A Thought on Judaism...no "pie in the sky"


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
While I have read the Torah and some commentaries, I have only a passing understanding of jewish beliefs. I also have the distinct impression that there is a very broad range of beliefs within judaism about very basic issues. Hell, some jews admit to being atheists and agnostics.

But it is my distinct understanding that judaism has no formalized or universal belief in an afterlife, and individual jews have beliefs that are "all over the lot," on that subject. Some believe that dead is dead...done and gone. Others have varying different beliefs about conditions in the hereafter, who will end up there, and so on. Dennis Prager bases his belief on a belief that God is "just." If that is the case, the a virtuous life will be rewarded in the afterlife and an evil life will be punished - if only with oblivion. Indeed, if God is just, then there MUST be a "balancing" in the afterlife because many virtuous people die penniless and wretched, and any evil people die in the lap of luxury, so to speak.

But the more important question is how the lack of a "pie in the sky" impacts the day to day decisions of jews in how to conduct their affairs. If there is no accountability, then the Torah can speak of moral and ethical behavior, and emphasize it, but there are (obviously) no ramifications for most people. This is clearly observable in life.

Christians are encouraged to "love" everyone, especially their "enemies," and Christian charities thrive all over the world, educating, feeding, housing, and providing medical care to people who may or may not believe anything that Christianity teaches. Most Christians believe that these good works will impact how they live out "eternity," so to speak.

Jewish charities tend to benefit exclusively jews (correct me if I'm wrong). Are there any avowedly Muslim charities. Bhuddist charities, etc.? I don't know.

There is a perception abroad - maybe it's just bigotry - that jews tend to (a) be entrepreneurial - which is understandable, and (b) they tend to lean toward businesses that exploit the exploitable...pawn shops, check cashing businesses, jewelry stores, slum apartment buildings, flashy clothing stores in "urban" neighborhoods, and so on. These are things that "Christians" tend to shy away from, as they are unseemly.

So again, how does the lack of a Pie in the Sky affect the everyday decision making of "good jews"? Or does it? I have never seen any study that explored the moral or ethical behavior of different religious groups. Does such a study exist?
While I have read the Torah and some commentaries, I have only a passing understanding of jewish beliefs. I also have the distinct impression that there is a very broad range of beliefs within judaism about very basic issues. Hell, some jews admit to being atheists and agnostics.

But it is my distinct understanding that judaism has no formalized or universal belief in an afterlife, and individual jews have beliefs that are "all over the lot," on that subject. Some believe that dead is dead...done and gone. Others have varying different beliefs about conditions in the hereafter, who will end up there, and so on. Dennis Prager bases his belief on a belief that God is "just." If that is the case, the a virtuous life will be rewarded in the afterlife and an evil life will be punished - if only with oblivion. Indeed, if God is just, then there MUST be a "balancing" in the afterlife because many virtuous people die penniless and wretched, and any evil people die in the lap of luxury, so to speak.

But the more important question is how the lack of a "pie in the sky" impacts the day to day decisions of jews in how to conduct their affairs. If there is no accountability, then the Torah can speak of moral and ethical behavior, and emphasize it, but there are (obviously) no ramifications for most people. This is clearly observable in life.

Christians are encouraged to "love" everyone, especially their "enemies," and Christian charities thrive all over the world, educating, feeding, housing, and providing medical care to people who may or may not believe anything that Christianity teaches. Most Christians believe that these good works will impact how they live out "eternity," so to speak.

Jewish charities tend to benefit exclusively jews (correct me if I'm wrong). Are there any avowedly Muslim charities. Bhuddist charities, etc.? I don't know.

There is a perception abroad - maybe it's just bigotry - that jews tend to (a) be entrepreneurial - which is understandable, and (b) they tend to lean toward businesses that exploit the exploitable...pawn shops, check cashing businesses, jewelry stores, slum apartment buildings, flashy clothing stores in "urban" neighborhoods, and so on. These are things that "Christians" tend to shy away from, as they are unseemly.

So again, how does the lack of a Pie in the Sky affect the everyday decision making of "good jews"? Or does it? I have never seen any study that explored the moral or ethical behavior of different religious groups. Does such a study exist?

Not in Atlanta.. Jewish charities in Atlanta serve people of every color and faith and no faith. Its a very big deal here.

Everything from help for the elderly to counseling, to free dental service to food banks, art therapy.. and that's just for starters.
Jewish belief in the afterlife varied even in Jesus day, hence his observation that God is the God of the living.

Even Jews who do believe in the afterlife see scripture as instructions/advice on how to live this life--not instructions about how to enter the afterlife. Some also believe in a form of purgatory--that lasts no longer than a year after death.

Jews who believe have a beautiful faith, a strong belief in God. They trust His Laws, they work to remember Him every minute of every day. The way they perform every day tasks keep God before them.
While I have read the Torah and some commentaries, I have only a passing understanding of jewish beliefs. I also have the distinct impression that there is a very broad range of beliefs within judaism about very basic issues. Hell, some jews admit to being atheists and agnostics.

But it is my distinct understanding that judaism has no formalized or universal belief in an afterlife, and individual jews have beliefs that are "all over the lot," on that subject. Some believe that dead is dead...done and gone. Others have varying different beliefs about conditions in the hereafter, who will end up there, and so on. Dennis Prager bases his belief on a belief that God is "just." If that is the case, the a virtuous life will be rewarded in the afterlife and an evil life will be punished - if only with oblivion. Indeed, if God is just, then there MUST be a "balancing" in the afterlife because many virtuous people die penniless and wretched, and any evil people die in the lap of luxury, so to speak.

But the more important question is how the lack of a "pie in the sky" impacts the day to day decisions of jews in how to conduct their affairs. If there is no accountability, then the Torah can speak of moral and ethical behavior, and emphasize it, but there are (obviously) no ramifications for most people. This is clearly observable in life.

Christians are encouraged to "love" everyone, especially their "enemies," and Christian charities thrive all over the world, educating, feeding, housing, and providing medical care to people who may or may not believe anything that Christianity teaches. Most Christians believe that these good works will impact how they live out "eternity," so to speak.

Jewish charities tend to benefit exclusively jews (correct me if I'm wrong). Are there any avowedly Muslim charities. Bhuddist charities, etc.? I don't know.

There is a perception abroad - maybe it's just bigotry - that jews tend to (a) be entrepreneurial - which is understandable, and (b) they tend to lean toward businesses that exploit the exploitable...pawn shops, check cashing businesses, jewelry stores, slum apartment buildings, flashy clothing stores in "urban" neighborhoods, and so on. These are things that "Christians" tend to shy away from, as they are unseemly.

So again, how does the lack of a Pie in the Sky affect the everyday decision making of "good jews"? Or does it? I have never seen any study that explored the moral or ethical behavior of different religious groups. Does such a study exist?
Like all pagan religions, ancient Judaism was transactional. You kept on the right side of God and your people thrived. You sinned and God would hand you over to your enemies. What came after death was unknown so you focused on ensuring it rained and your crops did well.
Not in Atlanta.. Jewish charities in Atlanta serve people of every color and faith and no faith. Its a very big deal here.

Everything from help for the elderly to counseling, to free dental service to food banks, art therapy.. and that's just for starters.

Just a few facts.
The Jewish population makes up but 2% of the US population. There are roughly about 330 million people in the US. Of all those claiming Jewish heritage (as if religion makes up a race of peoples) there are only about 10% of these that actually PRACTICE orthodox Judaism (Basic). That means that about 90% of the so called faith have not seen the inside of a temple since Moses was a child.

The trouble with Judaism is its pride and arrogance, at any time in its history there has been but a few, faithful at its core doctrine.......that's why the nation of Israel has not existed upon earth for over 2000 years. They did not even know the Son of God.....the Messiah when He appeared as promised in prophecy.

God has taken their nation from them, never to be restored again. Once again there was only a core that found favor with God and was saved through belief and faith in Christ Jesus. As the Gospel of Christianity was first preached to the Jews only for the first 10 years of its existence. Historically the Jews were always in conflict even with their own laws and covenants. Even though God made land promises to the Jews, there were conditions placed upon those promises.

God promised to destroy Israel when it disobeyed (Lev. 26:27-39). They would be driven from the land of promise (Deut. 4:25-28). They would cease to be a nation (Deut. 8:19-20). Historically as found in scriptures these promises of chastisement were administered upon Israel.

Israel sinned "grievously" against God..........despite the longsuffering/patience of God. The northern tribes were removed from the land. (2 Kings 17:7-18). When the remaining tribe sinned against God.......it was also removed from the land. (2 Kings 23:26-17)

Yet.....God had mercy upon Israel and promised that this 2nd period of captivity would last but 70 years. The whole nation would not be restored but a faithful remnant would be allowed to return to the land. (Jer. 25:8-13, Isa. 10:20-23)

This promise was fulfilled......a remnant returned to the land.....Ezra, Zerubbabel, and Nehemiah returned the people to the land of Israel.

Israel, just like a broken potters jar, would be repaired, pieced together but never again restored to its former glory as it once was....Israel would never be whole again (never is a long time) -- Jer. 19:7-13

God has kept All His Promises. The nation calling itself Israel is but a very bad clone with nothing in common with Biblical Israel. The Israel of the Bible was ruled via the Law of Moses.......Modern Israel is governed by a set of man made laws. The real Israel was ruled by a King.......today's Israel is ruled by politicians. The Israel of the Bible at some point in its history was in possession of all the promised land. Modern Israel possesses but a small portion of the land once held by Israel. Biblical Israel had a Temple. Modern Israel has no temple.

Biblical Israel had a royal priesthood. Modern Israel has no royal priesthood nor Tribal ID.
Just a few facts.
The Jewish population makes up but 2% of the US population. There are roughly about 330 million people in the US. Of all those claiming Jewish heritage (as if religion makes up a race of peoples) there are only about 10% of these that actually PRACTICE orthodox Judaism (Basic). That means that about 90% of the so called faith have not seen the inside of a temple since Moses was a child.

The trouble with Judaism is its pride and arrogance, at any time in its history there has been but a few, faithful at its core doctrine.......that's why the nation of Israel has not existed upon earth for over 2000 years. They did not even know the Son of God.....the Messiah when He appeared as promised in prophecy.

God has taken their nation from them, never to be restored again. Once again there was only a core that found favor with God and was saved through belief and faith in Christ Jesus. As the Gospel of Christianity was first preached to the Jews only for the first 10 years of its existence. Historically the Jews were always in conflict even with their own laws and covenants. Even though God made land promises to the Jews, there were conditions placed upon those promises.

God promised to destroy Israel when it disobeyed (Lev. 26:27-39). They would be driven from the land of promise (Deut. 4:25-28). They would cease to be a nation (Deut. 8:19-20). Historically as found in scriptures these promises of chastisement were administered upon Israel.

Israel sinned "grievously" against God..........despite the longsuffering/patience of God. The northern tribes were removed from the land. (2 Kings 17:7-18). When the remaining tribe sinned against God.......it was also removed from the land. (2 Kings 23:26-17)

Yet.....God had mercy upon Israel and promised that this 2nd period of captivity would last but 70 years. The whole nation would not be restored but a faithful remnant would be allowed to return to the land. (Jer. 25:8-13, Isa. 10:20-23)

This promise was fulfilled......a remnant returned to the land.....Ezra, Zerubbabel, and Nehemiah returned the people to the land of Israel.

Israel, just like a broken potters jar, would be repaired, pieced together but never again restored to its former glory as it once was....Israel would never be whole again (never is a long time) -- Jer. 19:7-13

God has kept All His Promises. The nation calling itself Israel is but a very bad clone with nothing in common with Biblical Israel. The Israel of the Bible was ruled via the Law of Moses.......Modern Israel is governed by a set of man made laws. The real Israel was ruled by a King.......today's Israel is ruled by politicians. The Israel of the Bible at some point in its history was in possession of all the promised land. Modern Israel possesses but a small portion of the land once held by Israel. Biblical Israel had a Temple. Modern Israel has no temple.

Biblical Israel had a royal priesthood. Modern Israel has no royal priesthood nor Tribal ID.

I'm not an expert on Jewish people or how often they go to synagogue.

The Messiah they expected was an anointed warrior king like David who would vanquish the enemies of the Jews. Jesus was none of that, but the Christians call him Messiah. I don't really understand. Is this a competition .. a rivalry between Christians and Jews? What purpose does it serve?

Is there some need to prove them wrong?
I'm not an expert on Jewish people or how often they go to synagogue.

The Messiah they expected was an anointed warrior king like David who would vanquish the enemies of the Jews. Jesus was none of that, but the Christians call him Messiah. I don't really understand. Is this a competition .. a rivalry between Christians and Jews? What purpose does it serve?

Is there some need to prove them wrong?
I have never understood why some religions feel the need to compete with each other. This is an entirely earthly power-grab.

Posts like Clyde's are pure drivel He speaks of Jews as having "pride and arrogance." He needs to take a long hard look at all the phony "Christians" running around producing nothing but absolute stupidity. They fancy themselves very, very much, and I wouldn't give a dime for any of them. They are useless.
While I have read the Torah and some commentaries, I have only a passing understanding of jewish beliefs. I also have the distinct impression that there is a very broad range of beliefs within judaism about very basic issues. Hell, some jews admit to being atheists and agnostics.

But it is my distinct understanding that judaism has no formalized or universal belief in an afterlife, and individual jews have beliefs that are "all over the lot," on that subject. Some believe that dead is dead...done and gone. Others have varying different beliefs about conditions in the hereafter, who will end up there, and so on. Dennis Prager bases his belief on a belief that God is "just." If that is the case, the a virtuous life will be rewarded in the afterlife and an evil life will be punished - if only with oblivion. Indeed, if God is just, then there MUST be a "balancing" in the afterlife because many virtuous people die penniless and wretched, and any evil people die in the lap of luxury, so to speak.

But the more important question is how the lack of a "pie in the sky" impacts the day to day decisions of jews in how to conduct their affairs. If there is no accountability, then the Torah can speak of moral and ethical behavior, and emphasize it, but there are (obviously) no ramifications for most people. This is clearly observable in life.

Christians are encouraged to "love" everyone, especially their "enemies," and Christian charities thrive all over the world, educating, feeding, housing, and providing medical care to people who may or may not believe anything that Christianity teaches. Most Christians believe that these good works will impact how they live out "eternity," so to speak.

Jewish charities tend to benefit exclusively jews (correct me if I'm wrong). Are there any avowedly Muslim charities. Bhuddist charities, etc.? I don't know.

There is a perception abroad - maybe it's just bigotry - that jews tend to (a) be entrepreneurial - which is understandable, and (b) they tend to lean toward businesses that exploit the exploitable...pawn shops, check cashing businesses, jewelry stores, slum apartment buildings, flashy clothing stores in "urban" neighborhoods, and so on. These are things that "Christians" tend to shy away from, as they are unseemly.

So again, how does the lack of a Pie in the Sky affect the everyday decision making of "good jews"? Or does it? I have never seen any study that explored the moral or ethical behavior of different religious groups. Does such a study exist?
Fair question.
Your works/deeds do have accountability, because you have to live in that society you create (Dems are finding that out the hard way) and your offspring suffer or are blessed by those decisions and choices.
The concept of resurrection comes from Judaism in this sense:
Death is an unnatural occurance, seen as problematic and despised by that which is living (creation) and thriving to live. So the reward for those who have taken an unstable chaotic world and made it stable, through good works and deeds and devotion towards life and living, and helping to progress the world into a paradise, get to "return" to see that [FUTURE] "world to come" (Olam Habah) aka heaven (in life not in death).
I'm not an expert on Jewish people or how often they go to synagogue.

The Messiah they expected was an anointed warrior king like David who would vanquish the enemies of the Jews. Jesus was none of that, but the Christians call him Messiah. I don't really understand. Is this a competition .. a rivalry between Christians and Jews? What purpose does it serve?

Is there some need to prove them wrong?
Messiah means one who is anointed/appointed by God for a certain task. Those of the Jewish faith are looking forward to a fully human national leader in the line of King David. Jesus said he was not this messiah. He also insisted he was anointed/appointed by God to deliver the Good News that sins are forgiven (turning away from sin (repentance); turning towards the will of God.

Jesus noted that it was Moses who spoke of him, and Moses, in his time, had no foreknowledge of King David. Moses brought the Law, insisted on adherence to the Law; Jesus was Part II of this, proclaiming when the Law was broken and a person/people repented, their sins are forgiven.

Personally, I hope the Jews see their earthly kingdom messiah. A person appointed for one task takens nothing away from the person appointed for another one.
Just a few facts.
The Jewish population makes up but 2% of the US population. There are roughly about 330 million people in the US. Of all those claiming Jewish heritage (as if religion makes up a race of peoples) there are only about 10% of these that actually PRACTICE orthodox Judaism (Basic). That means that about 90% of the so called faith have not seen the inside of a temple since Moses was a child.

The trouble with Judaism is its pride and arrogance, at any time in its history there has been but a few, faithful at its core doctrine.......that's why the nation of Israel has not existed upon earth for over 2000 years. They did not even know the Son of God.....the Messiah when He appeared as promised in prophecy.

God has taken their nation from them, never to be restored again. Once again there was only a core that found favor with God and was saved through belief and faith in Christ Jesus. As the Gospel of Christianity was first preached to the Jews only for the first 10 years of its existence. Historically the Jews were always in conflict even with their own laws and covenants. Even though God made land promises to the Jews, there were conditions placed upon those promises.

God promised to destroy Israel when it disobeyed (Lev. 26:27-39). They would be driven from the land of promise (Deut. 4:25-28). They would cease to be a nation (Deut. 8:19-20). Historically as found in scriptures these promises of chastisement were administered upon Israel.

Israel sinned "grievously" against God..........despite the longsuffering/patience of God. The northern tribes were removed from the land. (2 Kings 17:7-18). When the remaining tribe sinned against God.......it was also removed from the land. (2 Kings 23:26-17)

Yet.....God had mercy upon Israel and promised that this 2nd period of captivity would last but 70 years. The whole nation would not be restored but a faithful remnant would be allowed to return to the land. (Jer. 25:8-13, Isa. 10:20-23)

This promise was fulfilled......a remnant returned to the land.....Ezra, Zerubbabel, and Nehemiah returned the people to the land of Israel.

Israel, just like a broken potters jar, would be repaired, pieced together but never again restored to its former glory as it once was....Israel would never be whole again (never is a long time) -- Jer. 19:7-13

God has kept All His Promises. The nation calling itself Israel is but a very bad clone with nothing in common with Biblical Israel. The Israel of the Bible was ruled via the Law of Moses.......Modern Israel is governed by a set of man made laws. The real Israel was ruled by a King.......today's Israel is ruled by politicians. The Israel of the Bible at some point in its history was in possession of all the promised land. Modern Israel possesses but a small portion of the land once held by Israel. Biblical Israel had a Temple. Modern Israel has no temple.

Biblical Israel had a royal priesthood. Modern Israel has no royal priesthood nor Tribal ID.

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

Crudely Anti-Semitic Books Sold Outside Beatification Event at Warsaw Church | United with Israel

" Christians" don't need an excuse to HATE. Your " FATHER'S" TAUGHT YOU WELL. JUST A FEW EXAMPLES!
Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

Crudely Anti-Semitic Books Sold Outside Beatification Event at Warsaw Church | United with Israel

" Christians" don't need an excuse to HATE. Your " FATHER'S" TAUGHT YOU WELL. JUST A FEW EXAMPLES!
Christians are admonished to deal in TRUTH as truth is the one thing that sets one free. The very mission of Christ Jesus was to deliver truth from heaven.......truth by which we are to be sanctified. Don't confuse TRUTH with hate. I did note that you could not refute the information presented....why? Because its truth based. ;) You attack the messenger instead of actually dealing with the message. Typical of a liberal, as most Jews are LIBERAL because that is where the free stuff resides, free to everyone except to those who pay the bills. The 10% earners who pay for 90% of all taxes.

You'd assume that because the US is the only friend that modern Israel has surrounded in a sea of 14th century despotism, that most Jews would support the Conservative policies such as provided by Trump who actually supported Israel in deed not rhetoric.

I have nothing against Israel as a nation for its an ally of the US. The problem I have is the fact that most Jews support liberalism, liberalism that refused to accept Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and gives tax payer aid to the enemies of Israel. I support Israel become of its semi-democratic system of government and the freedom it provides for its citizens. I do not support anyone that misinterprets the Holy Scriptures and declares that Israel is special to God because of its history. Nonsense.....and non scriptural. Jesus was a Jew........ to suggest that Christians hate Jews is a sign of ignorance or bigoty.

Can you read.........then read this, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male or female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are descendants of Abraham, heirs according to the promise." -- Gal. 3:28-29 There is only one promise made to Abraham still remaining, to fill the earth with his descendants.......the Land Promise was fulfilled in the history provided in the Old Testament. The Land promise was fulfilled when God brought Israel out of bondage and gave them the land of promise in the days of Joshua. Joshua 11:23, "So Joshua took the whole land according to ALL THE LORD HAD SAID........."

The Land Promise was completed in its entirety, "So God/Jehovah gave unto Israel all the land HE SWARE TO GIVE UNTO THEIR FATHERS; and they possessed it, and dwelt therein." -- Josh 21:41-45 "..........there failed naught of any good thing which God had promised and spoken unto the house of Israel.........ALL CAME TO PASS."

God saved a remnant of Biblical Israel when they accepted Christ Jesus as the Messiah of prophecy......and any Jew can still be saved via accepting the same terms of the new covenant of Christ as did that core of faithful Jews in the 1st century. Christianity was exclusively for the Jews in its first 10 years of existence.

It appears to me that you are the BIGOT. I simply deal in truth. Such as most Jews voting for the democrat political machine, which is corrupt to its soul. In fact they still vote democrat in spite of the fact that liberal foreign policies are against Israel and support their enemies with foreign aid. I understand why support for liberalism began because of the war in Europe (WW2)........but today, Conservative policies are greatly superior to liberalism in support of Israel.....yet, the majority of Jews support liberalism today and its ever growing fascist policies.
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Christians are admonished to deal in TRUTH as truth is the one thing that sets one free. The very mission of Christ Jesus was to deliver truth from heaven.......truth that we are to be sanctified. Don't confuse TRUTH with hate. I did note that you could not refute the information presented....why? Because its truth based. ;)
Apparently there are Other Religions that disagree. Why is it that ONLY the Jewish people are demonized? “ Jesus” taught “ forgiveness” . That aside, the Jewish people have done nothing that requires “ forgiveness” Apparently that is something Christians are not taught in their “ Church”
Apparently there are Other Religions that disagree. Why is it that ONLY the Jewish people are demonized? “ Jesus” taught “ forgiveness” . That aside, the Jewish people have done nothing that requires “ forgiveness” Apparently that is something Christians are not taught in their “ Church”

I do not demonize all Jews.......just the 90% + that are hypocrites.

Who cares about the accolades of other religions? I care only about Christian TRUTH. Again....typical of a LIBERAL....seeking the accolade of men rather than obeying the Father. I have but one source that will JUDGE my actions. Again.......Jesus was a JEW....how can you project hatred toward Judaism when Jesus was the only JEW to ever walk the earth without sin? As I said, its obvious who the hater is......its the one that seeks the accolades of men rather than the Truth from Heaven, you hate being exposed in your ignorance and charge others of the hate that begins and ends in your own heart.

Other religions do not judge me......, "He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words has that which judges him.....the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day." -- John 12:48 Jesus' words will outlast the universe (Matt. 24:35).

Where is the word of God found today? Only in one place, faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. The Holy Scriptures. Anyone that says they talk directly to God and God answers personally is either a liar or Bat Crap crazy. To prove this your testimony would have to be accompanied via Signs and Wonders just as the Apostles inspiration was confirmed. Where is the dead being brought back to life. The blind from birth given sight. The crippled and lame healed. Produce these signs and will I follow the Book of I Love Israel.

The Holy Spirit of God inspired the Holy Scriptures and they are to be used to make the man of God........COMPLETE. All scripture in the Greek means "God Breathed". 2 Tim. 3:16 Meaning the Word comes directly from God. The scriptures are permanent and cannot be broken/found to be false .........ever. -- John 10:35. The word/faith was "ONCE" delivered to the saints of the 1st century. (Jude 3)..

My life and actions are to be judged by the content of the BOOKS. "And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead are judged according to their works, by the things which are written in the BOOKS." -- Rev. 20:12

What should I do? Worry about your accolade seeking judgement or allow the truth found in the Holy scriptures to judge my action in presenting that recorded truth? I choose door number 2. ;)

Demonized? Only the ignorant Jews are subject to demonic influence just as are all those who are willfully ignorant. Indeed Jesus taught forgiveness and explained just how one is forgiven ........even those who ignorantly killed the Son of God and thought so much of their faith that that they did not even know when the Messiah of Prophecy was among them. There is only one way to find fellowship with the Father. There was a faithful core of Jews that accepted Jesus as the Messiah and were saved........a remnant, God's wrath fell upon Israel and Biblical Israel was destroyed over 2000 years ago..........just as God Promised when Israel willfully sinned against Him.

God promised to destroy Israel when it disobeyed (Lev. 26:27-39). They would cease to be a Nation (Deut. 4:25-28)

When they came back to God, God allowed a remnant to once again occupy the land of promise. But as a broken potters jar it would never be whole/complete ever again. (Jer. 19:7-13). This remnant occupied the land when Ezra, Zerubbabel, and Nehemiah returned. And that remnant remained until the 1st century..........when they disobeyed God again in rejecting the Christ, again only a faithful remnant was saved, those who accepted Christ Jesus as the Messiah. The rest were destroyed by the Roman Empire and Biblical Israel died (as prophesied by Jesus -- Matt.24:1-3, Mark 13:1-4, Luke 21:5-7)........2000 years ago. Today.......any faithful Jew can accept God's will and return to the fold............

"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life; NO MAN COMETH TO THE FATHER, EXCEPT THROUGH ME." -- John 14:6

That's the only method for the blind Jew to regain sight and approach the favor of THE FATHER.
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I do not demonize all Jews.......just the 90% + that are hypocrites.

Who cares about the accolades of other religions? I care only about Christian TRUTH. Again....typical of a LIBERAL....seeking the accolade of men rather than obeying the Father. I have but one source that will JUDGE my actions. Again.......Jesus was a JEW....how can you project hatred toward Judaism when Jesus was the only JEW to ever walk the earth without sin? As I said, its obvious who the hater is......its the one that seeks the accolades of men rather than the Truth from Heaven, you hate being exposed in your ignorance and charge others of the hate that begins and ends in your own heart.

Other religions do not judge me......, "He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words has that which judges him.....the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day." -- John 12:48 Jesus' words will outlast the universe (Matt. 24:35).

Where is the word of God found today? Only in one place, faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. The Holy Scriptures. Anyone that says they talk directly to God and God answers personally is either a liar or Bat Crap crazy. To prove this your testimony would have to be accompanied via Signs and Wonders just as the Apostles inspiration was confirmed. Where is the dead being brought back to life. The blind from birth given sight. The crippled and lame healed. Produce these signs and will I follow the Book of I Love Israel.

The Holy Spirit of God inspired the Holy Scriptures and they are to be used to make the man of God........COMPLETE. All scripture in the Greek means "God Breathed". 2 Tim. 3:16 Meaning the Word comes directly from God. The scriptures are permanent and cannot be broken/found to be false .........ever. -- John 10:35. The word/faith was "ONCE" delivered to the saints of the 1st century. (Jude 3)..

My life and actions are to be judged by the content of the BOOKS. "And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead are judged according to their works, by the things which are written in the BOOKS." -- Rev. 20:12

What should I do? Worry about your accolade seeking judgement or allow the truth found in the Holy scriptures to judge my action in presenting that recorded truth? I choose door number 2. ;)

Demonized? Only the ignorant Jews are subject to demonic influence just as are all those who are willfully ignorant. Indeed Jesus taught forgiveness and explained just how one is forgiven ........even those who ignorantly killed the Son of God and thought so much of their faith that that they did not even know when the Messiah of Prophecy was among them. There is only one way to find fellowship with the Father. There was a faithful core of Jews that accepted Jesus as the Messiah and were saved........a remnant, God's wrath fell upon Israel and Biblical Israel was destroyed over 2000 years ago..........just as God Promised when Israel willfully sinned against Him.

God promised to destroy Israel when it disobeyed (Lev. 26:27-39). They would cease to be a Nation (Deut. 4:25-28)

When they came back to God, God allowed a remnant to once again occupy the land of promise. But as a broken potters jar it would never be whole/complete ever again. (Jer. 19:7-13). This remnant occupied the land when Ezra, Zerubbabel, and Nehemiah returned. And that remnant remained until the 1st century..........when they disobeyed God again in rejecting the Christ, again only a faithful remnant was saved, those who accepted Christ Jesus as the Messiah. The rest were destroyed by the Roman Empire and Biblical Israel died (as prophesied by Jesus -- Matt.24:1-3, Mark 13:1-4, Luke 21:5-7)........2000 years ago. Today.......any faithful Jew can accept God's will and return to the fold............

"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life; NO MAN COMETH TO THE FATHER, EXCEPT THROUGH ME." -- John 14:6

That's the only method for the blind Jew to regain sight and approach the favor of THE FATHER.
Too bad you don’t demonize the 99.9 percent of Christians that are Hypocrites . “ Christians” believe “ My way or the Highway?” Another excuse for preaching Jewish hate and intolerance
Apparently there are Other Religions that disagree. Why is it that ONLY the Jewish people are demonized? “ Jesus” taught “ forgiveness” . That aside, the Jewish people have done nothing that requires “ forgiveness” Apparently that is something Christians are not taught in their “ Church”

Who teaches you that only Jewish people are demonized?
The Messiah they expected was an anointed warrior king like David who would vanquish the enemies of the Jews. Jesus was none of that,

If that's all that you can see....

Jesus said that he did not come to bring peace but a sword. I'm sure this coming from a love your enemy unarmed party animal it seemed like the hubris of a madman.

But if you read Jeremiah 25:15 not to mention the commision he gave to his disciples it may not be so delusional especially when historical facts are included in your speculations.

"Take this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations"

"Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."

Can anyone deny the fact that, historically, the people of every nations that started drinking from this cup went completely insane.

"Just art thou, in these thy judgments, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."

He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword.

and so in this way the enemies of Israel were laid low by the invisible sword of a nutty warrior king.
If that's all that you can see....

Jesus said that he did not come to bring peace but a sword. I'm sure this coming from a love your enemy unarmed party animal it seemed like the hubris of a madman.

But if you read Jeremiah 25:15 not to mention the commision he gave to his disciples it may not be so delusional especially when historical facts are included in your speculations.

"Take this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations"

"Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."

Can anyone deny the fact that, historically, the people of every nations that started drinking from this cup went completely insane.

"Just art thou, in these thy judgments, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."

He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword.

and so in this way the enemies of Israel were laid low by the invisible sword of a nutty warrior king.

The sword is the truth from the mouth of Jesus.

Check who Jeremiah is talking about.

Bible prophecy from Jeremiah 25:11-12
In Jeremiah 25:11-12, the prophet said that the Jews would suffer 70 years of Babylonian domination. Jeremiah also said Babylon would be punished after the 70 years. Both parts of this prophecy were fulfilled. In 609 BC, which is about 2600 years ago, Babylon captured the last Assyrian king and ruled over a vast part of what had been the Assyrian empire, to which the land of Israel previously had been subjugated.

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