A Question for Liberals

Sue the bible doesn't say the name Hitler either. I am not gay and I did not marry a man.

But you do not think homosexuality is a sin, and the Bible has PLENTY to say about that.

You will easily put politics over God's Word and want to judge ME.

I see you, and I understand.

Sue, you don't see ----. God says what he says about homosexuality and that's the law. Now how about the other 100 or so sins that God talks about?

You talk about gay marriage and abortion. Both are political issues. Your dislike of Islam is based on politics.

You would be funny if eternal life wasn't the most serious matter we face.

All law. But you think you can CONDONE gay marriage for others because you are not "IN" a gay marriage.

Therefore, you condone sin. You approve it. You want to somehow engage in deep sin by shutting me out of heaven for Donald Trump (????) but you condone both gay marriage and murder (abortion).

Because, again. Politics is your idol. Really, your god. I'm sorry for it. I hate to see it.

Sue, I can't shut you out of heaven. That's something only you can do.

You want to tell me what I condone like you know. So god please forgive me for what I am about to say.

You don't know shit, you simple minded cretin. There are 124 sins mentioned in the New Testament alone. Are you willing to fight each sin as you do gay marriage? And as you are a sinner, you condone sin just like the rest of us. But you have decided to make politics your god and you fight politically to stop particular sins. God did not create national borders. The only borders he created would be earth and space. We have violated the only border we have. Yet you support what Trump is doing, which is in total violation of Gods laws. And what he has done to those children, you want to talk about God, miss holier than thou? Really?

Matthew 18:6 - But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and [that] he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Luke 17:2 - It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

Mark 9:42 - And whosoever shall offend one of [these] little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

You are a modern day Pharisee. That's ALL you are. And Jesus told us not to be as the Pharisee. So I won't be concerning myself with debating you on religion. Learn what spirituality really means then maybe we can talk.
fuck the bible



You're talking crazy.
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This question is just for liberals and other non Trump supporters

Every right winger I have discussed this with says that the reason the left opposes Trump so much is because we are still mad that he beat Hillary and all the opposition he has seen is just an effort to either remove him from office and install Hillary, or at least punish him for beating Hillary in the election. I was angry about the way Trump won as well, but that is not the reason I dislike him so much. Since his inauguration, he has shown his incompetence, ignorance, and total lack of interest in doing anything for anyone but himself and others who are as rich as he is. He accepts conspiracy theories, and the word of enemy dictators over the facts as presented by his own investigative agencies, and a host of other things that make him unqualified to hold the position of POTUS.

My question is this Is your opposition to Trump an effort to remove a duly elected president and install Hillary in his place, or are there other reasons for your dislike of him? Be specific.
I am a liberal.

My dislike for Trump is his willingness to listen to commies and other leftists, along with his lack of diplomacy or tact.

Impeachment right now is bullshit. It was bullshit when it was done over lying about a blow job. It's bullshit now.

Commies want to take over and destroy all things/people in their greedy path to pillage the property of others. Impeachment is their only hope.

I hate filthy leftist commies and socialist (democratic or otherwise) more that I hate Trump. I don't want to gruesomely slaughter him and bath in his guts, like I want to do to commies. I have a right to murder commies. It is my moral obligation to kill them all. I am just waiting for them to start their revolution so I can gleefully begin the righteous work of death.

Kill a commie for mommy.


Actually this is legitimate.
A screed about "commies" is legitimate?

I meant the impeachment was legitimate.
Wait. I though my comment was legit.


I was talking about the impeachment.
Actually people figured out that God doesn't agree with those opinions. And God won't agree with mistreating any human. He'll deal with the sin.

While I respect your beliefs, I don't really think there is a God or a higher power. The Church has canonized people we'd consider war criminals today. All sorts of awful things were done in history and the people doing them could rationalize them chapter and verse.
My negatives about Trump have nothing to do with Hillary. in fact it would be pointless having any conversation about her with almost anyone left or right on this board. what ever she is or is not the propaganda has been taken too the far extremes of anything touching on reality. In all politics outright lies and just plain mud slinging have become normal. rarely even watch any news TV because all facts are omitted.
Actually people figured out that God doesn't agree with those opinions. And God won't agree with mistreating any human. He'll deal with the sin.

While I respect your beliefs, I don't really think there is a God or a higher power. The Church has canonized people we'd consider war criminals today. All sorts of awful things were done in history and the people doing them could rationalize them chapter and verse.


Why, because he's black, Joe? You gotta preface it that way because he's black?

That's the most pathetic thing I've read on this forum in a long, long time and that's saying a LOT. Changing your tune because of who you're addressing. Mr. Tough Talk Joe "respects the beliefs" of the Christian man IF the Christian man is BLACK of course

Actually people figured out that God doesn't agree with those opinions. And God won't agree with mistreating any human. He'll deal with the sin.

While I respect your beliefs, I don't really think there is a God or a higher power. The Church has canonized people we'd consider war criminals today. All sorts of awful things were done in history and the people doing them could rationalize them chapter and verse.


Why, because he's black, Joe? You gotta preface it that way because he's black?

That's the most pathetic thing I've read on this forum in a long, long time and that's saying a LOT. Changing your tune because of who you're addressing. Mr. Tough Talk Joe "respects the beliefs" of the Christian man IF the Christian man is BLACK of course


You obviously aren't a liberal, so this thread isn't for you anyway, but I fail to see what your post has to do with reasons liberals don't like Trump. AGAIN. Stay on subject or post somewhere else.
From poster Dana

trump has no business being in the White House. The man never had and never will have the skills for the job. Which is one of the reasons why putin picked him for the presidency and worked so hard to get him elected.

trump's only motivation in life is himself, money and the power of revenge against those who he believes have harmed him.

He has the mental level and capacity of a 10 year old.

I will always believe the reason why he allowed Turkey to do what they have done with the Kurds in Syria is trump's hotel towers in Turkey. I believe that the president of Turkey threatened trump with his hotel towers in some way. trump just rolled over. Allowing people who are or were our allies to be slaughtered. There are no excuses for what he has allowed to happen in Syria. Sure we want our troops out of the area but not at the expense of our allies to be slaughtered and thousands more becoming refugees. There's no excuse to allow all those isis fighters who were being guarded by the Kurds to be free again to commit more acts of terrorism around the world. And they will come here to kill Americans.

When I read that letter trump sent to the president of Turkey at first I thought it was not real. I thought that some person was doing satire or a joke or something like that. Then I read that it was real and I was just embarrassed and ashamed that we have such a person as our president.

trump is nothing but a huge shame and embarrassment to all real Americans who actually care about our whole nation. Not just those who agree with our views.

trump conspired with Russia to win in 2016. He is trying to conspire with the leaders of Ukraine to win in 2020. While doing nearly nothing to prevent russia from influencing our 2020 election.

I have never seen a president so tangled up with russians and communists. While he and his supporters call anyone who doesn't agree with their views a communist. it's insane.

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The left is not mad that Trump beat Hillary, because Hillary if not very left, and most leftists did not like Hillary very much.
Yes they are. Hillary has some pragmatism but only as far as being pro-corporate corruption.

Hillary spawned the first attack on free market healthcare.

Hillary supports illegals over citizens, all forms of Leftist social debauchery, public funding of international baby killing, anti-Constitutional SCOTUS justices, destruction of American energy production, ect...

The left is wallowing in rage.

Who told you Hillary isn't Left enough, anyway?
From poster Dana

trump has no business being in the White House. The man never had and never will have the skills for the job. Which is one of the reasons why putin picked him for the presidency and worked so hard to get him elected.

trump's only motivation in life is himself, money and the power of revenge against those who he believes have harmed him.

He has the mental level and capacity of a 10 year old.

I will always believe the reason why he allowed Turkey to do what they have done with the Kurds in Syria is trump's hotel towers in Turkey. I believe that the president of Turkey threatened trump with his hotel towers in some way. trump just rolled over. Allowing people who are or were our allies to be slaughtered. There are no excuses for what he has allowed to happen in Syria. Sure we want our troops out of the area but not at the expense of our allies to be slaughtered and thousands more becoming refugees. There's no excuse to allow all those isis fighters who were being guarded by the Kurds to be free again to commit more acts of terrorism around the world. And they will come here to kill Americans.

When I read that letter trump sent to the president of Turkey at first I thought it was not real. I thought that some person was doing satire or a joke or something like that. Then I read that it was real and I was just embarrassed and ashamed that we have such a person as our president.

trump is nothing but a huge shame and embarrassment to all real Americans who actually care about our whole nation. Not just those who agree with our views.

trump conspired with Russia to win in 2016. He is trying to conspire with the leaders of Ukraine to win in 2020. While doing nearly nothing to prevent russia from influencing our 2020 election.

I have never seen a president so tangled up with russians and communists. While he and his supporters call anyone who doesn't agree with their views a communist. it's insane.

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All valid reasons to dislike Trump, and has nothing to do with revenge for Hillary's loss. Exactly the kind of response the question in the OP asked for. Well done Dana7360
The left is not mad that Trump beat Hillary, because Hillary if not very left, and most leftists did not like Hillary very much.
Yes they are. Hillary has some pragmatism but only as far as being pro-corporate corruption.

Hillary spawned the first attack on free market healthcare.

Hillary supports illegals over citizens, all forms of Leftist social debauchery, public funding of international baby killing, anti-Constitutional SCOTUS justices, destruction of American energy production, ect...

The left is wallowing in rage.

Who told you Hillary isn't Left enough, anyway?

Right wingers keep making that claim, but I haven't seen one liberal that agrees. Are you sure you aren't just looking for an excuse to ignore the real reasons Trump is so disliked?
Well imho I deserve some credit for placing her great post in the right place lol

You call that a great post? It's just the same old shit.
Trash Statements like that are why I love this place Sometimes the old shit needs repeating to try and enter it into repub hard heads

Sometimes I envy you guys. Not having to come up with any original or controversial ideas of your own must be a real time saver.
Well imho I deserve some credit for placing her great post in the right place lol

You call that a great post? It's just the same old shit.
Trash Statements like that are why I love this place Sometimes the old shit needs repeating to try and enter it into repub hard heads

Sometimes I envy you guys. Not having to come up with any original or controversial ideas of your own must be a real time saver.

Here's how I know you are not on the up and up--

You are convinced I'm following Satan.

That's because Politics is REALLY your god.

I know this, IM2. It's very sad, but there it is.

You are being tricked by satan. Jesus has said not everyone shouting his name will enter heaven. He has warned us of false teachers. What you are being taught is not godly. You show this by your support of Trump. You think you know something, but you don't.

Okay, a little test. The Bible does not say a darn word about Trump, but it DOES have a lot to say about homosexuality.

But you support gay marriage.


Sue the bible doesn't say the name Hitler either. I am not gay and I did not marry a man.

But you do not think homosexuality is a sin, and the Bible has PLENTY to say about that.

You will easily put politics over God's Word and want to judge ME.

I see you, and I understand.

Do you think divorce and adultery are sins? If so, then haven't you put politics over your faith?
Prog Alinsky lovers have used that ploy for decades. You hate Trump but he is you. We have moved so far left with the help of illegals voting and ballot cheating that we are technically finished as a nation. Look how crazy Progs are acting. You make endless movies, dramas, comedies about a Christian cult controlled nation that does not exist. Combined with the promotion of endless White Supremacist groups in the same entertainment rampaging throughout the land, the idiots believe it. All other gangs almost have a bit of empathy or are used to bring justice if the law can not arrest a real bad guy. When the United States is gone, it is gone forever. There is no one else. There is no more hope. It will take blood and death to regain freedoms we have given away using social justice as a front to blur our descent into tyranny. You will know what you lost with a lot of it in front of you when the resources run thinner.
Well imho I deserve some credit for placing her great post in the right place lol

You call that a great post? It's just the same old shit.
Trash Statements like that are why I love this place Sometimes the old shit needs repeating to try and enter it into repub hard heads

Sometimes I envy you guys. Not having to come up with any original or controversial ideas of your own must be a real time saver.

Obama was not moderate in anything. He was an extremist. As much to the left as a fictional bullshit handmaid tale is to the right of a Christian ruled nation. You deserve an Islamic one.

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