A Reminder: Trey Gowdy Has Never Lost A Case As A Prosecutor

Prosecutors can also cherry-pick cases so they can drop poor cases, cut deals to get guilty pleas, and only go to court with slam dunks.

There's a dead US ambassador and staff, serious questions about what went down and who gave the orders, and stonewalling, but the public could not possibly care less about this. Even if we had video of Hilary ordering the planes to stand down and giggling madly while people died, this will just be a distant memory by 2016 and that's before we even get into the media minimizing everything to help out the Dems.

Sadly, it's a non-starter so far as the public is concerned.
It's non-starter as far as reality is concerned. That's why you guys aren't getting anywhere.

There's a dead ambassador and no one in DC is responsible for why troops in Italy weren't sent or why security was lax. It's just political kabuki theater.
Stevens turned down more security, choose to be there that night instead of at the embassy, and no one could have reached him in time. All of that is already out there. You can't win this, there's nothing to win. Sometimes humans just fuck-up and there really is no one to blame, as in this case.
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Benghazi is just a fuck-up, part of which was by Stevens himself. There's no smoking gun, just a witch-hunt for attempted political gain.
Not so much a "smoking gun" as smoking corpses.
But the left can't see those.
They're too busy blaming the victims.
The victims in this case own a share of this. So do others, but none of their actions add up to anything more than "mistakes were made". Welcome to the real world.
Stevens turned down more security, choose to be there that night instead of at the embassy and no one could have reached him in time. All of that is already out there. You can't win this, there's nothing to win. Sometimes humans just fuck-up and there really is no one to blame, as in this case.

Keep blaming the victims long enough and maybe somebody other than your own acolytes might begin to believe.
Benghazi is just a fuck-up, part of which was by Stevens himself. There's no smoking gun, just a witch-hunt for attempted political gain.
Not so much a "smoking gun" as smoking corpses.
But the left can't see those.
They're too busy blaming the victims.
The victims in this case own a share of this. So do others, but none of their actions add up to anything more than "mistakes were made". Welcome to the real world.

Go ahead and prove it.
Yep, the roughly 260 million of them, who don't give a crap because there is no there there and they are concerned with things that actually matter, which you ignore while chasing your tail.
Makes you wonder what Watergate was all about. I don't even remember dying, although I do remember lying.
Watergate was about the abuse of power, from the highest office in the land. Benghazi is just a fuck-up, part of which was by Stevens himself. There's no smoking gun, just a witch-hunt for attempted political gain.
The abuse of power was in the dishonesty and the coverup. The primary difference is that no one died in Watergate, and while a president had to resign and several careers were ruined in the former, absolutely nothing has happened in the latter - yet.
That is a true fact and Obama, Hillary and others complicit in Ambassador Steven's and the 3 other Americans deaths should be seriously worried. Gowdy will indeed come away with convictions. The media needs to be just as worried too.

BOOM: Trey Gowdy Never Lost a Case as a Prosecutor

You DO know this isn't a criminal trial, right?

TRUTH is on trial! Or something like that!

Anyone know the stated object of this dog and pony show? I mean, we're not just having a dog and pony show for the sake of having a dog and pony show, are we?
Not so much a "smoking gun" as smoking corpses.
But the left can't see those.
They're too busy blaming the victims.
The victims in this case own a share of this. So do others, but none of their actions add up to anything more than "mistakes were made". Welcome to the real world.

Go ahead and prove it.
It pretty much already has been. You guys have been desperate to cut off heads since it happened, and haven't managed so much a flesh wound so far.
The Left should have NO issue with turning over ALL internal memos, emails and communications.

ALL survivors should be made available to testify.....JUST so we can clear Hillary and the boi KIng.
I agree with the O. P. except this is not a criminal proceeding--yet.

I believe that Benghazi will last for many months--and a big part of the fight will be over whether or not Gowdy gets Hillary Clinton into a deposition...and if it happens, her presidential hopes may well be over.

The Democrats so fear this very thing....fear to let Gowdy chew on that ample ass...that they will fight it with every abuse Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Eric Holder can come up with.

If Gowdy deposes her---stick a fork in her.

And so far, they have trotted out that sub-reptilian intellect--Nancy Pelosi---to say the Republications are on a political witch hunt.

By which she means to say, that since Hillary Clinton is running for President, it is wrong to investigate matters which will tell the citizens whether she is fit to be President.

Its the way Loons think.

What about her telling the parents of the dead from Benghazi--In Front of their Caskets!!!---that they would get the man who made the video that got their sons killed----and soon the world will know that she knew it was a damn lie when she said it--to those parents, in front of their dead sons.

A Bald Faced Lie at that time and place is depraved.

And it goes to her fitness to be President.

Watch for the fight on whether Gowdy gets to depose Hilllary Clinton.
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The victims in this case own a share of this. So do others, but none of their actions add up to anything more than "mistakes were made". Welcome to the real world.

Go ahead and prove it.
It pretty much already has been. You guys have been desperate to cut off heads since it happened, and haven't managed so much a flesh wound so far.

Sorry, no it hasn't.

Had they simply said that they made mistakes this would have all gone away, instead they chose to lie, one lies to cover something up.
That is a true fact and Obama, Hillary and others complicit in Ambassador Steven's and the 3 other Americans deaths should be seriously worried. Gowdy will indeed come away with convictions. The media needs to be just as worried too.

BOOM: Trey Gowdy Never Lost a Case as a Prosecutor
No one who knows anything is worried. We've seen plenty of dog and pony shows before.

How many Select Committees?

ETA: cripes I'm starting to lose it with the different labels but they do make a difference in their scope and recommendations.

careful there, td, you are making sense
Go ahead and prove it.
It pretty much already has been. You guys have been desperate to cut off heads since it happened, and haven't managed so much a flesh wound so far.

Sorry, no it hasn't.

Had they simply said that they made mistakes this would have all gone away, instead they chose to lie, one lies to cover something up.
The lies aren't there either. It's a dog that won't hunt but you have nothing else so you keep dragging it by the lease anyway.
If the committee head refuses to call all witnesses, the minority party can call a "shadow investigation", interview and questions witnesses, and get it before the public in its own media.

I truly believe that the GOP, although it is terrified of HRC, will try to do this somewhat fairly.

Because if they act like pit bulls and she comes out smelling sweetly, then decides to run, it will be katie bar the door.
Sorry, no it hasn't.

Had they simply said that they made mistakes this would have all gone away, instead they chose to lie, one lies to cover something up.

I'm not sure who to credit for an inquiry being launched and especially for the choice of a leader who isn't likely to roll over and have his tummy rubbed.

I had figured that the establishment republican hierarchy might someday be forced to at least acknowledge there needed to be at least a sham inquiry. Also that, when the time came, they'd appoint someone like Pajama Boy Starkey, a known closet Democrat, to lead.

Now we'll see if what's sprouted is a backbone or just the result of somebody slipping some Viagra into the congressional Kool-Aid. Let's check back in 4-hours.
It pretty much already has been. You guys have been desperate to cut off heads since it happened, and haven't managed so much a flesh wound so far.

Sorry, no it hasn't.

Had they simply said that they made mistakes this would have all gone away, instead they chose to lie, one lies to cover something up.
The lies aren't there either. It's a dog that won't hunt but you have nothing else so you keep dragging it by the lease anyway.

Sure thing, like I said YOU'VE chosen to by into the Admin's dog and pony show...why ????
I have NO idea, they lie about everything.
If the committee head refuses to call all witnesses, the minority party can call a "shadow investigation", interview and questions witnesses, and get it before the public in its own media.

I truly believe that the GOP, although it is terrified of HRC, will try to do this somewhat fairly.

Because if they act like pit bulls and she comes out smelling sweetly, then decides to run, it will be katie bar the door.
I have a problem with Hillary smelling sweetly.:lol:
“May Justice Be Done, Though the Heavens Fall”

Democrats hoping for a quick end to the Benghazi issue should take note. He’s not going to rest until he gets closure for the victims’ families and finally holds this criminal Administration accountable for their lies and negligence, even if he has to subpoena the President himself.

Gowdy Could Subpoena President Obama

Judge Napolitano mentioned the Supreme Court case United States v. Nixon (1974). There, the Court (in an 8-0 decision) rejected President Nixon’s claim of executive privilege and instead upheld a special prosecutor’s subpoena. While the House Select Committee does not have the power to prosecute, and while this is not a criminal trial (at least not yet), this line from US v. Nixon is influential:

Absent a claim of need to protect military, diplomatic, or sensitive national security secrets, we find it difficult to accept the argument that even the very important interest in confidentiality of Presidential communications is significantly diminished by production of such material for in camera inspection [inspection by the Judge in his or her chambers] with all the protection that a district court will be obliged to provide. (See page 706 of Nixon.)

In other words, just because the President wants things to remain secret does not grant him immunity and since the administration has never claimed vital national security secrets, the Select Committee’s power could extend to President Obama and portions of his internal briefs.

There's interesting times ahead for President Obama and his inner circle.
Sorry, no it hasn't.

Had they simply said that they made mistakes this would have all gone away, instead they chose to lie, one lies to cover something up.
The lies aren't there either. It's a dog that won't hunt but you have nothing else so you keep dragging it by the lease anyway.

Sure thing, like I said YOU'VE chosen to by into the Admin's dog and pony show...why ????
I have NO idea, they lie about everything.
The dog and pony show is that of the GOP. Calling on the White House to air all the dirty laundry still won't find you what doesn't exist, a smoking gun.
The lies aren't there either. It's a dog that won't hunt but you have nothing else so you keep dragging it by the lease anyway.

Sure thing, like I said YOU'VE chosen to by into the Admin's dog and pony show...why ????
I have NO idea, they lie about everything.
The dog and pony show is that of the GOP. Calling on the White House to air all the dirty laundry still won't find you what doesn't exist, a smoking gun.

And that's why a thorough investigation is needed.

So many lies have been told - it's time to give truth a chance.

And let the outcome fall as it may.

Just as the bodies fell.......

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