A solution to Illegal immigration- A modest proposal.

Then you need to prove she genuinely has an asylum claim. You were quick to dismiss the German family, but if it's minorities, your favorite, suddenly everybody is a poor persecuted little victim who is entitled to US citizenship.

Oops, did I just expose your double standard?
She comes from a country where they harvest prisoners for transplant organs.

It's a lot worse than some Germans having to pay a fine.

(For the record, my father was born in Germany, so this isn't an anti-German thing.)
The problem is that all your arguments are bullshit and a little paranoid.
Except I haven't even given you any arguments. I merely pointed out that some people do not want your biometric ID. Funny how you immediately jump to "Omg, paranoia!!". Sounds like those people have permanently broken your brain.

If the government really wants to get you, not having verifiable ID isn't going to be a problem for them. But a lack of verifiable ID can cause a host of problems.
Again, I never said the government wants to get me. Can you please stop confusing me with people who give you nightmares? I am merely contradicting you. I haven't given you my rationale as to why I oppose your idea.

No, it's practicality. By definition, first world countries (which would be western Europe, Japan, Canada, the US, and Australia) have high standards of personal freedom, recourse to the law, and a say in what policies should be.
Are you saying that people living in first-world countries can never be persecuted? Yes or no.
Because, again, that is what our laws call for. Because after WW2, when we discovered many people we refused entry to had wound up dying in the Holocaust, we changed our laws to give them that option.
I didn't ask you if it's what the laws call for. I am asking you if it's right for Americans to spend money on foreign nationals.

Why would I want a white woman when Asian women are SOOOO much sexier! On a serious note, though, no one is more surprised by this relationship than I am. If you told me five years ago this is where I'd end up, I'd have laughed at you.

So what happened during these 5 years? You got progressively undesirable? Is this why you ended up where you are?
She comes from a country where they harvest prisoners for transplant organs.

It's a lot worse than some Germans having to pay a fine.

(For the record, my father was born in Germany, so this isn't an anti-German thing.)
Asylum claim is based on whether someone is actually persecuted. Not whether the country she's from has a history of persecution.

Please stop showcasing your stupidity.
Except I haven't even given you any arguments. I merely pointed out that some people do not want your biometric ID. Funny how you immediately jump to "Omg, paranoia!!". Sounds like those people have permanently broken your brain.
Tell you what, let me know what you are ACTUALLY arguing, and I will be happy to get back to you.

So what happened during these 5 years? You got progressively undesirable? I
Sounds like you are progressing. Judging by your personality, I suspect you are very undesirable.
Tell you what, let me know what you are ACTUALLY arguing, and I will be happy to get back to you
I have already laid out my argument. And it is this: some people disagree with your stupid biometric ID idea, and you and your ilk just brush that aside. You scorn and mock positions that are other than your own, and this is what I have a problem with.

.Sounds like you are progressing. Judging by your personality, I suspect you are very undesirable.
The dude who had to marry a Chinese woman due to his lack of options is calling me undesirable, lol.
I have already laid out my argument. And it is this: some people disagree with your stupid biometric ID idea,
And if they come back with good reasons, I'd be happy to consider them.

"Some people are opposed" is a straw man argument.

You also might want to watch yourself on attacking family, it's one of the things that can get you permabanned.
And if they come back with good reasons, I'd be happy to consider them.

"Some people are opposed" is a straw man argument.

You also might want to watch yourself on attacking family, it's one of the things that can get you permabanned.
What is the biometric idea?
National ID data in a national database, linked to your social security number.

When plugged it, it instantly provides a picture of your face, thumbprint, and height and weight.

This way, no employer can claim, "I had no idea he was illegal!"
If its only for migrants and domestic felons I approve
If its only for migrants and domestic felons I approve
Um, okay, missed the point entirely.

A migrant comes in with your SSN, how is that employer supposed to know it isn't you?

Or maybe he knows it isn't you, but he can honestly claim that it took Social Security six months to get back to him that was a stolen card. By that time the migrant has moved on to another job.
And if they come back with good reasons, I'd be happy to consider them.

"Some people are opposed" is a straw man argument.
No, sir.

You want to introduce a biometric ID, you need to convince us why it's good. We don't need to convince you why it's bad. And just drive it home even harder: the fact that we don't want a biometric ID is enough reason for you to scrap your stupid idea. We don't need to explain sh*t to you.
You also might want to watch yourself on attacking family, it's one of the things that can get you permabanned.
You called me a twit, which is a personal attack. If I should be banned for attacking your family, you should be banned for attacking me, too.

Anyway, sounds like you can't handle my posts so you threaten to go cry to a moderator. Typical lefty coward behavior.
I stated that in the OP. Go back, read it, and have someone explain the big words to you.
Are you calling me stupid indirectly? Because I believe this is a personal attack.

So basically, the lefty cries that someone attacked his family member, but he turns around and insults them personally. The irony is rich in here.
First and foremost, we need to stop foolishly talking about walls, fences, and alligators in a moat. If someone has traveled 2000 miles over deserts and mountains to get here, something built by man isn't going to stop them.
That destroys any credibility your plan might have had.

Calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people.
When you say things like this, it tells me that my comments really hurt you, :)
Calling you stupid is perfectly acceptable.
Why are personal attacks acceptable?
Making racist comments about my wife is not.
First of all, why is it not acceptable? Because you say so? Secondly, I did not make any racist remarks about your wife at all. Instead I was focusing on you. I said you are undesirable, which I guess is the truth because you never once denied it, lol.
No, actually, it doesn't... it just shows conditions in the places they are coming from have gotten worse.
How is that a reason to allow millions of people we know nothing about to enter our country illegally?

These are the ones we know about. How many gotaways are there, especially from our most formidable enemy?

Your thoughts would take years to implement it at all plus costing billions we don't have.

In the meantime, why not simply put back in place that reduced by more than half the policies of President Biden?

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