A question for USA citizens


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Is your allegiance to your own country of the United States where we the people have some voice (regarless of how little it is at times) or to the New World Order where unelected and NGO's determine what your life will be like?

Lori Lightfoot mayor of Chicago says her allegiance is to the NWO from what she says in this video clip.
who is " ZombieGadsden "?
The person that made that video post. It really doesn't make any difference who posted it as the fact is she did say that. Fake fact checkers claim it is taken out of context but its not when you her what she says. Simply put she is saying, 'I will replace the aldermen with deputies and my people who are with NWO governance not this government.'
I am in Bilderberg
NWO is for losers

Is your allegiance to your own country of the United States where we the people have some voice (regarless of how little it is at times) or to the New World Order where unelected and NGO's determine what your life will be like?

Lori Lightfoot mayor of Chicago says her allegiance is to the NWO from what she says in this video clip.

I will always stand for Truth, Justice and the American Way—and with the legally elected President of these United States. I will also stand for the preservation of the Union, defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic, and I shall stand for those rights bestowed upon us as American Citizens by our Creator.

who is " ZombieGadsden "?
The person that made that video post. It really doesn't make any difference who posted it as the fact is she did say that. Fake fact checkers claim it is taken out of context but its not when you her what she says. Simply put she is saying, 'I will replace the aldermen with deputies and my people who are with NWO governance not this government.'

So you put up a video of a person you know nothing about. Very telling. I will never believe a word you say anymore.
The person in the video is Lori Lightfoot mayor of Chicago; and those are her own words not mine. The person who shared it that I linked to goes by a handle that does not disclose their name. The video is available through many outlets that just happens to be the one I shared. If you don't believe me that is on you not me.
who is " ZombieGadsden "?
The person that made that video post. It really doesn't make any difference who posted it as the fact is she did say that. Fake fact checkers claim it is taken out of context but its not when you her what she says. Simply put she is saying, 'I will replace the aldermen with deputies and my people who are with NWO governance not this government.'

So you put up a video of a person you know nothing about. Very telling. I will never believe a word you say anymore.
The person in the video is Lori Lightfoot mayor of Chicago; and those are her own words not mine. The person who shared it that I linked to goes by a handle that does not disclose their name. The video is available through many outlets that just happens to be the one I shared. If you don't believe me that is on you not me.

I know who the person is about, but who made the video and where did it come from?? That what I want to know.
Is your allegiance to your own country of the United States where we the people have some voice (regarless of how little it is at times) or to the New World Order where unelected and NGO's determine what your life will be like?

Lori Lightfoot mayor of Chicago says her allegiance is to the NWO from what she says in this video clip.

I owe my allegiance to my family, my friends, my neighborhood, my county, my state, my country, and my world.
who is " ZombieGadsden "?
The person that made that video post. It really doesn't make any difference who posted it as the fact is she did say that. Fake fact checkers claim it is taken out of context but its not when you her what she says. Simply put she is saying, 'I will replace the aldermen with deputies and my people who are with NWO governance not this government.'

So you put up a video of a person you know nothing about. Very telling. I will never believe a word you say anymore.
The person in the video is Lori Lightfoot mayor of Chicago; and those are her own words not mine. The person who shared it that I linked to goes by a handle that does not disclose their name. The video is available through many outlets that just happens to be the one I shared. If you don't believe me that is on you not me.

I know who the person is about, but who made the video and where did it come from?? That what I want to know.
That's a fair question.

It was video taped by the Chicago Tribune. She believes politics should be more responsive to the New World Order than to local interests.

Lori Lightfoot unfiltered: The full Tribune Q&A with Chicago's mayor-elect

"Q: You ran on getting rid of aldermanic privilege (the practice of aldermen having veto power over all permitting and zoning decisions in their wards). That's probably easier to talk about than the mechanics of actually withdrawing that practice. It's not like it's a line in the city code. It's deeper than that. How do you go about addressing that?

A: I'm going to consult with some of the alderman who have been supportive of the campaign. I'm very clear on it. Some of them have a very different view, but I'm very clear that it's got to go. I want to do it in a way that doesn't do further harm, the quintessential throwing the baby out with the bathwater. But it's got to go. How do you do it? My thoughts are that because it's not written into law and it's just a very dominant culture … I'm thinking about an executive order from day one that says in more legalese than this, "This is not a thing. We will no longer honor this."

Because the way that aldermanic prerogative works is there's got to be compliance with the executive branch, because otherwise it doesn't work. So, you've got to eliminate that compliance, and you make it a mandate. And then you do training, particularly in the city licensing departments whether it's zoning, buildings, housing, planning, and you pick the people who run those agencies and the deputies that are pledging allegiance to the new world order and good governance. And then I think you have the inspector general do some spot audits to make sure that there is real compliance.

You obviously have to engage in a dialogue with the City Council. It's not that alderman no longer are able to have notice and an opportunity to be heard. If aldermen are doing their job right, they should be the people who are closest to the vibe and the beat in their neighborhood and have a very important role to play on a number of different issues, but not a unilateral, unchecked right. That's gone as soon as I take office, because it prevents us from engaging in citywide initiatives, it prevents us from moving ahead on important issues like affordable housing and it is fundamentally corrosive and there is no way to monitor it in a way you can bring transparency and accountability to it.. . . "
who is " ZombieGadsden "?
Who the hell cares. They posted video of shit that happened.

I'd like to know.

Why? You making an enemies list? :auiqs.jpg:

Well, all they did is repost a video from the Chicago Tribune. So put that paper on your enemies list.

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