A question for liberals on this site.........


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2019
Valparaiso, Indiana USA
Why are you so damned miserable? We live in the greatest country in the world, the USA. Our economy is the best it has ever been, unemployment rates are at historically low levels across the board. Illegal immigration is FINALLY being dealt with, making our country a safer place. You SHOULD be very happy with things the way they are. It doesn't make sense that you aren't.
Not miserable at all. I have been doing all right until - I can't do no wrong Drumpf got in office. His buddy Netanyahu is under investigation for corruption and will be indicted and convicted faster than this imbecile in office. He skirts the law and gets away with everything. It must be nice being an American. You can get away with anything if you are rich!
Not miserable at all. I have been doing all right until - I can't do no wrong Drumpf got in office. His buddy Netanyahu is under investigation for corruption and will be indicted and convicted faster than this imbecile in office. He skirts the law and gets away with everything. It must be nice being an American. You can get away with anything if you are rich!

Easy to understand why you Iranians so envy America!
Not miserable at all. I have been doing all right until - I can't do no wrong Drumpf got in office. His buddy Netanyahu is under investigation for corruption and will be indicted and convicted faster than this imbecile in office. He skirts the law and gets away with everything. It must be nice being an American. You can get away with anything if you are rich!

Easy to understand why you Iranians so envy America!
VERY true!
Why are you so damned miserable? We live in the greatest country in the world, the USA. Our economy is the best it has ever been, unemployment rates are at historically low levels across the board. Illegal immigration is FINALLY being dealt with, making our country a safer place. You SHOULD be very happy with things the way they are. It doesn't make sense that you aren't.
Who says we're miserable? We're not the ones saying "Make America Great Again", as if it hasn't been great all along. I think y'all owe us an apology. :rolleyes:
Why are you so damned miserable? We live in the greatest country in the world, the USA. Our economy is the best it has ever been, unemployment rates are at historically low levels across the board. Illegal immigration is FINALLY being dealt with, making our country a safer place. You SHOULD be very happy with things the way they are. It doesn't make sense that you aren't.
Who says we're miserable? We're not the ones saying "Make America Great Again", as if it hasn't been great all along. I think y'all owe us an apology. :rolleyes:
An apology? I don't think so, miserable one........
Not miserable at all. I have been doing all right until - I can't do no wrong Drumpf got in office. His buddy Netanyahu is under investigation for corruption and will be indicted and convicted faster than this imbecile in office. He skirts the law and gets away with everything. It must be nice being an American. You can get away with anything if you are rich!
Joe Biden is the prime example of that.
Why are you so damned miserable? We live in the greatest country in the world, the USA. Our economy is the best it has ever been, unemployment rates are at historically low levels across the board. Illegal immigration is FINALLY being dealt with, making our country a safer place. You SHOULD be very happy with things the way they are. It doesn't make sense that you aren't.
Who says we're miserable? We're not the ones saying "Make America Great Again", as if it hasn't been great all along. I think y'all owe us an apology.
An apology? I don't think so, miserable one.
About what I expected. Trumpistas aren't well known for getting along with the majority of their fellow Americans. It's really sad how they try to pull the wool over our eyes with their claims of loving America so much, when the truth is that they just want to keep anyone that doesn't think exactly like them under their thumbs.
Why are you so damned miserable? We live in the greatest country in the world, the USA. Our economy is the best it has ever been, unemployment rates are at historically low levels across the board. Illegal immigration is FINALLY being dealt with, making our country a safer place. You SHOULD be very happy with things the way they are. It doesn't make sense that you aren't.
Just as long as the trains run on time…
Why are you so damned miserable? We live in the greatest country in the world, the USA. Our economy is the best it has ever been, unemployment rates are at historically low levels across the board. Illegal immigration is FINALLY being dealt with, making our country a safer place. You SHOULD be very happy with things the way they are. It doesn't make sense that you aren't.
Who says we're miserable? We're not the ones saying "Make America Great Again", as if it hasn't been great all along. I think y'all owe us an apology. :rolleyes:
Yeah, under Barry America was so great he felt compelled to advise us all about the “new normal” resulting from his “leading from behind” community agitator strategery.
Why are you so damned miserable? We live in the greatest country in the world, the USA. Our economy is the best it has ever been, unemployment rates are at historically low levels across the board. Illegal immigration is FINALLY being dealt with, making our country a safer place. You SHOULD be very happy with things the way they are. It doesn't make sense that you aren't.
Who says we're miserable? We're not the ones saying "Make America Great Again", as if it hasn't been great all along. I think y'all owe us an apology.
Yeah, under Barry America was so great he felt compelled to advise us all about the “new normal” resulting from his “leading from behind” community agitator strategery.
America has always been great. If you don't think so, go back to whatever third world shit hole you come from. I'm tired of people who don't have a clue about our history, Constitution and culture of inclusion telling me what's what.
Why are you so damned miserable? We live in the greatest country in the world, the USA. Our economy is the best it has ever been, unemployment rates are at historically low levels across the board. Illegal immigration is FINALLY being dealt with, making our country a safer place. You SHOULD be very happy with things the way they are. It doesn't make sense that you aren't.
Lefties are just angry miserable people. Even if they were to admit how great America is, they would still sound angry and miserable.
Why are you so damned miserable? We live in the greatest country in the world, the USA. Our economy is the best it has ever been, unemployment rates are at historically low levels across the board. Illegal immigration is FINALLY being dealt with, making our country a safer place. You SHOULD be very happy with things the way they are. It doesn't make sense that you aren't.

The loyalty of the American liberal is to the Democratic Party. They're indifferent about the quality of life of average Americans. All that matters to them is that the Democrats control the White House and both houses of Congress.
For a deeper understanding research this.
Every one at these anti-Trump rallys is repulsively ugly. Not ALL, but most.
The God Damned women act look like real men and the God Damned men look and act like real women.

Now if God gave you looks that would make a hot dog jump off a bun, wouldn't you be bitter as hell??

I mean if gender identification is still a problem at 30 yrs old, ya got issues.
For a deeper understanding research this.
Every one at these anti-Trump rallys is repulsively ugly. Not ALL, but most.
The God Damned women act look like real men and the God Damned men look and act like real women.

Now if God gave you looks that would make a hot dog jump off a bun, wouldn't you be bitter as hell??

I mean if gender identification is still a problem at 30 yrs old, ya got issues.
Look sharp--your superficiality is showing.

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