A report card on the Biden administration

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NBC News reports, "The House delivered its article of impeachment against former President Donald Trump to the Senate on Monday, kicking off preparations for the coming trial."

"Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow in an interview airing Monday evening that Trump must be held accountable for encouraging the rioters, which Schumer said was "the most despicable thing any president has ever done.'"

Nothing from Schumer or Pelosi about the overwhelming consensus that trial will end with Trump's exoneration, and he proclaiming it loudly to everyone who will listen.

In the first weeks of the Biden administration, the Democrats are about to awaken an obnoxious jerk who has been asleep for three months, afraid to show his face to the public. No more, thanks to the Democrats.

Little wonder why they and other Democrats do not want to talk about that.
President Joe R. Biden, how refreshing that sounds. What a refreshing day. Our divisive, erratic, foolish, conspiratorial, narcissistic President is gone, replaced by a President who deeply wants to unite us. Barring ill-advised preconceived notions about President Biden, his task should be easy. We are all Americans.

That said, although I voted for Biden for obvious reasons, not unlike 81 million Americans who did the same, I am a conservative Independent. That's official. In CA, we have to declare our political posture. Until I was driven out by Trump, for over a quarter of a century I was a declared Republican. I voted for Biden, but I have some reservations concerning him, mostly having to do with taxation and spending.

I said all that because I want to be honest with readers. I want them to know where I am coming from.

Whether or not Biden will be a good President is obviously an open question, but I think he is a good man. He will do his best to unite us and adopt policies that benefit all Americans, while removing those policies that do us harm. He wants the United States to rejoin the community of nations, and the days of isolation and making unitary decisions that involve other nations, in particular our traditional allies, are over.

The European Union's top politician, Ursula von der Leyen, said it best. "After four long years, Europe has a friend in the White House."

For the first time in four years, there is optimism in America created by a popular President. 59% of Americans approve of Biden.

On day one, Trump's approval rating was 40%, and, although it went lower than that, it never got much higher. Thus the reason for American optimism.

He's only been president for less than 8 hours, so it might be a little early for his first report card, but he hasn't grabbed anybody by the pussy or given Russians top secret information in an unannounced oval office meeting, or pissed off all our top allies, so I'll give him a little while before I start judging his presidency. He could have shook his dick at the troops from the capitol steps and still been more suitable to be president than that pig that just left.
Ignored rape allegations don't count eh. I think Tara Reid might disagree with you. Those little kids at the pool and all the girls/women that he groped and sniffed might as well. Hypocrite. Biden is a TREMENDOUS failure from his first blank EO to his last.
NBC News reports, "The House delivered its article of impeachment against former President Donald Trump to the Senate on Monday, kicking off preparations for the coming trial."

"Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow in an interview airing Monday evening that Trump must be held accountable for encouraging the rioters, which Schumer said was "the most despicable thing any president has ever done.'"

Nothing from Schumer or Pelosi about the overwhelming consensus that trial will end with Trump's exoneration, and he proclaiming it loudly to everyone who will listen.

In the first weeks of the Biden administration, the Democrats are about to awaken an obnoxious jerk who has been asleep for three months, afraid to show his face to the public. No more, thanks to the Democrats.

Little wonder why they and other Democrats do not want to talk about that.

There is no doubt that trump is guilty of the offense he was impeached for. The only question now is whether his right wing sycophants have the integrity to do the moral thing and hold him accountable. There is no reason to believe the right has any integrity, and certainly not enough to do the right thing.
President Joe R. Biden, how refreshing that sounds. What a refreshing day. Our divisive, erratic, foolish, conspiratorial, narcissistic President is gone, replaced by a President who deeply wants to unite us. Barring ill-advised preconceived notions about President Biden, his task should be easy. We are all Americans.

That said, although I voted for Biden for obvious reasons, not unlike 81 million Americans who did the same, I am a conservative Independent. That's official. In CA, we have to declare our political posture. Until I was driven out by Trump, for over a quarter of a century I was a declared Republican. I voted for Biden, but I have some reservations concerning him, mostly having to do with taxation and spending.

I said all that because I want to be honest with readers. I want them to know where I am coming from.

Whether or not Biden will be a good President is obviously an open question, but I think he is a good man. He will do his best to unite us and adopt policies that benefit all Americans, while removing those policies that do us harm. He wants the United States to rejoin the community of nations, and the days of isolation and making unitary decisions that involve other nations, in particular our traditional allies, are over.

The European Union's top politician, Ursula von der Leyen, said it best. "After four long years, Europe has a friend in the White House."

For the first time in four years, there is optimism in America created by a popular President. 59% of Americans approve of Biden.

On day one, Trump's approval rating was 40%, and, although it went lower than that, it never got much higher. Thus the reason for American optimism.
For all Americans he gets a failing grade -F
For his masters the Chinese he gets an A+
Biden hit the ground running.

The Times reports, "In 17 executive orders, memorandums and proclamations signed hours after his inauguration, President Biden moved swiftly on Wednesday to dismantle Trump administration policies his aides said have caused the “greatest damage” to the nation.

"Biden’s first actions as president are sharply aimed at sweeping aside former President Donald J. Trump’s pandemic response, reversing his environmental agenda, tearing down his anti-immigration policies, bolstering the teetering economic recovery and restoring federal efforts to promote diversity.

For more on this see: Biden’s 17 Executive Orders and Other Directives in Detail

Listening today, I got the distinct impression there was no time for a weeks long Senate impeachment trial that is doomed to fail. Why in the world would anyone want to invite Trump back to effectively interfere with an overburdened Biden government? Let the courts deal with Trump, not politicians with their own agenda, nearly half of whom are loyal to Trump.

We heard the first professional press briefing in four years. We can all still recall Sean Spicer calling in the White House press corps for his first press briefing, yelling to reporters that Trump had attracted “the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration.”

Trump's press briefings went down from there. Most of the time there were none.

Pardon me, we must all think positive thoughts. Trump with his antagonism toward the press has been replaced by a President who will be open with the press. We are likely to see the return of Presidential solo press conferences. There hasn't been one in three years.
The GOP is destroying itself!

As a Reagan Republican and a former member of the GOP -- now a conservative Independent forced out by Trump's idiocy -- I am sorry to see that happening. But it is.

The pro-Trump state Republican Party in Oregon declared the Jan. 6 assault on our capital a "false flag" event.

The Post reports, "The state party released a resolution passed by its executive committee that says the supposedly fake operation was meant to undermine Trump and give more power to President Biden, citing websites by John Solomon and the Trump-friendly Epoch Times."

“The violence at the Capitol was a ‘false flag’ operation designed to discredit President Trump, his supporters, and all conservative Republicans; this provided the sham motivation to impeach President Trump in order to advance the Democratic goal of seizing total power,” the resolution says.

“We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them, because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”

“When you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules."

“We fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

"Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you. We are going to try — give our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re try — going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.”
***********************************************************************President Donald J. Trump

ABC News reports, "Department of Justice officials said they are looking at felony sedition charges for people who stormed the Capitol."

"We're looking at significant felony cases tied to sedition and conspiracy," acting United States Attorney for the District of Columbia Michael Sherwin told reporters.

"Nearly every Senate Republican declared Tuesday that putting a former president on trial for impeachment is unconstitutional, indicating that the House’s case against Donald Trump is almost certain to fail," Politico writes, meaning the impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump is DOA, which comes as no shock to anyone.

So, the people who actively took part in the attack on our capital will be charged with sedition and conspiracy.

The person who ordered the attack as shown above -- our President at the time -- will be exonerated by Republicans in the Senate.

The day of reckoning will come in 2022, 2024, and several elections in the future when Americans will have their say on the matter. Since 2016, the GOP has lost the House, the Senate, and the Oval Office with more to come.
Biden took the bull by the horns today and spoke to Trump's friend, Vladimir Putin.

USA Today, "President Joe Biden held his first phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin since being sworn into office last week – a conversation that comes amid heightened U.S.-Russia tensions and after Putin initially refused to recognize Biden's election win."

During their phone call, Biden and Putin discussed their shared goal of renewing an expiring U.S.-Russia nuclear arms control agreement. but Biden promised to take tougher stance against the Russian dictator than did Trump who had a problem facing up to Putin. Biden was not afraid to address areas of contention with Putin such as:

• The sweeping SolarWinds cyberattack that breached several U.S. government agencies and private firms.

• The Kremlin's effort to interfere in U.S. elections, including its dissemination of disinformation about Biden and his son Hunter in the 2020 race;

• Reports that Russia offered bounties to militant extremists in Afghanistan to kill American soldiers; and

Allegations that Putin ordered the poisoning of an opponent, Alexei Navalny, who was recently arrested in Russia after recovering from the attempted assassination.

This according to USA Today.

Biden's intention was "to make clear that the United States will act firmly in defense of our national interests in response to malign actions by Russia,” White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.
Biden took the bull by the horns today and spoke to Trump's friend, Vladimir Putin.

USA Today, "President Joe Biden held his first phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin since being sworn into office last week – a conversation that comes amid heightened U.S.-Russia tensions and after Putin initially refused to recognize Biden's election win."

During their phone call, Biden and Putin discussed their shared goal of renewing an expiring U.S.-Russia nuclear arms control agreement. but Biden promised to take tougher stance against the Russian dictator than did Trump who had a problem facing up to Putin. Biden was not afraid to address areas of contention with Putin such as:

• The sweeping SolarWinds cyberattack that breached several U.S. government agencies and private firms.

• The Kremlin's effort to interfere in U.S. elections, including its dissemination of disinformation about Biden and his son Hunter in the 2020 race;

• Reports that Russia offered bounties to militant extremists in Afghanistan to kill American soldiers; and

Allegations that Putin ordered the poisoning of an opponent, Alexei Navalny, who was recently arrested in Russia after recovering from the attempted assassination.

This according to USA Today.

Biden's intention was "to make clear that the United States will act firmly in defense of our national interests in response to malign actions by Russia,” White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.
Another lying ss tossed.
It's complicated, but the logjam in the Senate is probably over, and things can get done, assuming the failed Senate impeachment trial doesn't last very long.

Biden showed his years of Senate experience by winning a Senate fight without saying a word

NBC News reports, "Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., signaled late Monday night that he was open to a power-sharing agreement with Democrats that did not include a written commitment to keeping the filibuster.

"After two Democratic senators, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, voiced support for the longstanding rule, McConnell signaled a willingness to move forward."
There is no doubt that trump is guilty of the offense he was impeached for. The only question now is whether his right wing sycophants have the integrity to do the moral thing and hold him accountable. There is no reason to believe the right has any integrity, and certainly not enough to do the right thing.

I cannot agree with you more. Trump will be exonerated by Senate Republicans, and we will never hear the end of it from Trump who has been silent for three months.

Thank you, Speaker Pelosi.
“We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them, because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”

“When you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules."

“We fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

"Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you. We are going to try — give our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re try — going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.”
***********************************************************************President Donald J. Trump

The AP reports, "The Department of Homeland Security issued a national terrorism bulletin Wednesday warning of the lingering potential for violence from people motivated by anti-government sentiment after President Joe Biden’s election, suggesting the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol may embolden extremists and set the stage for additional attacks."

NPR reports, "At the first briefing by the Biden administration's COVID-19 response team on Wednesday, the message was clear: Science and scientists will lead the response. And the team has inherited a fractured and lagging strategy.

"The briefing was led by Jeffrey Zients, a businessman who was a top economic adviser in the Obama administration. Asked how the Defense Production Act might be used to produce more vaccine doses faster, Zients said nothing has been ruled out."

The briefing was extremely informative because scientists and medical experts did all the talking, not a politician.

There was no intelligence challenged President around pimping for hydroxychloroquine or recommending that the ill be injected with Lysol.
The Biden administration is trying to be as open as it can be with the American people.

Biden is patiently explaining what he is doing and what he wants to do. He answers questions put to him by reporters.

Biden's press secretary, Jen Psaki, charmingly is holding daily press briefings. She answers questions put to her by reporters.

Biden's Secretary of State Antony Blinken held his first press briefing today, and he promised to hold them on a regular basis. He answered all questions put to him by reporters.

What a refreshing change from the previous administration.
President Joe R. Biden, how refreshing that sounds. What a refreshing day. Our divisive, erratic, foolish, conspiratorial, narcissistic President is gone, replaced by a President who deeply wants to unite us. Barring ill-advised preconceived notions about President Biden, his task should be easy. We are all Americans.

That said, although I voted for Biden for obvious reasons, not unlike 81 million Americans who did the same, I am a conservative Independent. That's official. In CA, we have to declare our political posture. Until I was driven out by Trump, for over a quarter of a century I was a declared Republican. I voted for Biden, but I have some reservations concerning him, mostly having to do with taxation and spending.

I said all that because I want to be honest with readers. I want them to know where I am coming from.

Whether or not Biden will be a good President is obviously an open question, but I think he is a good man. He will do his best to unite us and adopt policies that benefit all Americans, while removing those policies that do us harm. He wants the United States to rejoin the community of nations, and the days of isolation and making unitary decisions that involve other nations, in particular our traditional allies, are over.

The European Union's top politician, Ursula von der Leyen, said it best. "After four long years, Europe has a friend in the White House."

For the first time in four years, there is optimism in America created by a popular President. 59% of Americans approve of Biden.

On day one, Trump's approval rating was 40%, and, although it went lower than that, it never got much higher. Thus the reason for American optimism.
You must live in a slum.
Biden has alienated Canada, England and the UK in a week and has just eliminated Trump's EO to stop Business Visas from replacing Americans in the workforce.
Either you live off your Portfolio or you are a Business Visa or use them.
In either case, you are one ignorant asshole.
NPR reports, "At the first briefing by the Biden administration's COVID-19 response team on Wednesday, the message was clear: Science and scientists will lead the response. And the team has inherited a fractured and lagging strategy.

"The briefing was led by Jeffrey Zients, a businessman who was a top economic adviser in the Obama administration. Asked how the Defense Production Act might be used to produce more vaccine doses faster, Zients said nothing has been ruled out."

The briefing was extremely informative because scientists and medical experts did all the talking, not a politician.

There was no intelligence challenged President around pimping for hydroxychloroquine or recommending that the ill be injected with Lysol.
The entire planet has been utilizing Biden's plan for over a year and it hasn't worked.
President Joe R. Biden, how refreshing that sounds. What a refreshing day. Our divisive, erratic, foolish, conspiratorial, narcissistic President is gone, replaced by a President who deeply wants to unite us. Barring ill-advised preconceived notions about President Biden, his task should be easy. We are all Americans.

That said, although I voted for Biden for obvious reasons, not unlike 81 million Americans who did the same, I am a conservative Independent. That's official. In CA, we have to declare our political posture. Until I was driven out by Trump, for over a quarter of a century I was a declared Republican. I voted for Biden, but I have some reservations concerning him, mostly having to do with taxation and spending.

I said all that because I want to be honest with readers. I want them to know where I am coming from.

Whether or not Biden will be a good President is obviously an open question, but I think he is a good man. He will do his best to unite us and adopt policies that benefit all Americans, while removing those policies that do us harm. He wants the United States to rejoin the community of nations, and the days of isolation and making unitary decisions that involve other nations, in particular our traditional allies, are over.

The European Union's top politician, Ursula von der Leyen, said it best. "After four long years, Europe has a friend in the White House."

For the first time in four years, there is optimism in America created by a popular President. 59% of Americans approve of Biden.

On day one, Trump's approval rating was 40%, and, although it went lower than that, it never got much higher. Thus the reason for American optimism.
Taxes may be necessary. We may need to roll back the trump bush and Reagan tax breaks.
Agreed but not right now.

Move capital gains to 20% after $200k and 25% after 1M
Increase taxes on incomes over 1M
Increase taxes on fossil fuels

Once the economy recovers repeal the rollback of the payroll taxes (to preserve SS and medicare)
Let the economy absorb that then rollback the Trump cuts

At that point let's see where the economy, unemployment, and the deficit are before moving further.
NBC News reports, "The House delivered its article of impeachment against former President Donald Trump to the Senate on Monday, kicking off preparations for the coming trial."

"Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow in an interview airing Monday evening that Trump must be held accountable for encouraging the rioters, which Schumer said was "the most despicable thing any president has ever done.'"

Nothing from Schumer or Pelosi about the overwhelming consensus that trial will end with Trump's exoneration, and he proclaiming it loudly to everyone who will listen.

In the first weeks of the Biden administration, the Democrats are about to awaken an obnoxious jerk who has been asleep for three months, afraid to show his face to the public. No more, thanks to the Democrats.

Little wonder why they and other Democrats do not want to talk about that.

There is no doubt that trump is guilty of the offense he was impeached for. The only question now is whether his right wing sycophants have the integrity to do the moral thing and hold him accountable. There is no reason to believe the right has any integrity, and certainly not enough to do the right thing.
There is PLENTY of "doubt" that President Trump is guilty of ANYTHING the dim-witted Democrats have accused him of. All you have to do is read what he said to know he did NOT tell his followers to go break into the Capitol and threaten Congress. Are ALL Democrats as stupid as you seem to be?
The GOP is destroying itself!

As a Reagan Republican and a former member of the GOP -- now a conservative Independent forced out by Trump's idiocy -- I am sorry to see that happening. But it is.

The pro-Trump state Republican Party in Oregon declared the Jan. 6 assault on our capital a "false flag" event.

The Post reports, "The state party released a resolution passed by its executive committee that says the supposedly fake operation was meant to undermine Trump and give more power to President Biden, citing websites by John Solomon and the Trump-friendly Epoch Times."

“The violence at the Capitol was a ‘false flag’ operation designed to discredit President Trump, his supporters, and all conservative Republicans; this provided the sham motivation to impeach President Trump in order to advance the Democratic goal of seizing total power,” the resolution says.

“We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them, because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”

“When you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules."

“We fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

"Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you. We are going to try — give our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re try — going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.”
***********************************************************************President Donald J. Trump

ABC News reports, "Department of Justice officials said they are looking at felony sedition charges for people who stormed the Capitol."

"We're looking at significant felony cases tied to sedition and conspiracy," acting United States Attorney for the District of Columbia Michael Sherwin told reporters.

"Nearly every Senate Republican declared Tuesday that putting a former president on trial for impeachment is unconstitutional, indicating that the House’s case against Donald Trump is almost certain to fail," Politico writes, meaning the impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump is DOA, which comes as no shock to anyone.

So, the people who actively took part in the attack on our capital will be charged with sedition and conspiracy.

The person who ordered the attack as shown above -- our President at the time -- will be exonerated by Republicans in the Senate.

The day of reckoning will come in 2022, 2024, and several elections in the future when Americans will have their say on the matter. Since 2016, the GOP has lost the House, the Senate, and the Oval Office with more to come.
President Trump didn't "order" anything except for his followers to "peacefully and patriotically go to the Capitol and let their voices be heard." Where in that statement is a "order to attack?"
Biden is focusing his attention on the $1.9 trillion covid relief package, climate change, as well as other matters.

Pelosi and House Democrats are focused on the Senate impeachment trial which is doomed to fail.

The failed Senate trial will cause unintended consequences. First, we will be hearing from Trump again as he loudly declares his innocence on every major network willing to listen. To our everlasting regret, that will be all of them. After all, it will be news.

Second, and far worse, the Senate exoneration of Trump who incited an insurrection against our capital will embolden every future President. The precedent is a dagger at the heart of our democracy. The President can do anything he wants as long as the Senate is controlled by his party, controlled to the extent that the 67 vote bar is too high to reach!

But wait, there is a possible solution to all this. Trump is spanked. The Republicans escape from a serious dilemma, and the Democrats can save face. The only requirement: Are the politicians smart enough to pull this off?

Let's let Axios explain it:

Sens. Tim Kaine and Susan Collins are privately pitching their colleagues on a bipartisan resolution censuring former President Trump, three sources familiar with the discussions tell Axios.

Why it matters: Senators are looking for a way to condemn Trump on the record as it becomes increasingly unlikely Democrats will obtain the 17 Republican votes needed to gain a conviction in his second impeachment.

What we're hearing: Some Democrats are interested only if at least 10 GOP senators publicly commit to a censure, thus ensuring the 60-vote margin needed to pass major legislation in the chamber.

It's still unclear whether a resolution would be in lieu of or come after a trial.

The bipartisan discussions among senators grew more earnest after 45 Republicans voted today in favor of a motion to dismiss the trial because Trump is now out of office.

The vote was a clear indication he won't be convicted.
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