A Touchy Question On Gendercide Or In This Case Homocide

Either way a womans reason is her reason and doesnt need to be authorized or approved by you.

You didn't answer my question. Do you support gender-specific abortion?

Yes but that is because I support all abortion not just one type over another.

So if I wanted to abort a gay baby, or a black baby over a white baby if the testing were avaliable, this is acceptable ( 'Two in a million' black and white twins celebrate birthday | Mail Online )? No laws should be created about such?
CaféAuLait;5380273 said:
You didn't answer my question. Do you support gender-specific abortion?

Yes but that is because I support all abortion not just one type over another.

So if I wanted to abort a gay baby, or a black baby over a white baby if the testing were avaliable, this is acceptable ( 'Two in a million' black and white twins celebrate birthday | Mail Online )? No laws should be created about such?

You cant just show up on a new page and act like I didnt ask you a question, in case you play the "I cant remember" game here it is in context:

CaféAuLait;5380127 said:
It could be...not saying its right but people will always abuse laws on the books. Just like people will run red lights if they want to but traffic lights aren't bad.

So if the propensity is there to abuse such a law why not assure there is a clear directive on such a decision? If it is happening why not clarify it with a law which says it is illegal to do such.

For the people who run traffic lights there are repercussions, such is illegal.

I agree, but make it illegal to do what? Once you have a hard time explaining it, thats the problem

You first...
CaféAuLait;5380273 said:
Yes but that is because I support all abortion not just one type over another.

So if I wanted to abort a gay baby, or a black baby over a white baby if the testing were avaliable, this is acceptable ( 'Two in a million' black and white twins celebrate birthday | Mail Online )? No laws should be created about such?

You cant just show up on a new page and act like I didnt ask you a question, in case you play the "I cant remember" game here it is in context:

CaféAuLait;5380127 said:
So if the propensity is there to abuse such a law why not assure there is a clear directive on such a decision? If it is happening why not clarify it with a law which says it is illegal to do such.

For the people who run traffic lights there are repercussions, such is illegal.

I agree, but make it illegal to do what? Once you have a hard time explaining it, thats the problem

You first...

I thought I answered you. Maybe the post did not go through? This is what I said:

I don't understand what is so hard about creating a law which states that one can't abort a child based on gender, sexual identify, eye color, etc.
CaféAuLait;5380319 said:
CaféAuLait;5380273 said:
So if I wanted to abort a gay baby, or a black baby over a white baby if the testing were avaliable, this is acceptable ( 'Two in a million' black and white twins celebrate birthday | Mail Online )? No laws should be created about such?

You cant just show up on a new page and act like I didnt ask you a question, in case you play the "I cant remember" game here it is in context:

I agree, but make it illegal to do what? Once you have a hard time explaining it, thats the problem

You first...

I thought I answered you. Maybe the post did not go through? This is what I said:

I don't understand what is so hard about creating a law which states that one can't abort a child based on gender, sexual identify, eye color, etc.

I agree, but what will be hard is determining if that is the case. What are you going to do? Make it illegal then ask "Are you doing this because it's a girl?"

The answer will be "noooo of course not sir, that's illegal". Once you realize that the choice is theirs to make, the reasoning no longer matters. Thats why I said I might not agree with gender specific abortions but I support a womans right to get one. Since I support that right, the reason doesnt have any effect on my support.
CaféAuLait;5380319 said:
You cant just show up on a new page and act like I didnt ask you a question, in case you play the "I cant remember" game here it is in context:

You first...

I thought I answered you. Maybe the post did not go through? This is what I said:

I don't understand what is so hard about creating a law which states that one can't abort a child based on gender, sexual identify, eye color, etc.

I agree, but what will be hard is determining if that is the case. What are you going to do? Make it illegal then ask "Are you doing this because it's a girl?"

The answer will be "noooo of course not sir, that's illegal". Once you realize that the choice is theirs to make, the reasoning no longer matters. Thats why I said I might not agree with gender specific abortions but I support a womans right to get one. Since I support that right, the reason doesnt have any effect on my support.

Lefties tend to be such moral cowards on this issue.
CaféAuLait;5380319 said:
I thought I answered you. Maybe the post did not go through? This is what I said:

I don't understand what is so hard about creating a law which states that one can't abort a child based on gender, sexual identify, eye color, etc.

I agree, but what will be hard is determining if that is the case. What are you going to do? Make it illegal then ask "Are you doing this because it's a girl?"

The answer will be "noooo of course not sir, that's illegal". Once you realize that the choice is theirs to make, the reasoning no longer matters. Thats why I said I might not agree with gender specific abortions but I support a womans right to get one. Since I support that right, the reason doesnt have any effect on my support.

Lefties tend to be such moral cowards on this issue.

I see you've given up the debate route and have chosen the "nananaboo boo" debate tactic. See, when you cannot think through your own solutions it's not my problem, you didnt think it through
I agree, but what will be hard is determining if that is the case. What are you going to do? Make it illegal then ask "Are you doing this because it's a girl?"

The answer will be "noooo of course not sir, that's illegal". Once you realize that the choice is theirs to make, the reasoning no longer matters. Thats why I said I might not agree with gender specific abortions but I support a womans right to get one. Since I support that right, the reason doesnt have any effect on my support.

Lefties tend to be such moral cowards on this issue.

I see you've given up the debate route and have chosen the "nananaboo boo" debate tactic. See, when you cannot think through your own solutions it's not my problem, you didnt think it through

NO ASSHOLE...The poster is questioning YOUR tactics.

Nice try.:eusa_hand:
CaféAuLait;5380319 said:
You cant just show up on a new page and act like I didnt ask you a question, in case you play the "I cant remember" game here it is in context:

You first...

I thought I answered you. Maybe the post did not go through? This is what I said:

I don't understand what is so hard about creating a law which states that one can't abort a child based on gender, sexual identify, eye color, etc.

I agree, but what will be hard is determining if that is the case. What are you going to do? Make it illegal then ask "Are you doing this because it's a girl?"

The answer will be "noooo of course not sir, that's illegal". Once you realize that the choice is theirs to make, the reasoning no longer matters. Thats why I said I might not agree with gender specific abortions but I support a womans right to get one. Since I support that right, the reason doesnt have any effect on my support.

The proposed law read this way:

The legislation would have made it a federal offense, subject to up to five years in prison, to perform, solicit funds for or coerce a woman into having a sex-selection abortion. Bringing a woman into the country to obtain such an abortion would also be punishable by up to five years in prison. While doctors would not have an affirmative responsibility to ask a woman her motivations for an abortion, health workers could be imprisoned for up to a year for not reporting known or suspected violations of the ban on sex-based abortions.

Read more: House rejects gender-based abortion bill* - NY Daily News

I see nothing there when a doctor was forced to ask why, in fact the bill did not ask that the doctor ask the woman such. Just if they knew that was the reason it was illegal to perform the abortion with such knowledge.
CaféAuLait;5380495 said:
CaféAuLait;5380319 said:
I thought I answered you. Maybe the post did not go through? This is what I said:

I don't understand what is so hard about creating a law which states that one can't abort a child based on gender, sexual identify, eye color, etc.

I agree, but what will be hard is determining if that is the case. What are you going to do? Make it illegal then ask "Are you doing this because it's a girl?"

The answer will be "noooo of course not sir, that's illegal". Once you realize that the choice is theirs to make, the reasoning no longer matters. Thats why I said I might not agree with gender specific abortions but I support a womans right to get one. Since I support that right, the reason doesnt have any effect on my support.

The proposed law read this way:

The legislation would have made it a federal offense, subject to up to five years in prison, to perform, solicit funds for or coerce a woman into having a sex-selection abortion. Bringing a woman into the country to obtain such an abortion would also be punishable by up to five years in prison. While doctors would not have an affirmative responsibility to ask a woman her motivations for an abortion, health workers could be imprisoned for up to a year for not reporting known or suspected violations of the ban on sex-based abortions.

Read more: House rejects gender-based abortion bill* - NY Daily News

I see nothing there when a doctor was forced to ask why, in fact the bill did not ask that the doctor ask the woman such. Just if they knew that was the reason it was illegal to perform the abortion with such knowledge.

Oh, you couldve just said witch hunt

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