a question for IM2 if whites are responsible for the problems in the black community ...


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
then why was the rate fatherless children in the home less than 15% In the 1950s and why was inner city crime rate so much lower at that time ......a time before civil rights was past and segregation was the rule .
Based on my study of history the golden years for Blacks was accelerating up until the 1960's "civil rights" bullshit and the subsequent Welfare state promoted by democrats. Beginning with the first Black slaves, if any showed talent or intelligence, they were nurtured and encouraged to take it to the next level by Whites who took care of them (so called slave owners). From day one in the 1600's this was the case. But reality is reality and very few showed promise. Sad but true.
Based on my study of history the golden years for Blacks was accelerating up until the 1960's "civil rights" bullshit and the subsequent Welfare state promoted by democrats. Beginning with the first Black slaves, if any showed talent or intelligence, they were nurtured and encouraged to take it to the next level by Whites who took care of them (so called slave owners). From day one in the 1600's this was the case. But reality is reality and very few showed promise. Sad but true.

Sad but not true.
blacks were far behind the whites BEFORE slavery
so, it's really hard to prove slavery/whites cause their problems
then why was the rate fatherless children in the home less than 15% In the 1950s and why was inner city crime rate so much lower at that time ......a time before civil rights was past and segregation was the rule .
then why was the rate fatherless children in the home less than 15% In the 1950s and why was inner city crime rate so much lower at that time ......a time before civil rights was past and segregation was the rule .

Sadly, I believe sufficient evidence exists indicating many women populating America's large segregation minded, INTRA-RACIAL HATE & DISCRIMINATION practicing PRO BLACK community have emotionally abandon their male children, in favor of raising girls to become STRONG black women.

However, it takes a strong RESPONSIBLE woman to raise, nurture and socialize a newborn maturing into a fairly or wonderfully happy reasonably responsible citizen.

In my opinion RESPONSIBLE women do not INTENTIONALLY subject kids to experience a FATHERLESS Child, teen and adult LIFE. That is the act of a SELFISH person.

I also believe all the loud noise about RACISM, as well as all the crap the PRO BLACK community talks about their non black neighbors, is meant to distract attn from the DAMAGE PRO BLACK SINGLE MOTHERS are inflicting on their male and female children and teens.

Keeping it 100% REAL and Factual.

Let's not forget...there is a darn good reason Child Abuse victims Kendrick Lamar, Jay-Z and
NAS, as well as many other Pres. and Mrs. Obama friends compose music hatefully denigrating
black or American women of African descent as less than human creatures and HOES or THOTS
undeserving of being treated with basic human respect.

"On the Couch #4: Black Women Ain't Sh.." ~jazzyslim2005:


"Young Mothers Are Poisoning the black community" ~LadyMocha

YouTube search terms: "mental health illness black community"

stevie wonder, shawn carter child abuse.jpg

then why was the rate fatherless children in the home less than 15% In the 1950s and why was inner city crime rate so much lower at that time ......a time before civil rights was past and segregation was the rule .

I am not Doc Holiday (IM2).....but....


First, there is the ship you are in and your condition within the ship. One inherits the conditions of the ship they are in.....in that if the ship is sinking....you are sinking. Hence, you need to look at America as a ship in which black people are riding along with other Americans. The "ship" has been sinking, in regards to out of wedlock births, for a while now. Ergo, the rates have gotten worse for whites and blacks since the 50's. Thus, it is the SHIP that has caused the black rates moral decline as well as the moral decline for whites. That is not racism or whites....that is Americanism that is the cause.

Ignoring the ship, the question is why were the rates higher within the ship for blacks than whites. When did the skew within the ship begin....and why? Here is where you can place causation and say that the higher rates were a reaction/consequence/effect of centuries of racial abuse and manipulation at the hands of the larger whites society in America.

Second, black people were mostly rural prior to the 60's. Most people in rural communities were close and personal. The biggest vice was moonshine. Handguns were not common place and certainly not assault weapons and hardcore drugs. Black frustrations really had no outlet back then....aside from domestic abuse. When blacks became mostly urban, the concentrated poverty, guns, drugs, impersonal communities, high density projects and living.....was a spark for an already frustrated and hopeless population of young black males denigrated by society.

Finally, the conclusion/answer is that no one has ever claimed that ALL black problems stem from whites and racism. The argument/claim is that the GAPS that exists between blacks in whites in socioeconomic is most profoundly rooted in the abuses that emanated from white society. The gaps were created long ago and is the root cause of the differences today. Yes, many statistics have gotten worse for blacks while racism, at least legal racism, has gotten much better. This makes it seem unlikely that racism is the cause when things have been getting worse while racism has been declining. That is misleading however, because it ignores the fact that many of these same statistics are getting worse for whites too. The rate of white single parent homes in the 50's was like 2 or 3%....but today its ~ 30%. It's the gaps that has to be addressed....not the absolute rates. The gaps are related to white racism....not the rates.
the racist and many anti American anti white leftist do claim that whites are responsible for the problems in the black community its all you are hearing on cnn ,msnbc cnn,ect ....
then why was the rate fatherless children in the home less than 15% In the 1950s and why was inner city crime rate so much lower at that time ......a time before civil rights was past and segregation was the rule .

I am not Doc Holiday (IM2).....but....


First, there is the ship you are in and your condition within the ship. One inherits the conditions of the ship they are in.....in that if the ship is sinking....you are sinking. Hence, you need to look at America as a ship in which black people are riding along with other Americans. The "ship" has been sinking, in regards to out of wedlock births, for a while now. Ergo, the rates have gotten worse for whites and blacks since the 50's. Thus, it is the SHIP that has caused the black rates moral decline as well as the moral decline for whites. That is not racism or whites....that is Americanism that is the cause.

Ignoring the ship, the question is why were the rates higher within the ship for blacks than whites. When did the skew within the ship begin....and why? Here is where you can place causation and say that the higher rates were a reaction/consequence/effect of centuries of racial abuse and manipulation at the hands of the larger whites society in America.

Second, black people were mostly rural prior to the 60's. Most people in rural communities were close and personal. The biggest vice was moonshine. Handguns were not common place and certainly not assault weapons and hardcore drugs. Black frustrations really had no outlet back then....aside from domestic abuse. When blacks became mostly urban, the concentrated poverty, guns, drugs, impersonal communities, high density projects and living.....was a spark for an already frustrated and hopeless population of young black males denigrated by society.

Finally, the conclusion/answer is that no one has ever claimed that ALL black problems stem from whites and racism. The argument/claim is that the GAPS that exists between blacks in whites in socioeconomic is most profoundly rooted in the abuses that emanated from white society. The gaps were created long ago and is the root cause of the differences today. Yes, many statistics have gotten worse for blacks while racism, at least legal racism, has gotten much better. This makes it seem unlikely that racism is the cause when things have been getting worse while racism has been declining. That is misleading however, because it ignores the fact that many of these same statistics are getting worse for whites too. The rate of white single parent homes in the 50's was like 2 or 3%....but today its ~ 30%. It's the gaps that has to be addressed....not the absolute rates. The gaps are related to white racism....not the rates.
why did you spend so much time writing so many paragraphs when you could have just said yes its whiteys fault racist .
then why was the rate fatherless children in the home less than 15% In the 1950s and why was inner city crime rate so much lower at that time ......a time before civil rights was past and segregation was the rule .

I am not Doc Holiday (IM2).....but....


First, there is the ship you are in and your condition within the ship. One inherits the conditions of the ship they are in.....in that if the ship is sinking....you are sinking. Hence, you need to look at America as a ship in which black people are riding along with other Americans. The "ship" has been sinking, in regards to out of wedlock births, for a while now. Ergo, the rates have gotten worse for whites and blacks since the 50's. Thus, it is the SHIP that has caused the black rates moral decline as well as the moral decline for whites. That is not racism or whites....that is Americanism that is the cause.

Ignoring the ship, the question is why were the rates higher within the ship for blacks than whites. When did the skew within the ship begin....and why? Here is where you can place causation and say that the higher rates were a reaction/consequence/effect of centuries of racial abuse and manipulation at the hands of the larger whites society in America.

Second, black people were mostly rural prior to the 60's. Most people in rural communities were close and personal. The biggest vice was moonshine. Handguns were not common place and certainly not assault weapons and hardcore drugs. Black frustrations really had no outlet back then....aside from domestic abuse. When blacks became mostly urban, the concentrated poverty, guns, drugs, impersonal communities, high density projects and living.....was a spark for an already frustrated and hopeless population of young black males denigrated by society.

Finally, the conclusion/answer is that no one has ever claimed that ALL black problems stem from whites and racism. The argument/claim is that the GAPS that exists between blacks in whites in socioeconomic is most profoundly rooted in the abuses that emanated from white society. The gaps were created long ago and is the root cause of the differences today. Yes, many statistics have gotten worse for blacks while racism, at least legal racism, has gotten much better. This makes it seem unlikely that racism is the cause when things have been getting worse while racism has been declining. That is misleading however, because it ignores the fact that many of these same statistics are getting worse for whites too. The rate of white single parent homes in the 50's was like 2 or 3%....but today its ~ 30%. It's the gaps that has to be addressed....not the absolute rates. The gaps are related to white racism....not the rates.
why did you spend so much time writing so many paragraphs when you could have just said yes its whiteys fault racist .

I think he knew it was YTs fault and his question was rhetorical.....but I was just practicing for my TV interview when I am asked such a question.
the racist and many anti American anti white leftist do claim that whites are responsible for the problems in the black community its all you are hearing on cnn ,msnbc cnn,ect ....

No...I think everyone knows the history of this country. Everyone knows what happened to blacks as a result of white society and laws. Thus, you need to turn the claim into a claim that every last single problem faced by a black person is caused by whites. Of course that is absurd to think that every problem we face comes from whites and would discredit the argument. Therefore, you try to make that our argument when it never has been....because that is the only way you can defend against the truth....by turning it into a non truth.
the racist and many anti American anti white leftist do claim that whites are responsible for the problems in the black community its all you are hearing on cnn ,msnbc cnn,ect ....

No...I think everyone knows the history of this country. Everyone knows what happened to blacks as a result of white society and laws. Thus, you need to turn the claim into a claim that every last single problem faced by a black person is caused by whites. Of course that is absurd to think that every problem we face comes from whites and would discredit the argument. Therefore, you try to make that our argument when it never has been....because that is the only way you can defend against the truth....by turning it into a non truth.
if saying what leftist and racist are saying about the white community every day all day long is discrediting the argument then why does the left and racist of color keep spouting it ??
blacks were far behind the whites BEFORE slavery
so, it's really hard to prove slavery/whites cause their problems

"Behind" how?
????!!!!?????? really?
education/technology/farming--STILL ARE!!!!!/-just about everything
.....they were living in the stone age like the Native Americans when the whites came along
and they cant blame whites for being that way or causing it with colonialism .... they were in the stone age when whites 1st bought slaves from their African leaders .
blacks were far behind the whites BEFORE slavery
so, it's really hard to prove slavery/whites cause their problems

"Behind" how?
they STILL don't know how to farm
The agriculture sector in Africa is the least productive in the world (its productivity rate is 36%).
These obstacles can be categorized in four sections, namely: 1) climate, 2) technology and education, 3) financing and 4) policy and infrastructure.
4 big burdens faced by Africa’s small farmers
The traditional low-input agriculture practiced by many of the farmers in the absence of replenishment of mineral nutrients, is slowly reducing many of the soils to almost inert systems (Stoorvogel and Smaling, 1990). As many of the soils also have low resilience, future corrective measures may be exorbitantly expensive.
etc etc etc
Soil Quality and Soil Productivity in Africa | NRCS Soils
blacks were far behind the whites BEFORE slavery
so, it's really hard to prove slavery/whites cause their problems

"Behind" how?
????!!!!?????? really? I
education/technology/farming--STILL ARE!!!!!/-just about everything
.....they were living in the stone age like the Native Americans when the whites came along

So you would admit that in the Middle Ages Europe was “behind” the Muslim world?
Just think, if there were no whites, blacks would have no problems and be living in a freaking utopia.
There are two truths here that people do NOT like to talk about....

1) Blacks are less intelligent than other races. Nothing RACIST about that statement, it's just a simple fact, so they struggle to compete head to head with other races. That's why so many chose to go into professional sports. It takes very little intelligence to dribble a ball and put it through a hoop, or carry a pig skin across a line. Same with rap music. They don't even have to sing, just spew some garbage lyrics about a hoe or capping someone with your nine and add some jungle bass beat and collect the money. Or be a pimp, or sell drugs, the list of easy outs that take no intelligence goes on and on.

Race and Intelligence: The Evidence - American Renaissance

Race, Genes, Intelligence - Facts Are Facts

Blacks in the US and in Africa consistently score lower on IQ tests than whites in the US and Europe, and Asians. Why? *PART I* : OpenandHonest

2) As you see signs in national parks such as Yellowstone Park... "DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS." Why? Because they will become DEPENDENT on the hand outs and will fail to hunt for their own food as nature predestined them to do. Such has become the issue with many blacks. They have become accustomed to HAND OUTS, QUOTAS, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, etc, so when they don't get their hand outs or special treatment, they have learned that if they scream RACIST, like a monkey pushing a button in a controlled lab experiment, they get what they want.

These are FACTS, as UNCOMFORTABLE as they are for some to admit, they are still FACTS, and they need to be discussed and considered.
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There are two truths here that people do NOT like to talk about....

1) Blacks are less intelligent than other races. Nothing RACIST about that statement, it's just a simple fact, so they struggle to compete head to head with other races. That's why so many chose to go into professional sports. It takes very little intelligence to dribble a ball and put it through a hoop, or carry a pig skin across a line. Same with rap music. They don't even have to sing, just spew some garbage lyrics about a hoe or capping someone with your nine and add some jungle bass beat and collect the money. Or be a pimp, or sell drugs, the list of easy outs that take no intelligence goes on and on.

Race and Intelligence: The Evidence - American Renaissance

Race, Genes, Intelligence - Facts Are Facts

Blacks in the US and in Africa consistently score lower on IQ tests than whites in the US and Europe, and Asians. Why? *PART I* : OpenandHonest

2) As you see signs in national parks such as Yellowstone Park... "DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS." Why? Because they will become DEPENDENT on the hand outs and will fail to hunt for their own food as nature predestined them to do. Such has become the issue with many blacks. They have become accustomed to HAND OUTS, QUOTAS, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, etc, so when they don't get their hand outs or special treatment, they have learned that if they scream RACIST, like a monkey pushing a button in a controlled lab experiment, they get what they want.

These are FACTS, as UNCOMFORTABLE as they are for some to admit, they are still FACTS, and they need to be discussed and considered.

#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello. Certainly not every individual possesses the same intelligence or capacity to learn.

In my algebra class when the teacher posed a question the girl sitting in front of me could solve equations off the top of her head, while I was mired down with pencil and paper trying to figure out solutions, often not finding the correct answer.

I'm "white", she is "white", obviously her mind is wired or developed differently from mine.

Even though my folks hired an algebra tutor, I had the darnedest time figuring out algebra and as a result did not graduate HS with a NYS Regent's Diploma. I was awarded a general diploma for being average. Which I'm sure is evident from my long standing inability to consistently write grammatically correct stuff. Though I rarely need the spell checker.

As I've matured gaining more knowledge, I've learned individuals with superior thinking minds can be identified, in part, by their 'above average' or 'well above average' math skills, which I know for sure I do not have, yet the girl sitting in front of me was a math wiz.

Several years ago a young "black" student who attended a Long Island public school guided by the same or similar NYS education curriculum that educated me, was accepted to all eight of the Ivy League schools he applied to. I'm sure causing his parents to prematurely form lines on their faces from smiling so much after learning their love and hard work paid off in raising a mature, motivated, responsible child.

I have to believe Kwasi Enin, a "black" teen who made international news for his academic achievements, is no different from the "white" teen who sat in front of me. A fellow student who at times caused me to feel inferior to her because it was evident she was more intelligent and possessed skills that were superior to mine.

Since my HS days I've learned about a potentially life scarring medical disease called Childhood Trauma (ACEs).

I've learned how many children exposed to traumatic events during a critical period of childhood development experience developmental and learning issues, as well as experience difficulty coping with life in general.

Unfortunately, I spent twelve years of my life as a Brooklyn, NY cop, robbery and homicide investigator regularly witnessing dysfunctional human and child rearing behaviors responsible for IMPEDING the HEALTHY development of perfectly healthy newborns.

Newborns like admitted depressed, suicidal thinking, Childhood Trauma victim Tupac Shakur who apparently was so angry witnessing the same behaviors I witnessed, he choose to tattoo in bold letters across his once NEGLECTED, hungry "hurting" belly, his T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. Child Abuse AWARENESS PREVENTION Public Service Announcement.

Think about it. Of all the social issues affecting Tupac's life, he choose to address CHILD ABUSE in a pretty dramatic way when permanently scarring his body so EVERYONE could see his PAIN.

Sadly very few folks recognized, or were WILLING to recognize Tupac was SNITCHING on a population of mostly SELFISH, apathetic, incompetent, immature, possible emotionally or mentally ill SINGLE MOTHERS failing to place ABOVE ALL ELSE the emotional well being of the children they CHOSE to create.

I'm not talking through my hat, I offer plenty of medical evidence, as well as scientific research conducted by Early Brain and Childhood Development (EBCD) researchers declaring Childhood Trauma is GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS!


"Bruce D. Perry: Social & Emotional Development in Early Childhood"

During a March 11, 2018 '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma," Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor shared knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

Knowledge Oprah exuberantly declares is a "game changer."

"Oprah Winfrey Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"

"I agree that SINGLE MOTHERS are DESTROYING their sons." ~Neko Cheri


I've chatted with, interviewed or interrogated countless traumatized American teens and young adults no different from Tupac or admitted Child Abuse victim Kendrick Lamar, composer of a music collection he titled, "good kid, mAAd City."

Frankly, I have NO DOUBTS Tupac's T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. PSA offers a reasonable explanation for why black or American citizens of African descent are being impeded from experiencing the equality and respect all peaceful, reasonably responsible Americans are entitled to enjoy.

I also believe Tupac recognized OUR NATION is being deprived of enjoying the potential achievements offered to ALL Americans by fairly or wonderfully happy kids maturing into reasonably responsible teen and adult citizens caring about the future of OUR Nation, and the welfare of their peaceful, as well as less fortunate neighbors.

Bottom line, treating a kid with some love, kindness, affection and respect goes a long way toward helping that kid mature into a reasonably well adjusted teen and adult wanting to respect his or her parents by staying out of trouble, as well as wanting to do well in life.

Jazelle Hunt, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris.png _tupac dr nadine burke harris_05.jpg

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

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