A Sleuth's Thanksgiving: Lottery/Leviathan (American Journalism)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a Thanksgiving-omen vignette inspired by A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and City Hall.

I wrote it for President Trump, and given its political 'slant' towards republicanism (not Republicanism!), I couldn't put it in the Writing section, but I hope you enjoy it!


A brooding crime-fighter named Batman was wandering around the Gotham City Cemetery in mid-November as Thanksgiving approached. Batman was dressed in his usual bat-creature camouflaging 'outfit' and was thinking about all the people he couldn't save. He was nevertheless 'thankful' for the miracles that led to the rescue of many Gothamites. Batman thought about the values/virtues that comprised American consciousness during Thanksgiving, a holiday celebrating the bounty and hospitality.


Batman thought about the unrighteous murder of his parents in an alley in Gotham right outside the Opera House. His parents were leaving from an opera-performance early to beat the rush of traffic when they were mugged and shot by a vandal/burglar who was never caught. Batman was just a little boy when this happened, and something inside him 'changed' and he was 'inspired' to become a masked/costumed vigilante, helping others since no one could help his parents. On this Thanksgiving, Batman thought about the ghosts of all the victims of Gotham's evildoers, as if they were sitting around a Thanksgiving dining-table as 'ghosts' or 'spectres' and lamenting over the death of Batman's parents, Thomas and Martha Wayne.


Batman decided to purchase a lottery-ticket that Thanksgiving, even though he was a princely-inheritor of his father's immense fortune, known as the Wayne Estate. Batman wanted to feel like he was 'a Gotham pedestrian' daydreaming about winning the lottery for Thanksgiving. Batman purchased 10 lottery tickets at a local news-stand/convenient-store simply called Gotham Booth [GB]. The store-clerk at GB noted that Batman was buying a lottery-ticket and demanded to know what prompted the 'dark knight' to suddenly purchase a lottery-ticket. Batman looked up at the GB-clerk and replied, "I want to feel like I'm one of the people this Thanksgiving!" The GB-sleuth realized Thanksgiving was bringing pensive meditation for the mysterious hero known as 'the Batman.'


Batman pulled out the newspaper the next day and noticed that the Gotham Film Studio [GFS] was developing a film-adaptation of the adventures of Batman called The Dark Knight. In the film, Batman is developing his crime-fighting skills in the modern city of capitalism-pirates when an ominous new crime-syndicate leader/boss named Black Mask rises to power. The villain-character was modeled after the real-life Black Mask who was now locked up in Arkham Asylum. Batman noted that the film-director of The Dark Knight wanted to 'thank' the Batman with this commemorative film. Batman wondered about how media and journalism in the modern American city was 'shaping' or 'molding' pedestrian goosebumps.


Batman decided to make a child-like stick-figure doodle of an evil elf for the Gotham Gazette. Batman complemented the Evil Elf doodle with a short-story about the nature of crime during Prohibition-era Gotham City, when the mafia was strangling the commercial traffic of the American urban landscape. Batman wrote, "The Evil Elf was a mascot for all the anti-Christmas criminality seething in the minds of Americans rebelling against the charms of the proverbial American Dream." Batman concluded that when American values go wrong, consumerism turns from a 'cornucopia' (or bounty) into a 'leviathan' (or cauldron!). When anarchy reigns over governance/civics, there are no toys that inspire or turkeys that delight.


BATMAN: "If Gotham is to evade the moral dangers of 'leviathan' with careful governance, it has to coordinate consumerism/commerce with ethics and customs. Journalists must present American urban values through the lens of mob psychology and traffic-oriented consciousness. We have to understand the nature of criminality in terms of the vulnerabilities of the proverbial American Dream. That's the best and only way to make Thanksgiving in Gotham a thing of magic and material ornaments."



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