A Simple Way To Judge Veracity


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Perhaps you know about my claime that "Democrats lie about everything."
It bears repeating: Democrats, and their allies, lie about everything.

2. Jot this test down, so when you see or hear any Democrat argument....you'll know how to evaluate.
Anyone with two or more cerebral neurons to rub together can surmise from the fifty or so lies and hoaxes that have been exposed, as in "Russia Collusion," realizes that none of the mainstream media can be trusted.

The simplest way to ascertain the truth of any story, event, explanation is this:

a. if it redounds to the benefit of the Democrats, consider it false.

b. do your own research to conclude whether that first calculation is correct (it will be).

3. "John Solomon’s Statement Regarding ‘Daily Beast’ Smear of His Coverage of Archives Memo
The site's media reporter is under the illusion I wrote a story to try to help a particular politician. That may be the standard at The Daily Beast today, but it is not my standard.

I wrote the story because it was accurate, true and important to the public. I know it was news because every major news organization followed my reporting, with many crediting Just the News. The Archives agreed to release the memo as a result. I appreciate that gesture enabling other reporters to see what we wrote was true, accurate and important.

Secondly, this reporter seems to be under the illusion that the Archives letter was the first time America learned TS-CI secrets were found in Mar-a-Lago. In fact, that information had been made public in an Aug. 13 letter from Reps. Adam Schiff and Carolyn Maloney. You can read that here:

4. The Daily Beast actually claimed Robert Mueller found Russia-Trump collusion. Those who read Just the News know Mueller found: "The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."

In a political context, the way I judge veracity is whether the speaker/writer regularly engages in the following games:

1. Lies of Omission - Highlighting and expanding only on facts that support your pre-determined conclusion. This allows a person to say "what I said is a fact", but it also requires actively avoiding and ignoring all facts that contradict your pre-determined conclusion. It is blatantly one-sided and intellectually dishonest.

2. Lies of Extrapolation - Essentially pretending that 1 + 1 + __________ = 100. Creating a factual foundation (see above) but then taking a massive and obvious leap in order to claim that your pre-determined conclusion is accurate and sound.

3. Lies of Assumption - Purposely creating a factual foundation (see above, again) and then making step-by-step assumptions of behaviors that neatly fit into your pre-determined conclusion. "This is true, therefore here's what is going to happen in the future".

The pre-determined conclusion is the key. This approach has worked like a charm in politics, on both ends of the political spectrum, since politics began, and it has also worked like a charm for media figures (particularly Limbaugh and his legion of copycats) and partisans on both ends. Sadly, it has worked so well that it has become an organic and impulsive thought process for its practitioners. This approach has become so fundamental in the thought processes of these people that it's likely they don't even realize they're doing it. Then we see it play out on this board, thread after thread, post after post.

When the behavior is this impulsive, one could make the argument that it's not even a lie. It's an alternate universe. Therein lies the problem.
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In a political context, the way I judge veracity is whether the speaker/writer regularly engages in the following games:

1. Lies of Omission - Highlighting and expanding only on facts that support your pre-determined conclusion. This allows a person to say "what I said is a fact", but it also requires actively avoiding and ignoring all facts that contradict your pre-determined conclusion. It is blatantly one-sided and intellectually dishonest.

2. Lies of Extrapolation - Essentially pretending that 1 + 1 + __________ = 100. Creating a factual foundation (see above) but then taking a massive and obvious leap in order to claim that your pre-determined conclusion is accurate and sound.

3. Lies of Assumption - Purposely creating a factual foundation (see above, again) and then making step-by-step assumptions of behaviors that neatly fit into your pre-determined conclusion. "This is true, therefore here's what is going to happen in the future".

The pre-determined conclusion is the key. This approach has worked like a charm in politics, on both ends of the political spectrum, since politics began, and it has also worked like a charm for media figures (particularly Limbaugh and his legion of copycats) and partisans on both ends. Sadly, it has worked so well that it has become an organic and impulsive thought process for its practitioners. This approach has become so fundamental in the thought processes of these people that it's likely they don't even realize they're doing it. Then we see it play out on this board, thread after thread, post after post.

When the behavior is this impulsive, one could make the argument that it's not even a lie. It's an alternate universe. Therein lies the problem.

How would you apply the above to the 50+ lies and hoaxes of the Democrats that have been exposed.

But, you've lied before in trying to burnish your reputation.

Remember writing this:

“Me, I'm the opposite. I like to have an accurate grasp of both (or more) sides of any issue, so that I can reach a thoughtful conclusion.”
History is repeating itself

And everyone has seen the sort of garbage you post.

Don't forget thank you.
I try to listen to Dick Morris' show every week, and this is how I judge veracity: he has stated, in confrontation to all the media stories about how there will not be a Republican avalanche, that the Republicans will take the Senate easily....by 4 or 5 seats.

I'll wait and see.....and make my judgment about this souce afterwards.

Democrat voters.....after some 50 lies and hoaxes have been exposed.....keep swallowing the lies....hook, line, and sinker.


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