A Reminder: Trey Gowdy Has Never Lost A Case As A Prosecutor

Rep. Gowdy is given credit for starting the "Drug Mother Protocol" in South Carolina. I did a search on that term and got five pages of returns, all relating to Rep. Gowdy's bio. I did a some keyword searches but still could not find anything. Anyone know what the "Drug Mother Protocol" is?
Sure thing, like I said YOU'VE chosen to by into the Admin's dog and pony show...why ????
I have NO idea, they lie about everything.
The dog and pony show is that of the GOP. Calling on the White House to air all the dirty laundry still won't find you what doesn't exist, a smoking gun.

And that's why a thorough investigation is needed.
So many lies have been told - it's time to give truth a chance.
And let the outcome fall as it may.
Just as the bodies fell.......
Knock yourself out. It's a dead issue, in the ways that actually matter.
The lies aren't there either. It's a dog that won't hunt but you have nothing else so you keep dragging it by the lease anyway.

Sure thing, like I said YOU'VE chosen to by into the Admin's dog and pony show...why ????
I have NO idea, they lie about everything.
The dog and pony show is that of the GOP. Calling on the White House to air all the dirty laundry still won't find you what doesn't exist, a smoking gun.

We'll see, though I suspect that even if we did you wouldn't give a shit.
Sure thing, like I said YOU'VE chosen to by into the Admin's dog and pony show...why ????
I have NO idea, they lie about everything.
The dog and pony show is that of the GOP. Calling on the White House to air all the dirty laundry still won't find you what doesn't exist, a smoking gun.

We'll see, though I suspect that even if we did you wouldn't give a shit.
I would if there was something there, but there isn't.
It's non-starter as far as reality is concerned. That's why you guys aren't getting anywhere.

There's a dead ambassador and no one in DC is responsible for why troops in Italy weren't sent or why security was lax. It's just political kabuki theater.
Stevens turned down more security, choose to be there that night instead of at the embassy, and no one could have reached him in time.
How the hell was the White House supposed to know when the seige was going to end when they were first notified of the attack.
Mr.Gowdy has never had to face an opponent like Obama and his gang, backed 100% by the lap dog media.

Obama is a tyrant, if he doesn't want to testify, or release documents, or even answer questions he won't and who's going to make him? Eric Holder? Don't tell me "the people" will make him, because the majority if the people won't even know about it since the media will cover for him.

Mr.Gowdy may have never lost before but this is the tyrant leader of a banana republic, and he's never faced that before
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The lies aren't there either. It's a dog that won't hunt but you have nothing else so you keep dragging it by the lease anyway.

Sure thing, like I said YOU'VE chosen to by into the Admin's dog and pony show...why ????
I have NO idea, they lie about everything.
. Calling on the White House to air all the dirty laundry still won't find you what doesn't exist, a smoking gun.

You don't know that. The witnesses have never been under subpoena and participated in hours long depositions, especially Hillary.
The Left should have NO issue with turning over ALL internal memos, emails and communications.

ALL survivors should be made available to testify.....JUST so we can clear Hillary and the boi KIng.

Sure I have an issue with it.

Darrell Issa's been leaking unredacted emails to the press.

He's put operatives and Libyans that were cooperating with Americans at risk.

Additionally, thanks to Issa, we know the CIA was operating in the Annex and that Petraeus was having an affair.

Good stuff.
I would if there was something there, but there isn't.
The stronger the denial the greater the suspicious.
Thanks to you and your ilk for keeping the hounds on scent!
The denial is in thinking that all that has been done so far has managed to produce nothing, so let's keep trying. The only thing trying to be found is a political advantage.
The dog and pony show is that of the GOP. Calling on the White House to air all the dirty laundry still won't find you what doesn't exist, a smoking gun.

We'll see, though I suspect that even if we did you wouldn't give a shit.
I would if there was something there, but there isn't.
He's right. Stevens wasn't murdered, he died of smoke inhalation brought on by a film about Mohammed no one had seen. Truly a freak accident which no one could have prevented.
Sure thing, like I said YOU'VE chosen to by into the Admin's dog and pony show...why ????
I have NO idea, they lie about everything.
. Calling on the White House to air all the dirty laundry still won't find you what doesn't exist, a smoking gun.

You don't know that. The witnesses have never been under subpoena and participated in hours long depositions, especially Hillary.

Considering that Stevens choose to be there, and turned down more security, twice, what exactly do you think you are going to find that actually matters?
We'll see, though I suspect that even if we did you wouldn't give a shit.
I would if there was something there, but there isn't.
He's right. Stevens wasn't murdered, he died of smoke inhalation brought on by a film about Mohammed no one had seen. Truly a freak accident which no one could have prevented.

Stevens was killed, on 9-11, by Islamists. What part of this is supposed to be worthy of all this fuss?
Mr.Gowdy has never had to face an opponent like Obama and his gang, backed 100% by the lap dog media.

Obama is a tyrant, if he doesn't want to testify, or release documents, or even answer questions he won't and who's going to make him? Eric Holder? Don't tell me "the people" will make him, because the majority if the people won't even know about it since the media will cover for him.

Mr.Gowdy may have never lost before but this is the tyrant leader of a banana republic, and he's never faced that before

This is a good point. The media may well hide this think until it sinks into oblivion. But, there is a fly in the ointment--and its Gowdy. He has dash.

And if Fox's ratings go out of sight (they will of course be the only ones covering it at first)---some others might jump on as well---Watergate built momentum slowly for a long time.

The general questions are simple:

Who was negligent leading up to Benghazi?

Somebody was. It is admitted that the Ambassador did not have enough protection...in possibly the most dangerous city in the world, a Muslim one....and it was 9/11, a date of all dates that cries out for vigilance.

Who was asleep at the helm during Genghazi?

And most important of all, because it involves moral turpitude, instead of just negligence and incompetence, Who commenced and who took part in the cover-up----and there was a cover-up (the claim of a video causing the murders IS the cover-up)

And the American people have a right to know. The more Pelosi and the Loons scream, the more it smells like Watergate.

Just let Gowdy depose Hillary Clinton. That's the key.

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