations - guaranteed to drive manufacturing back overseas and millions of Americans back onto the Democrat 'dependence plantation' via 'policies of 'economic slavery'. He has already vowed to raise taxes....

Which the Democrats are going to need to achieve the goals of their Green New Deal - high-speed solar powered trains, making internal combustion engines and fossil fuels illegal, and waging their winning war against cow farts.


And thanks to Democrats and COVID-19 Americans know exactly where they stand and what they can expect if another Pandemic hits - Democrats will declare there is nothing to worry about, will tell people to herd in large numbers, hey will oppose life-saving travel bans, and will kill off more of the elderly by filling the nursing homes with more infected patients.


George Soros, Madura, Putin, China, and our other enemies. Socialist, foreign enemy fueled/funded domestic terrorists will continue to destroy the US' history and culture, eliminate peace keepers, shred the Constitution, and quickly strip Americans of their rights and freedoms.

Where does Biden stand on violent socialists / enemies / terrorists on tearing down monuments and engaging in violence? He refuses to say...until after the election.

You don't have to worry about that, and you don't have to worry about Biden being a puppet after getting elected - he is already a puppet. His handlers keep him in his basement, only allow his to come out for short periods of time, only the huge mainstream fake news media is allowed to cover his events...and cover for Biden after them, he doesn't answer questions, he isn't allowed to have an opinion....because he can't string two coherent sentences together anymore.

And extreme leftist, butt-hurt, anti-America, pro-socialist/domestic terrorist-supporting Dems and snowflakes would rather the country be destroyed than under Trump 4 more years.

Don't reward these traitors....and a vote for Biden is just that.

Ya mad, bro?

"Trump's approval rating sits at just 40% overall, while a record 58% disapprove.

What's more, a whopping 49% of voters "strongly disapprove" of the job Trump is doing. That kind of intensity of disapproval is a record never before seen for this president or any past one."

All the BS aside, a vote for Biden is a vote against Rump. Since there is no vote for throw the bum out, it leaves voting for Biden.
And given the state of the country we have to vote him out.

LOL...do tell, how did we get to this "state of the country"?
Very poor leadership. Every big trump policy has failed with his response to the pandemic being the worst. Other countries are doing so much better than us.
1) Barry, BIDEN. and Barry's 'most FOIA and Federal Records Act criminally noncompliant administration in US history' for ANOTHER criminal betrayal of the American people and violation of both US Constitution, Constitutional Rights, Civil Rights, and Rule of Law - as has been proven now - by committing Conspiracy, perjury, obstruction of justice, violations of the Espionage Act, sedition, collusion, and treason through attempting a 4-year-long filed coup attempt.
-- Obama, Biden, Hillary, Clapper, Rosenstein, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, Baker, Clinesmith, Rice, Powers, and more should be 'rewarded' with a healthy sentence in GITMO.

2) Democrats for continuously attempting to undermine the President / US government, attempting to overthrow the US govt, attempting to affect their own coup attempts for 4 years, during which time they also committed crimes, violated the Constitution, violated Constitutional and civil rights while committing treason.

3) D-Adam Schiff. Schiff violated numerous laws to include attempting to submit his own personally authored false transcript of the Phone call between the President and the Ukraine PM as criminal evidence, admitting he leaked classified evidence, and committed perjury bl claiming he did not know who the leaker was AFTER stating he and his staff knew who it was.

4) D-Gerry Nadler. Nadler, the House JUDICIARY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN, threatened the United States' top law enforcer with Censure if the US AG REFUSED TO BREAK US LAW...then led the Democrats in the house to do just that - Nadler and the Democrats Censured the US AG for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW.

5) D-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi swore to the American people she would not allow Impeachment to proceed unless there was 1) OVERWHELMING CRIMINAL EVIDENCE AGAINST THE PRESIDENT, & 2) bi-partisan support for impeachment.

The House held a 'show trial' that only succeeded in proving THERE WAS NO CRIME, THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE, & THERE WERE NO WITNESSES....and Pelosi BROKE HER WORD TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE and proceeded with Impeachment.

Pelosi, after arguing that President Trump was a dire threat to the nation that had to be removed from office IMMEDIATELY then held up the Articles of Impeachment, refusing to hand them over to the Senate, believing she could FORCE them to agree to her demands of running the Senate hearing as SHE wanted. She failed.

The House Democrats' frantic high-paced Impeachment became the 1st Politically Partisan Impeachment - based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses - in US history . Democrats even declared they did not need a crime to remove a President rom office.

Theirs was the 'fastest rush to Impeachment based on the weakest case for impeachment in US history'.


Biden is an old, white, elitist millionaire, corrupt, confessed extorting, dementia-suffering racist who has vowed to undo every successful thing President Trump has done, promised to re-instate Barry's business/economy-choking regulations - guaranteed to drive manufacturing back overseas and millions of Americans back onto the Democrat 'dependence plantation' via 'policies of 'economic slavery'. He has already vowed to raise taxes....

Which the Democrats are going to need to achieve the goals of their Green New Deal - high-speed solar powered trains, making internal combustion engines and fossil fuels illegal, and waging their winning war against cow farts.


And thanks to Democrats and COVID-19 Americans know exactly where they stand and what they can expect if another Pandemic hits - Democrats will declare there is nothing to worry about, will tell people to herd in large numbers, hey will oppose life-saving travel bans, and will kill off more of the elderly by filling the nursing homes with more infected patients.


George Soros, Madura, Putin, China, and our other enemies. Socialist, foreign enemy fueled/funded domestic terrorists will continue to destroy the US' history and culture, eliminate peace keepers, shred the Constitution, and quickly strip Americans of their rights and freedoms.

Where does Biden stand on violent socialists / enemies / terrorists on tearing down monuments and engaging in violence? He refuses to say...until after the election.

You don't have to worry about that, and you don't have to worry about Biden being a puppet after getting elected - he is already a puppet. His handlers keep him in his basement, only allow his to come out for short periods of time, only the huge mainstream fake news media is allowed to cover his events...and cover for Biden after them, he doesn't answer questions, he isn't allowed to have an opinion....because he can't string two coherent sentences together anymore.

And extreme leftist, butt-hurt, anti-America, pro-socialist/domestic terrorist-supporting Dems and snowflakes would rather the country be destroyed than under Trump 4 more years.

Don't reward these traitors....and a vote for Biden is just that.

Ya mad, bro?

"Trump's approval rating sits at just 40% overall, while a record 58% disapprove.

What's more, a whopping 49% of voters "strongly disapprove" of the job Trump is doing. That kind of intensity of disapproval is a record never before seen for this president or any past one."

Mad? Me, brau? Hardly.

I'm laughing, watching the Democrats run another old, white, rich, elitist, broken-down, dementia-suffering racist...a confessed extortionist, pedophile, and pu$$y-grabber.

The outrageous corruption and contemptible incompetence of Democrats continues to roll in day after day at such an astounding pace that nobody can possibly keep up with it.
And the sheep excuse it all. They're smarter than you and better than you so shut the hell up or you'll get knocked out or shot.View attachment 355469
The outrageous corruption of democrats etc. is repeated by you guys thousands of times but seems like it's always republicans on the hot seat. Look at all trumps guys in jail. Obama? Perfect record. Republican low lifes went after Bill Clinton for years. Result? Proved some young babe gave him a b.j. Stuff like that don't happen to republicans cuz probably they're too square and too ugly.
I'm laughing, watching the Republicans run FROM their candidate: an old, white, rich, elitist, broken-down, dementia-suffering racist, who is a confessed, totalitarian-nationalistic, cheap-skate, incestuous, pu$$y-grabbing, chaos-creating LIAR.
The outrageous corruption and contemptible incompetence of Democrats continues to roll in day after day at such an astounding pace that nobody can possibly keep up with it.
And the sheep excuse it all. They're smarter than you and better than you so shut the hell up or you'll get knocked out or shot.View attachment 355469
We Trumpers have nothing to fear. President Trump will be reelected in a landslide. You can't believe the polls. You don't know where they were taken, what percentage were red or blue states and that 44% of independents one doesn't know which party they are affiliated with. Was one party or the other over or under-sampled? All the unknowns.

June 26, 2016: ABC News/WaPo Poll Had Hillary Up 12 Points

Jun 26, 2020

June 26, 2016: ABC News/WaPo Poll Had Hillary Up 12 Points

Biden's political folks want him to be well-prepared and scripted, following the same game plan he's been on for 50 years

that's also how Crooked Hillary lost, my friends
I'm laughing, watching the Republicans run FROM their candidate: an old, white, rich, elitist, broken-down, dementia-suffering racist, who is a confessed, totalitarian-nationalistic, cheap-skate, incestuous, pu$$y-grabbing, chaos-creating LIAR.

Same way you "laughed" after the 2016 election when Trump first beat every other Republican, and then beat Hateful Hillary after she outspent him 8 to 1.

you are here.jpg
Obama? Perfect record.

Obamagate update.jpg

Obama’s ‘Scandal-Free Administration’ Is a Myth

Jan 16th, 2017 3 min read

Hans A. von Spakovsky@HvonSpakovsky
Election Law Reform Initiative and Senior Legal Fellow
Hans von Spakovsky is an authority on a wide range of issues – including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration.

You often hear that the Obama administration, whatever its other failings, has been “scandal-free.” Valerie Jarrett, the president’s closest adviser, has said he “prides himself on the fact that his administration hasn’t had a scandal and he hasn’t done something to embarrass himself.”
Even Trump adviser Peter Thiel seems to agree. When the New York Times’s Maureen Dowd observed during an interview that Mr. Obama’s administration was “without any ethical shadiness,” Mr. Thiel accepted the premise, saying: “But there’s a point where no corruption can be a bad thing. It can mean that things are too boring.”
In reality, Mr. Obama has presided over some of the worst scandals of any president in recent decades. Here’s a partial list:
State Department email. In an effort to evade federal open-records laws, Mr. Obama’s first secretary of state set up a private server, which she used exclusively to conduct official business, including communications with the president and the transmission of classified material. A federal criminal investigation produced no charges, but FBI Director James Comey reported that the secretary and her colleagues “were extremely careless” in handling national secrets.
Operation Fast and Furious. The Obama Justice Department lost track of thousands of guns it had allowed to pass into the hands of suspected smugglers, in the hope of tracing them to Mexican drug cartels. One of the guns was used in the fatal 2010 shooting of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Congress held then-Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt when he refused to turn over documents about the operation.
IRS abuses. Mr. Obama’s Internal Revenue Service did something Richard Nixon only dreamed of doing: It successfully targeted political opponents. The Justice Department then refused to enforce Congress’s contempt citation against the IRS’s Lois Lerner, who refused to answer questions about her agency’s misconduct.
Benghazi. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others were killed in the attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Libya. With less than two months to go before the 2012 election, the State Department falsely claimed the attack was not a terrorist attack but a reaction to an anti-Muslim film. Emails from the secretary later showed that she knew the attack was terrorism. Justice Department prosecutors even convinced a magistrate judge to jail the filmmaker.
Hacking. Mr. Obama presided over the biggest data breach in the federal government’s history, at the Office of Personnel Management. The hack exposed the personnel files of millions of federal employees and may end up being used for everything from identity theft to blackmail and espionage. OPM Director Katherine Archuleta, the president’s former political director, had been warned repeatedly about security deficiencies but took no steps to fix them.

Veterans Affairs. At least 40 U.S. veterans died waiting for appointments at a Phoenix VA facility, many of whom had been on a secret waiting list—part of an effort to conceal that between 1,400 and 1,600 veterans were forced to wait months for appointments. A 2014 internal VA audit found “57,436 newly enrolled veterans facing a minimum 90-day wait for medical care; 63,869 veterans who enrolled over the past decade requesting an appointment that never happened.” Even Mr. Obama admitted, in a November 2016 press conference, that “it was scandalous what happened”—though minutes earlier he boasted that “we will—knock on wood—leave this administration without significant scandal.”

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