A Study of Teen Female Sexualization on Primetime TV

I am not amazed you think males brains and mouths are not connected making it impossible for them to receive any blame for what comes out of their mouths.
YET here we are in this thread with people telling me there is something wrong with me because I dont like it to happen to me.

Says the one who constantly puts words in other people's mouth. :rolleyes:

We live in a world of rape you fool.

Cat calls are not designed to make you feel pretty, they are designed to make the caller feel manly.

You do realize women are raped every day right?

I was never raped from cat callers . . .. were you?

If you just play the game a bit they do stop. It's no fun for them when the females join in, they love it when you ignore them. Makes them try even harder. ;)

Not in my experience.

If you ignore them they are alone in their game.

You are just so insecure that you see it as a compliment.

You are joining in their game and making them think its OK to harrass women on the street.

In MY experience, they stop all the sooner if you play the game and when you ignore them, it fuels their fire; when you ignore them they laugh AT you. I prefer to burst their bubble and have fun doing it.

In MY experience if you ignore them, they don't let up till you're out of sight and the more you ignore them, the more they devolve into fits of giggles and further cat calls. Me-ow!
An insecure individual ignores it and scampers away; a confident woman gives as good as she gets . . . and then some.

When you play tehir game you condone the game.

Why do you condone the harrassment of girls on the street?

In MY experience this is not true. In MY experience the game ends sooner if you join in.

It works fine.

If you want to be flattered by shit that is designed to demean you then that is your problem

In MY experience not all cat calls are created equal. You lump everything into 'one'.
She chooses to take it as a compliment from someone who's beneath her.

You choose to be a victim.

She chooses to coopperate with assholes and I choose not to.

Listen to your stupid self telling me I should LIKE being screamed at in public about my girl parts.

Its like telling a rape victim to just lie back and enjoy the fucking.

So all men who cat call are assholes? Are they the same cat callers who are raping people?

Well, I popped back in here to see if TM even bothered to answer my question. But, typically, all she did was insult as my point sailed over her head. Good to see others giving her a pounding . . . it's well deserved.

TM, why is it that because I handle the situation differently then you, you automatically think you're right and I'm wrong?

btw, ain't no one giving you a second look-see; thereisnospoon has hit the nail on the head. Oh, and you're a moron.

Why don't you answer my question? Hmmmm???? Your thinking is so black and white it blinds you to any other possible solution to a problem. Quite sad really.

It works fine.

If you want to be flattered by shit that is designed to demean you then that is your problem

perhaps you're not on the same page as ZB. I don't think she's referring to being demeaned or being made uncomfortable. i think she's referring to someone thinking a woman is attractive. That doesn't mean walking around with your boobs hanging out and a skirt that lets people know what color underwear you have on.

but there's nothing wrong with healthy appreciation on either side.

She's not even in the same universe.

If it bothered me I'd ignore it and skulk away, hurriedly race walking down the street to get away before my brain exploded from being offended. Peachy if that works for you. Me? I join in, have some laughs . . . bit of a wink and a nod type thing. And get this, I walk away with my sensibilities intact!

But TM? She will never hear me.
Not sure how this got to cat calls.
I haven't made a cat call for probably 30 years.

How is it not a compliment for a woman to be admired by a man?
As a guy on the occasion a woman made a flirtatious gesture...that is a good day...a real good day. Especially if she looks to be in her 30's...freakin awesome day. I imagine that is exactly how most women feel.

having said this...I have been married since 1989. I have not cheated, nor will i cheat on my wife.

There is nothing wrong with admiring a pretty woman that you see on the street/Mall etc. Many women actually do work hard at "looking good" and like being admired...probably even strive for that. I think it is a little silly to just blame the man...when women play these little sexually flirty (usually harmless) games right along with them.

Which is just the point bub, The "woman" you are talking about may be a 14 year old girl.

Men think it is harmless and it is distrubing for many women and NOT HEALTHY for girls to be treated this way.

Now you may have some attetion starved women like the some who have posted in this thread PLAYING along with the game and you can blame them.

When I was 13 I looked 20. It runs in my family. OUR women are VERY curvey and have everything in the right place. I was ushered into womanhood by realizing I had to dress like a man if I didnt want to be treated like shit all day long. Luckily I was a tom boy anyway and liked the jeans and big tees I still wear. The only thing that would have covered all my lady lumps was a burka. Some feel women have so little offer the world they like the attention. I on the other hand wanted to be treated like I had a brain and a sense of humor. Some Men get this scary assed look in their eyes when they want to fuck you. I dont imagine you have ever been looked at like that by a man. The eyes go blank and you can see the brain go on hold. As a woman I realized I could take them for every dime they had when they displayed that look and that there was this other side to this coin. Their brains are on hold and they are in an animalistic state, some guys are not real nice people and you can not control which ones go brain dead when they look at you. I wear no makeup and have not since I was a early teen( tomboy so was a double plus for me) and have NEVER been into clothes.

Now you tell me how I deserved to be treated like this?

I wish for one week every time you went into public some guy started screaming at you that he wanted to fuck you becuase your ass looked so hot in your jeans.

You may change your mind as to wether it is harmless or not.

No offense but you sound like you have mad issues and lived a very fucked up life, seek help as soon as possible.
I'm fucked up because I dont like to be screamed at in public about sex by strangers?

This is how you people see fair?
Hey Truth Matters here is something you can wear to stop men from leering at you.

Nope you asshole I did not.

I talked of being screamed at you lying sack of shit
Truthmatters, I don't like to jump on the bandwagon and pick on you like so many do on here.

Now that I've said that, you really aren't making any sense.

Women have been "catcalled" at since the invention of men. And we women like the eye candy too, have you seen my shirtless pics I, and other women post on here? Do you think they make those "Sexy Firemen" Calendars for the hell of it?

Do I want to rape those men that I see pics of, or a cute guy in real life that my friends and I comment on? No, I just like to look at a nice body, like men like to look at a nice body on women. Doesn't mean they want to rape them.

If a guy is 'catcalling', I just ignore it,or sometimes to confuse them I'll give them my Ms. America wave and laugh......they usually laugh too. They don't want to rape me though, I don't know where you get that idea.

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