A Study Of The 2020 Presidential Election


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
Dr John Accurate, a Professor of Political Science at Oklahoma State University, has done extensive research on the statistics of the 2020 Presidential Election. He also studied the records of the Democratic National Committee and interviewed over 1000 poll workers. He has written a new book called "Can We Try That Again?"
Not a mathematician? ... why do you think he's right? ... 114.8% of university math professors say Biden is the best choice ... that Biden won the 2020 election fair and square ...
Dr John Accurate, a Professor of Political Science at Oklahoma State University, has done extensive research on the statistics of the 2020 Presidential Election. He also studied the records of the Democratic National Committee and interviewed over 1000 poll workers. He has written a new book called "Can We Try That Again?"

We the people got rid of an incompetent, racist squatter in the White House. We got it exactly right. We got it right the first time (2016), but an obscure anachronism gave us this guy to start with.

We the people got rid of an incompetent, racist squatter in the White House. We got it exactly right. We got it right the first time (2016), but an obscure anachronism gave us this guy to start with.
Incompetent? Unemployment under DJT was lower among Blacks and Hispanics that it had been for 50 years. Illegal immigration was way down and jobs were coming back from overseas. The Abraham Accords actually had the Arabs and Israelis agreeing to peace. Federal tax revenue was way up. For the first time, the USA was energy independent. What ya Demos did was overreact to a bunch of personal opinions on line.

Were ya really serious about wanting Uncle Jojo?
Incompetent? Unemployment under DJT was lower among Blacks and Hispanics that it had been for 50 years. Illegal immigration was way down and jobs were coming back from overseas. The Abraham Accords actually had the Arabs and Israelis agreeing to peace. Federal tax revenue was way up. For the first time, the USA was energy independent. What ya Demos did was overreact to a bunch of personal opinions on line.

Were ya really serious about wanting Uncle Jojo?
These are the dumbest fucks on earth.

It's not even debatable. Every breath a bed wetting liberal takes is a misdemeanor theft of oxygen.
The nazis and other assorted fantasy confederates are some of his most ardent admirers. Something there they really like and Trump has never said a thing against them.

Trump ... himself ... isn't a racist ... we can certainly condemn him for tolerating racists in his presence ... but we cannot call him a racist ... I've been watching because a racist president is the last thing we need ... I just don't see it, see how rough he is with women? ... well, is he that rough with non-whites? ... I say no ... so, not a racist ...
Incompetent? Unemployment under DJT was lower among Blacks and Hispanics that it had been for 50 years.

Uh, Unemployment hit 14% under Trump, and he was the first President since Hoover to post a net jobs loss. Not to mention all the plague deaths and riots.


Illegal immigration was way down and jobs were coming back from overseas.

Actually, it wasn't. It actually went up from where it was where Obama had it because more people rushed to the border before it closed.

The Abraham Accords actually had the Arabs and Israelis agreeing to peace.
1) Fuck the Israelis.
2) An agreement between the Zionist Entity and three rich Gulf States they had never been at war with is kind of meaningless.

Federal tax revenue was way up.
Then why did the Federal Debt increase by 8 Trillion on Trump's watch.

For the first time, the USA was energy independent.

Which had nothing to do with Trump. That Trend actually started under Bush, and accelerated under Obama. In fact, the ONLY Reason why the US became a net oil exporter under Trump is because Covid destroyed petroleum demand domestically and our producers had a glut of oil they had to get rid of.


It's kind of like Trump claiming that he reduced our Social Security Obligations because so many old people died of Covid.

What ya Demos did was overreact to a bunch of personal opinions on line.

Were ya really serious about wanting Uncle Jojo?

No, we reacted to a corrupt, inept idiot who never should have been president after the people soundly rejected him three times.
Sure he is.

Mexicans are rapists
Shithole Countries
Execute the Central Park Five
Kung Flu
China Virus
Obama was born in Kenya.
Nazis and Klansmen are very fine people.

These are things racists say, which is why you racists love him so much.
Thank you for posting that list of democrat lies. We debunked every one of those with ease years ago. Its still humorous whenever one of you imbeciles trots out these fools arguments. :laugh:
Uh, Unemployment hit 14% under Trump, and he was the first President since Hoover to post a net jobs loss. Not to mention all the plague deaths and riots.


Actually, it wasn't. It actually went up from where it was where Obama had it because more people rushed to the border before it closed.

1) Fuck the Israelis.
2) An agreement between the Zionist Entity and three rich Gulf States they had never been at war with is kind of meaningless.

Then why did the Federal Debt increase by 8 Trillion on Trump's watch.

Which had nothing to do with Trump. That Trend actually started under Bush, and accelerated under Obama. In fact, the ONLY Reason why the US became a net oil exporter under Trump is because Covid destroyed petroleum demand domestically and our producers had a glut of oil they had to get rid of.


It's kind of like Trump claiming that he reduced our Social Security Obligations because so many old people died of Covid.

No, we reacted to a corrupt, inept idiot who never should have been president after the people soundly rejected him three times.
When did we hit 14% unemployment under Trump? Are you referring to the COVID lockdown period when state governments forced people to stay at home and go on unemployment? Also, why are you blaming Trump for the hundreds of democrat riots?

Do you think about your arguments before you post them? Its super easy for me to embarrass you in this debate and you have no defense whatsoever against it. Why would you say something that stupid? Why did you put yourself in this situation? It makes no sense me. :cuckoo:
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When did we hit 14% unemployment under Trump? Are you referring to the COVID lockdown period when state governments forced people to stay at home and go on unemployment? Also, why are you blaming Trump for the hundreds of democrat riots?

Do you think about your arguments before you post them? Its super easy for me to embarrass you in this debate and you have no defense whatsoever against it. Why would you say something that stupid? Why did you put yourself in this situation? It makes no sense me. :cuckoo:

Joe???? "Think"????


That bed wetter is nothing more than a DNC posting bot. There are birds at your local pet shop that are more intellectual than that assfuck.

We the people got rid of an incompetent, racist squatter in the White House. We got it exactly right.
That's right, you manufactured just enough fraudulent ballots to depose a legitimately elected President you didn't like.
Thank you for posting that list of democrat lies. We debunked every one of those with ease years ago. Its still humorous whenever one of you imbeciles trots out these fools arguments.

You guys didn't "debunk" anything. Denial isn't debunking.

Now repeat the Trump Cultist Mantra


When did we hit 14% unemployment under Trump? Are you referring to the COVID lockdown period when state governments forced people to stay at home and go on unemployment? Also, why are you blaming Trump for the hundreds of democrat riots?

We hit 14% because Trump mishandled Covid.
We had riots because Racist ass Trump encouraged police misconduct.

Do you think about your arguments before you post them? Its super easy for me to embarrass you in this debate and you have no defense whatsoever against it. Why would you say something that stupid? Why did you put yourself in this situation? It makes no sense me.

I think about them a lot, and most of you wingnuts aren't capable of debate. Go check in with Fox News so you know what you think.

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