A solution to Illegal immigration- A modest proposal.

You mean you enjoy using Asians to screw black people. That's awesome; the days of my not thinking you are a racist douche-noodle are definitely coming to a middle.

For the record, my wife is Chinese.... that's why I find your comments that the "Chinese are out to get us!" so absurdly silly.

You need to stop getting your news from Whackadoodle Fox News. (Actually, the only google references I find come from the companies owned by Rupert. He must still be really upset Wife Number Three took him to the cleaners.)

Yes, that's what I'm claiming.... It's a lot of bizarre paranoia I really don't have time for.

So what do you think these guys are going to do when they get here, exactly? Form a quick unit and take over Houston or something? Throw on their PLA uniforms? Start reading from the quotations of Chairman Mao?

Arguing with a racist asshole is often like banging your head against a wall. They always invent new things to be afraid of.

For the record, my wife is Chinese.... that's why I find your comments that the "Chinese are out to get us!" so absurdly silly.

Your wife is awesome!
What more proof do we need that the Chinese government would never wish us harm?
Nope, the law makes no such distinction.

Are you sure it doesn't make a distinction?
Nope, it doesn't. Biden's attempt to use an app to discourage people turned into a failure. Kind of like why I don't use apps, I go to the fucking store and get business DONE!

The ironic things is, Biden continued a lot of Trump's failed policies. Which is why we are at where we are at now.
I notice you put Guest Worker in scare quotes. Is the employer supposed to drive them back to the border personally?

That sounds like it's going to send a lot of people back to be murdered, but why do I get the feeling you aren't bothered by that?

Hey, it should take all of five minutes to determine Trump instigated a riot, he's on tape doing it. But we are STILL going to give him every legal formality.
The employer transported him here, he would be responsible for getting him out of the country. If that involved personally transporting the "guest worker" and turning him over to immigration, then YES.

And no, I have no problem with sending people home to their own countries to straighten them out. We have no obligation to offer sanctuary to people fleeing craphole countries.
Nope, it doesn't. Biden's attempt to use an app to discourage people turned into a failure. Kind of like why I don't use apps, I go to the fucking store and get business DONE!

The ironic things is, Biden continued a lot of Trump's failed policies. Which is why we are at where we are at now.

Biden's incompetence doesn't change the law.
Glad I could show you your error.

Biden continued a lot of Trump's failed policies.

And he stopped a lot of Trump's policies that worked.
That's why the border is Biden's biggest weakness this cycle.
Using Asians to screw Black people? What the hell kind of sense does that even make?
Oh, don't play dumb. You know very well you guys use Asian cutouts to try to tank Affirmative Action like you are doing THEM a favor.

So, now your position is
The attack on my wife was reported.
I get my News from multiple sources, and then I decide what is believable and what is not. Contrast that to yourself who evidently swallows what the liberal media feed you. Swallows it hole, like… Well, like you know who…
Oh, quite the contrary; I read right-wing news sources. The problem is you guys just keep getting crazier and crazier. 10 years ago, I could still vote for the occasional Republican (the last one I did was Bruce Rauner in 2014) because the party hadn't gotten so batshit crazy yet.

On this specific issue, 35 years ago, Ronald Reagan gave Amnesty to 3 million undocumented aliens. It turned out fine. George W. Bush proposed immigration reform and a path to citizenship 15 years ago, which was actually kind of reasonable. I don't hear anything reasonable out of the GOP today other than "Oh, my God there are people at the southern border, and some of them are Arabs. Or Chinese! or something else we are afraid of!"

I don’t know, and I don’t want to find out the hard way. Maybe they don’t know either until diaper Joe lets another “weather balloon“ Passover the United States, and send them their orders.

You see, you are illustrating my point. Your entire side is based on fearmongering. Eek, there's a Tranny in the bathroom! Eeek, there's a Chinese weather balloon doing something nefarious!!! Eek, there are brown people sneaking in at the border!

I'm not sure what you guys would do without your irrational fears? Maybe vote based on your own economic interests?

You mean like yourself, being afraid of the bad orange man? Actually, your fear is of the American taxpayer/voter. The worst enemy of progressives in the United States. Your biggest fear is a fair election, that’s why you are so eager for Trump, to be convicted of something… Anything.
Gee, under Trump we had a disease that killed a million people, 25 million people who lost their jobs (including myself), riots in the streets, etc. Seems like being afraid of Trump is a certain level of healthy self-preservation, especially given he's acting even crazier than he did 8 years ago.

I'm eager for Trump to be convicted because he's a threat to Democracy and freedom.
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Your wife is awesome!
What more proof do we need that the Chinese government would never wish us harm?
She is awesome.

As far as proof, how about, they've actually haven't done anything to harm us since the 1950's, and only then because we marched an army led by a crazy person right up to their border.

China hasn't fought a war with ANYONE since 1979.
Nope, it doesn't. Biden's attempt to use an app to discourage people turned into a failure. Kind of like why I don't use apps, I go to the fucking store and get business DONE!

The ironic things is, Biden continued a lot of Trump's failed policies. Which is why we are at where we are at now.

More buffoonery.

The app was designed to import illegals faster. The app doesn’t ask a single question about asylum and simply is designed to dump more illegals into the country.

Actually, ole’ Sloppy Joe reversed virtually every working border control Trump put in place. It’s actually comical to see Biden now acknowledge the disaster he created when just a week ago he was peddling the “operational control” garbage.
Oh, don't play dumb. You know very well you guys use Asian cutouts to try to tank Affirmative Action like you are doing THEM a favor.
That's what you meant?!? Cutouts?

I wouldn't have guessed that in a million tries.

Affirmative Action harms hardworking and competent blacks who have their achievements de-valued by racist Democrats who think they cannot succeed without the help of "kindly whites."

Plus, did it really do Claudine Gay any good to be AA'd into the role of President of Harvard, when they knew she had to cheat to keep up with the publishing demands of the positions into which she was previously AA'd? She wound up being humiliated on national television, and resigning in disgrace.

The racism of AA did that
The attack on my wife was reported.
Did they send a wambulance?

You accused me of racism, baselessly, so you opened yourself up to any personal attack. You tried to put your wife between me and you, and she would up getting some of what you had coming. Cowardly little sniveler. Don't mention her again and I won't either. Don't hide behind mommy's skirts and act surprise when the mud hits her instead of you. That was your intent wasn't it?

Don't answer if you want her left out of it.

Oh, quite the contrary; I read right-wing news sources. The problem is you guys just keep getting crazier and crazier. 10 years ago, I could still vote for the occasional Republican (the last one I did was Bruce Rauner in 2014) because the party hadn't gotten so batshit crazy yet.

On this specific issue, 35 years ago, Ronald Reagan gave Amnesty to 3 million undocumented aliens.
He trusted Dems.
It turned out fine.
So, the Dems secured the border as they promised? Nope, it led to a surge of immigrants hoping for the same.
George W. Bush proposed immigration reform and a path to citizenship 15 years ago, which was actually kind of reasonable. I don't hear anything reasonable out of the GOP today other than "Oh, my God there are people at the southern border, and some of them are Arabs. Or Chinese! or something else we are afraid of!"
You haven't seen what they are doing to New York and Chicago, I take it?
You see, you are illustrating my point. Your entire side is based on fearmongering. Eek, there's a Tranny in the bathroom! Eeek, there's a Chinese weather balloon doing something nefarious!!! Eek, there are brown people sneaking in at the border!
We don't put it those ways, but those things are all true. If you don't know that, pull your head out of your ass.
I'm not sure what you guys would do without your irrational fears? Maybe vote based on your own economic interests?
Tell these folks that their fears are irrational:

Gee, under Trump we had a disease that killed a million people, 25 million people who lost their jobs (including myself), riots in the streets, etc. Seems like being afraid of Trump is a certain level of healthy self-preservation, especially given he's acting even crazier than he did 8 years ago.
More people were "killed by COVID" under Biden than under Trump.
I'm eager for Trump to be convicted because he's a threat to Democracy and freedom.
How in the world can the presumptive winner of the presidential election be a threat to democracy? By definition, trying to stop him by any other means but voting and campaigning is a threat to democracy.
Affirmative Action harms hardworking and competent blacks who have their achievements de-valued by racist Democrats who think they cannot succeed without the help of "kindly whites."
It does nothing of the sort. AA balances white privilege that gives whites unfair advantages. They have AA for white people; they are called "Legacies", "Dean's Interest," and "Children of Staff">

Plus, did it really do Claudine Gay any good to be AA'd into the role of President of Harvard, when they knew she had to cheat to keep up with the publishing demands of the positions into which she was previously AA'd? She wound up being humiliated on national television, and resigning in disgrace.

Bullshit. The problem with Gay is that she wasn't a wartime consigliere. The ignorant ass Chrisitan Right is at war with Academia, and they need leaders ready to fight.

You accused me of racism, baselessly, so you opened yourself up to any personal attack. You tried to put your wife between me and you, and she would up getting some of what you had coming. Cowardly little sniveler. Don't mention her again and I won't either. Don't hide behind mommy's skirts and act surprise when the mud hits her instead of you. That was your intent wasn't it?

Don't answer if you want her left out of it.
Uh, no, families are off-limits. Keep doing it, I'll keep reporting you.

He trusted Dems.
No, he faced reality. These people were integrated into our society. Removing them was a practical impossibility. The things conservatives insisted on, such as tighter border security, made things worse. (Such as seasonal migrants becoming permanent residents because getting across the border became more of a hassle.)

So, the Dems secured the border as they promised? Nope, it led to a surge of immigrants hoping for the same.
See above. The border did get tighter, which just mean that people brought their families with them when they did get through.

You haven't seen what they are doing to New York and Chicago, I take it?
I live in Chicago. We're fine, except some asshole keeps dumping off busloads of people in the middle of the night without telling anyone.

Whatever crazy shit you watch on Fox News is no reflection of reality.

We don't put it those ways, but those things are all true. If you don't know that, pull your head out of your ass.

Well, no, you don't put it that way because you'd sound awful by admitting your racism and homophobia.

Tell these folks that their fears are irrational:

Sure. Their fears are irrational. YOu might be killed by an undocumented person committing a crime, but you are far more likely to be killed by someone who is born here committing one. But you guys will scream about traffic accidents like they were tragedies for anyone other than the people involved.

More people were "killed by COVID" under Biden than under Trump.
Problem started under Trump, Biden solved it.

How in the world can the presumptive winner of the presidential election be a threat to democracy? By definition, trying to stop him by any other means but voting and campaigning is a threat to democracy.
Well, here's the thing. The people said NO to Trump in 2016. He became president anyway, and turned out to be far worse than anything we could have predicted.

Then the people said "no" even louder to him in 2020. He attempted a violent overthrow of the government.

Now he's running for no other reason to escape legal responsibility for his crimes. If he wasn't, he wouldn't be trying to push them past the election with bullshit motions like, "The President is immune to prosecution!"

Trump decided that the rules didn't apply to him, so they don't apply to us, either. If throwing his fat orange ass in jail is the way to stop him, let's do it.
First and foremost, we need to stop foolishly talking about walls, fences, and alligators in a moat. If someone has traveled 2000 miles over deserts and mountains to get here, something built by man isn't going to stop them.

Our main problem is that they have a manpower surplus and we have a manpower shortage, hence why they come here to do jobs that Americans don't want to do. Period. Our more recent troubles are caused by economic turmoil in Central and South America that we are more than a little responsible for.

So, let's look at some sensible solutions to control the inevitable.

1) Establish a national biometric ID system based on Social Security so everyone knows who they are hiring. You can't get a job or benefits without said ID.

2) Create a Guest-worker program to fill the legitimate labor needs of companies requiring low-skill jobs Americans don't want to do. Such permits will be limited (two years, only renewable after a 1 Year return to your home country).

3) Go after the white people (and yes, it's almost exclusively white people) who hire undocumented laborers who don't have the above. Not just the sweatshop owner but the clown who hires a truckload of day laborers from the Home Depot parking lot when that DIY project turns out to be harder than Chip and Joanna made it look. The Rich asshole (and I always love going after the rich!) who can't be bothered to raise their own spawn, so they've hired Lupe, who is just like a member of the family they don't pay taxes on.

4) Set up a 1-800 number to report people who are hiring undocumented laborers. A few visits from La-Migra and a few fines should straighten them out.

5) Here's the big one- Adequately staff the asylum system with people who can evaluate cases quickly. It should NOT take 4 years to get an asylum hearing. Like it or not, we have laws that state that anyone is entitled to an asylum hearing if they get here and ask for it. If some of those cases are bogus (and I'm sure many of them are) we need to address that quickly.

6) Stop a foreign policy that creates refugees to start with. Most of the current batch are not coming form Mexico, they are coming from Central America or Venezuela, where our policies have caused untold economic and political misery. We need to stop punishing Venezuela because we don't like the form of government they selected 20 years ago, and we need to help the countries of Central America get control over their rampant crime problems that are driving people out.
Shitty proposal from a stupid Libtard Moon Bat.

Best approach:

1. All we need to do is return to Trump's policy to seal the border. We had that before the Democrats stole the election.

2. Round up all the goddamn Illegals and send them back. We can use the FBI to do this. If they can track down all the 1/6 protesters then they can track down all the Illegals.
First and foremost, we need to stop foolishly talking about walls, fences, and alligators in a moat. If someone has traveled 2000 miles over deserts and mountains to get here, something built by man isn't going to stop them.

Our main problem is that they have a manpower surplus and we have a manpower shortage, hence why they come here to do jobs that Americans don't want to do. Period. Our more recent troubles are caused by economic turmoil in Central and South America that we are more than a little responsible for.

So, let's look at some sensible solutions to control the inevitable.

1) Establish a national biometric ID system based on Social Security so everyone knows who they are hiring. You can't get a job or benefits without said ID.

2) Create a Guest-worker program to fill the legitimate labor needs of companies requiring low-skill jobs Americans don't want to do. Such permits will be limited (two years, only renewable after a 1 Year return to your home country).

3) Go after the white people (and yes, it's almost exclusively white people) who hire undocumented laborers who don't have the above. Not just the sweatshop owner but the clown who hires a truckload of day laborers from the Home Depot parking lot when that DIY project turns out to be harder than Chip and Joanna made it look. The Rich asshole (and I always love going after the rich!) who can't be bothered to raise their own spawn, so they've hired Lupe, who is just like a member of the family they don't pay taxes on.

4) Set up a 1-800 number to report people who are hiring undocumented laborers. A few visits from La-Migra and a few fines should straighten them out.

5) Here's the big one- Adequately staff the asylum system with people who can evaluate cases quickly. It should NOT take 4 years to get an asylum hearing. Like it or not, we have laws that state that anyone is entitled to an asylum hearing if they get here and ask for it. If some of those cases are bogus (and I'm sure many of them are) we need to address that quickly.

6) Stop a foreign policy that creates refugees to start with. Most of the current batch are not coming form Mexico, they are coming from Central America or Venezuela, where our policies have caused untold economic and political misery. We need to stop punishing Venezuela because we don't like the form of government they selected 20 years ago, and we need to help the countries of Central America get control over their rampant crime problems that are driving people out.
Now you dumbass Moon Bats are concerned about Illegals when Potatohead's approval ratings are in the gutter???? LOL!

Where where you little dumbasses when the sonofabitch opened the border? Now that there are nine million of the turds and no hopes of any more being stopped and the American people have had enough you are concerned and come up with silly ass suggestions?

We told you that Potatohead was going to be a fuck up. Hell, Moon Bat, even Obama told you that but you had to be idiots and support him anyway. Now look what you have. The worst President this country ever had and nine million Illegal welfare queens to fuck up this country..
It does nothing of the sort. AA balances white privilege that gives whites unfair advantages. They have AA for white people; they are called "Legacies", "Dean's Interest," and "Children of Staff">
End that, and I'm fine with it.

Racism, I am not fine with.
Bullshit. The problem with Gay is that she wasn't a wartime consigliere. The ignorant ass Chrisitan Right is at war with Academia, and they need leaders ready to fight.
You're hillarious.
Uh, no, families are off-limits. Keep doing it, I'll keep reporting you.
You brought her up. Go ahead. I told you what you need to do if you don't want her in it. It wasn't to threaten me.

Read it again.
No, he faced reality. These people were integrated into our society. Removing them was a practical impossibility. The things conservatives insisted on, such as tighter border security, made things worse. (Such as seasonal migrants becoming permanent residents because getting across the border became more of a hassle.)

See above. The border did get tighter, which just mean that people brought their families with them when they did get through.

I live in Chicago. We're fine, except some asshole keeps dumping off busloads of people in the middle of the night without telling anyone.

Whatever crazy shit you watch on Fox News is no reflection of reality.

Well, no, you don't put it that way because you'd sound awful by admitting your racism and homophobia.

Sure. Their fears are irrational. YOu might be killed by an undocumented person committing a crime, but you are far more likely to be killed by someone who is born here committing one. But you guys will scream about traffic accidents like they were tragedies for anyone other than the people involved.

Problem started under Trump, Biden solved it.

Well, here's the thing. The people said NO to Trump in 2016. He became president anyway, and turned out to be far worse than anything we could have predicted.

Then the people said "no" even louder to him in 2020. He attempted a violent overthrow of the government.

Now he's running for no other reason to escape legal responsibility for his crimes. If he wasn't, he wouldn't be trying to push them past the election with bullshit motions like, "The President is immune to prosecution!"

Trump decided that the rules didn't apply to him, so they don't apply to us, either. If throwing his fat orange ass in jail is the way to stop him, let's do it.
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End that, and I'm fine with it.

Racism, I am not fine with.

We've had 400 years of racism against blacks in this country. But a small amount of preferential treatment, you lose your shit.

Your concession is duly noted.
ou brought her up. Go ahead. I told you what you need to do if you don't want her in it. It wasn't to threaten me.
I bring her up when it's relevant to the discussion. Given we are currently engaged in immigration matters, (and seeing just how messed up it is) it's very relevant.
We've had 400 years of racism against blacks in this country. But a small amount of preferential treatment, you lose your shit.
That's what they said when Hitler started "preferential treatment" for non-Jews.
Your concession is duly noted.
I don't have time for all of your nonsense, sorry.
I bring her up when it's relevant to the discussion. Given we are currently engaged in immigration matters, (and seeing just how messed up it is) it's very relevant.
Why is she relevant?

Was she an illegal immigrant?

That's all we are talking about here.

Oh, and the White people who take advantage of them, that you brought up.

Are you one of them?
That's what they said when Hitler started "preferential treatment" for non-Jews.

Wow, seriously,

I don't have time for all of your nonsense, sorry.
Yes, I did trounce your racist cult ass pretty bad. I'm sorry. I know being exposed as someone manipulated by your hate hurts... but it's the first step in healing.

Why is she relevant?

Was she an illegal immigrant?

That's all we are talking about here.

Well, it was relevant because you tried to claim my utter mocking of your "Chinese infiltrator" claims was racist somehow. Yes, I hate Chinese people so much, I married one.

Not illegal, as she is here on an aslyum claim, as most of the people who are LEGALLY requesting it at the southern border. Our immigration system IS a mess, because we are pandering to the bigots instead of common decency.

Now, because Trump took an axe to the asylum system, she has been waiting 8 years for a hearing on her asylum claim. The government keeps putting it off. Her lawyer was ready to go years ago. We are now going for the marriage sponsorship, but that's costing us $4000 and requiring us to file 200 pages of documentation.

Oh, and the White people who take advantage of them, that you brought up.

Are you one of them?

Not at all. She actually co-owns a business with another immigrant lady.
Wow, seriously,
I accept your concession,
Yes, I did trounce your racist cult ass pretty bad. I'm sorry. I know being exposed as someone manipulated by your hate hurts... but it's the first step in healing.
You made the racist statement, not I.
Well, it was relevant because you tried to claim my utter mocking of your "Chinese infiltrator" claims was racist somehow. Yes, I hate Chinese people so much, I married one.
You mean your racist rant?

The old “ some of my best friends” doesn’t work anymore, if it ever did.
Not illegal, as she is here on an aslyum claim, as most of the people who are LEGALLY requesting it at the southern border. Our immigration system IS a mess, because we are pandering to the bigots instead of common decency.
If she cross d at a port of entry and made a legit asylum clam, I have no issue with that.

What you should have a problem with is hundreds of thousands of bogus claims clogging the system.

The answer is not more spending on Ukraine with more judges to cater to the bogus claims.
Now, because Trump took an axe to the asylum system, she has been waiting 8 years for a hearing on her asylum claim. The government keeps putting it off. Her lawyer was ready to go years ago. We are now going for the marriage sponsorship, but that's costing us $4000 and requiring us to file 200 pages of documentation.
How much is she suffering while waiting?
Not at all. She actually co-owns a business with another immigrant lady.
So not suffering at all. Other than by being married to you, that is.

Your story rings false. If you married her, she’s allowed to stay based on that?

The money and the paperwork? You really want everything handed to you, huh?
I accept your concession,
I'm sorry, if you think affirmative action is just like what the Nazis did, you are even crazier than I thought.

You made the racist statement, not I.
Nope, mocking your stupidity isn't racist. Your claim was so fucking absurd it deserved mockery.

You mean your racist rant?
Mocking you isn't racist.
If she cross d at a port of entry and made a legit asylum clam, I have no issue with that.

What you should have a problem with is hundreds of thousands of bogus claims clogging the system.

The answer is not more spending on Ukraine with more judges to cater to the bogus claims.

I'm all for weeding out the bogus claims, but I doubt there are very many of them. Most of the rest of the world is awful to live in. Most of these people would face hardship if they went home.

How much is she suffering while waiting?
You mean other than 8 years of uncertainty.
Your story rings false. If you married her, she’s allowed to stay based on that?
We only got married last year. Our "expedited" claim will STILL take a year.
The money and the paperwork? You really want everything handed to you, huh?
Oh, come on, guy, if this was about you wanting to buy a gun, and they made you submit 200 pages of paperwork proving you aren't a crazy person and pay $4000, you would be screaming high holy hell about how the Militia Amendment means God himself wanted you to have a gun.
Um, yeah, it's foolish not to.
Maybe we should base policies on facts, not opinions. Just a thought.

Btw, do you know why I said that? People like you spew your opinions so much and so often, you are starting confuse them with facts.

We have 1.75 million cases of identity theft a year, most of them NOT related to undocumented aliens. Being able to establish who people are is a good idea. The Credit Card companies spend Billions on identity protection for their members, and guess what? Every credit card I have in my wallet has a microchip.
The problem is that when people like you think something is a good idea, you feel that you get to force it on everybody else, regardless of how they feel about it.

I am not saying preventing identity theft is bad. Rather, other people can be against the idea of a biometric ID for various reasons and I have a feeling that you would just ignore them because your opinion is the only thing that matters.
oooh, big Government... wooo scary.
Maybe you can try not to mock people when you respond to them? You know, the whole, "don't be a rude asshole" thing?

Germany isn't throwing these thumpers in jail, they are charging them a fine. Also, unlike the US, Germany has school choice. If you want your kid to attend a protestant school, the government gives you a voucher. If you want your kid to attend a Catholic School, the government gives you a voucher.
I am not arguing about the specifics of this particular case. Rather I am pointing out your bigotry that you think people living in a first-world country can never have any right to claim asylum. This is prejudice.
No, it's not persecution if the law is reasonable, applies to everyone fairly, and gives you a lot of latitude on how to comply.

Then you need to prove the law is reasonable, applies to everyone fairly...etc.

Uh, they wanted to. We spent Billions of dollars propping up the current thugs in charge.
"We"? No. You meant your politicians and the CIA.

Stop blaming Americans for what their elected officials do.
Because courts are part of the function of a government.

And what does the government do? That's right, to serve its citizens. And are foreign nationals US citizens? No. So why should Americans spend money on their asylum hearings?

Now, as I have mentioned, my wife initially came here on an asylum claim from China. She made her claim in 2017, but she STILL hasn't gotten a hearing. (They just keep reauthorizing her work permit every two years.) Now that we are married, we are going the family sponsorship route instead. In order to do that, I've had to provide 200 pages of documentation. It's absurd the number of hoops we make people jump through.

Sounds like you can't get a white woman so you have to marry a Chinese woman.
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Now, because Trump took an axe to the asylum system, she has been waiting 8 years for a hearing on her asylum claim.
Then you need to prove she genuinely has an asylum claim. You were quick to dismiss the German family, but if it's minorities, your favorite, suddenly everybody is a poor persecuted little victim who is entitled to US citizenship.

Oops, did I just expose your double standard?
Am I allowed to disagree with you?
Sure, if you bring a rational argument to the table.
The problem is that when people like you think something is a good idea, you feel that you get to force it on everybody else, regardless of how they feel about it.

I am not saying preventing identity theft is bad. Rather, other people can be against the idea of a biometric ID and I have a feeling that you would just ignore them because your opinion is the only thing that matters.
The problem is that all your arguments are bullshit and a little paranoid. If the government really wants to get you, not having verifiable ID isn't going to be a problem for them. But a lack of verifiable ID can cause a host of problems.

I am not arguing about the specifics of this particular case. Rather I am pointing out your bigotry that you think people living in a first-world country can never have any right to claim asylum. This is prejudice.
No, it's practicality. By definition, first world countries (which would be western Europe, Japan, Canada, the US, and Australia) have high standards of personal freedom, recourse to the law, and a say in what policies should be.

And what does the government do? That's right, to serve its citizens. And are foreign nationals US citizens? No. So why should Americans spend money on their asylum hearings?
Because, again, that is what our laws call for. Because after WW2, when we discovered many people we refused entry to had wound up dying in the Holocaust, we changed our laws to give them that option.

Sounds like you can't get a white woman so you have to marry a Chinese woman.
Why would I want a white woman when Asian women are SOOOO much sexier! On a serious note, though, no one is more surprised by this relationship than I am. If you told me five years ago this is where I'd end up, I'd have laughed at you.

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