A Real Doctor


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
"Dr. Lee is a licensed physician in California and obtained her medical degree from the University of Southern California. She received post-graduate training at Georgetown University and “Harvard-affiliated hospitals,” and has been a doctor “for more than 20 years.” However, she notes that in all her medical experience, she has “never witnessed so many vaccine-related injuries until this year.”

She noted in her letter that she feels “pained in admitting this,” but she was “compelled by conscience to state the facts” as she observed them while working in the ICU."

Impressive credentials and character. Character, something sadly lacking in the doctors lying for our government.

"Dr. Lee is a licensed physician in California and obtained her medical degree from the University of Southern California. She received post-graduate training at Georgetown University and “Harvard-affiliated hospitals,” and has been a doctor “for more than 20 years.” However, she notes that in all her medical experience, she has “never witnessed so many vaccine-related injuries until this year.”

She noted in her letter that she feels “pained in admitting this,” but she was “compelled by conscience to state the facts” as she observed them while working in the ICU."

Impressive credentials and character. Character, something sadly lacking in the doctors lying for our government.

Sorry, but not impressed.

she notes that in all her medical experience, she has “never witnessed so many vaccine-related injuries until this year.

It is like, Du Huh. In all her medical experience has she ever seen so many people being vaccinated? I mean the number of vaccinations have to exceed, probably by a factor of ten, the most vaccinations conducted in any other time period. Perhaps the most recent and closest comparison would be the National Swine Flu Immunization Program of 1976. There were some deaths, and about 450 people came down with Guillain-Barre syndrome, out of 45 million. Ironically, that is a listed side effect of the Covid 19 vaccination, albeit at a less than one per 100,000 rate of that Swine Flu vaccination in 1976.
Sorry, but not impressed.

she notes that in all her medical experience, she has “never witnessed so many vaccine-related injuries until this year.

It is like, Du Huh. In all her medical experience has she ever seen so many people being vaccinated? I mean the number of vaccinations have to exceed, probably by a factor of ten, the most vaccinations conducted in any other time period. Perhaps the most recent and closest comparison would be the National Swine Flu Immunization Program of 1976. There were some deaths, and about 450 people came down with Guillain-Barre syndrome, out of 45 million. Ironically, that is a listed side effect of the Covid 19 vaccination, albeit at a less than one per 100,000 rate of that Swine Flu vaccination in 1976.
Who cares if you are impressed, but you?
"Dr. Lee is a licensed physician in California and obtained her medical degree from the University of Southern California. She received post-graduate training at Georgetown University and “Harvard-affiliated hospitals,” and has been a doctor “for more than 20 years.” However, she notes that in all her medical experience, she has “never witnessed so many vaccine-related injuries until this year.”

She noted in her letter that she feels “pained in admitting this,” but she was “compelled by conscience to state the facts” as she observed them while working in the ICU."

Impressive credentials and character. Character, something sadly lacking in the doctors lying for our government.

Keep digging. You'll get there...maybe.
Until then, posting information that hasn't been verified or peer reviewed is still classified as misinformation.

Not helping. :)
Keep digging. You'll get there...maybe.
Until then, posting information that hasn't been verified or peer reviewed is still classified as misinformation.

Not helping. :)
Information is just information. Propaganda, your strong suit, is propaganda.
Was she vaccinated for Covid herself?
If she's talking about people in an ICU then is it possible that their illnesses are caused by Covid?

One doctor in millions hardly makes the case against the vaccines, but it's worth exploring further.

What should Americans do until her credibility is decided? Accept the 1 in a million (millions) chance that she's right?
Was she vaccinated for Covid herself?
If she's talking about people in an ICU then is it possible that their illnesses are caused by Covid?

One doctor in millions hardly makes the case against the vaccines, but it's worth exploring further.

What should Americans do until her credibility is decided? Accept the 1 in a million (millions) chance that she's right?
Yes, if you can't read the OP stay out of the thread.
"Dr. Lee is a licensed physician in California and obtained her medical degree from the University of Southern California. She received post-graduate training at Georgetown University and “Harvard-affiliated hospitals,” and has been a doctor “for more than 20 years.” However, she notes that in all her medical experience, she has “never witnessed so many vaccine-related injuries until this year.”

She noted in her letter that she feels “pained in admitting this,” but she was “compelled by conscience to state the facts” as she observed them while working in the ICU."

Impressive credentials and character. Character, something sadly lacking in the doctors lying for our government.

Funny how all the other real doctors Are saying things like this.
Funny how all the other real doctors Are saying things like this.
When there are millions of doctors promoting the vaccines, it's not hard to go shopping for a few that will say otherwise.

Promoting sickness and death by refusing the vaccine is on their own asses.
When there are millions of doctors promoting the vaccines, it's not hard to go shopping for a few that will say otherwise.

Promoting sickness and death by refusing the vaccine is on their own asses.
The vaxxed are the super spreaders. They want more Covid, not less. Nothing more than a political tool and it has caused many needless deaths in a quest for power and control.

One way to get that power is to destroy this country and they are systematically doing just that with your help.
The vaxxed are the super spreaders. They want more Covid, not less. Nothing more than a political tool and it has caused many needless deaths in a quest for power and control.

One way to get that power is to destroy this country and they are systematically doing just that with your help.
Completely gibberish.
"Dr. Lee is a licensed physician in California and obtained her medical degree from the University of Southern California. She received post-graduate training at Georgetown University and “Harvard-affiliated hospitals,” and has been a doctor “for more than 20 years.” However, she notes that in all her medical experience, she has “never witnessed so many vaccine-related injuries until this year.”

She noted in her letter that she feels “pained in admitting this,” but she was “compelled by conscience to state the facts” as she observed them while working in the ICU."

Impressive credentials and character. Character, something sadly lacking in the doctors lying for our government.

Sorry, I don't take vaccine advice from obstetricians-gynecologists.

Dr. Patricia W. Lee is an obstetrician-gynecologist in Upland, California

And I sure as HELL don't take vaccine advice from National Pile :rolleyes-41:

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  • Overall, we rate National File an extreme right Tin-Foil Hat Conspiracy website based on the promotion of unproven/debunked claims and a Strong Pseudoscience purveyor based on using junk science to support claims.

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