A Price For Socialism

It has been proven in time and time again. That Socialism doesn't work.

But what do they know? (Other than promoting Socialism as if it was the best thing since sliced bread.)

It has been proven time and time again that democratic socialism is the most prosperous, successful and humane form of government.

Yep. It's right up there with fascism. That's why it's so resilient. Centralized, authoritarian control over people works great if you're in charge. If you're not, and you have your own ideas that don't jibe with the state's grand plan for society? Well... that's a different story.

This mindset why I'm so opposed to political leaders being judged on the "performance" of the nation's economy under their watch. If GDP is the only thing we give a shit about, we could bring slavery back and make a killing. But, you know, "humane" slavery. They'll have free healthcare!
We have a Bill of Rights, what could go wrong?
Venezuela is a federal republic.

Thank Goodness, we got a leftist like FDR instead of some right winger.

FDR modified the big government programs of the 19th century to work in the 20th w/o a frontier to give away as welfare.

He also saved us from some socialist revolution IMO.
the right wing prefers to invade foreign nations.
They don`t want to invade ALL foreign nations. Just the poor ones lacking a military to fight back.

Socialism doesn't work.

Neither does Capitalism in its pure form. You end up with a pay to play government some weird sharecropping fuedal state.

Want to argue awhile about the 80/20 or 79/21 split that works the best?
They don't want no Fabian Socialism 'round here..
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Socialism doesn't work.

Neither does Capitalism in its pure form. You end up with a pay to play government some weird sharecropping fuedal state.

Want to argue awhile about the 80/20 or 79/21 split that works the best?
They don't want no Fabian Socialism 'round here..
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The GOP seems to have zero problems keeping the Fabian socialist policies in place.
It has been proven time and time again that democratic socialism is the most prosperous, successful and humane form of government.

It provides the most freedom to the people, to pursue their education, maintain their health and to reach their creative and productive potential.

All of the countries in the top 10 of economic freedom, liveability, personal freedom, longevity, education and overall levels of contentment of their peoples, are social democracies. The USA is well down the list of liveability.

You idiots keep pointing out Venezuela as THE one and only potential outcome for a socialist country. NONE of Venezuela’s problems relate to socialism. They relate to see-sawing back and forth between left and right wing economies, deeply rooted corruption and incompetence, combined with an oil based economy when oil prices collapse.

Interesting, but not well informed.

Why don't you just go ahead and LIST those "successful, happy nations".....AND THEIR CURRENT GDP growth (or fall).....(then we'll take a look at those nations that have ridden on a purer form of capitalism and their GDP's)

What you miserably fail to point out in your liberalism cloud of stupidity is that the nations you can name are not very "Diverse".
Their CULTURE is their advantage (or was)...NOT Socialism IN ANY FORM.

And your kind LOVES to minimize what happened in Venezuela, yet THERE IT IS IN IT'S PUREST FORM....SOCIALISM.
But you will try to place blame elsewhere.....oil, US involvement, poison ivy.....or whatever. NO...the philosophy is defective.

The US is falling down the list due to D-I-V-E-R-S-I-T-Y and too much D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T Intervention ie suffocating regulations.

PROVEN: When Government gets the F out of the way, nations and people THRIVE
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"Capitalism Provides More Incentives. In capitalist economies, people have strong incentives to work hard, increase efficiency and produce superior products. By rewarding ingenuity and innovation, the market maximizes economic growth and individual prosperity while providing a variety of goods for consumers."

"Socialism ends depression and recession by rationally and democratically planning the economy on the basis of meeting human needs. Poor and working people will determine what is produced under what conditions—not the Walton family."

I agree that it would be nice if we don't have to go through a depression or a recession. But it is necessary at times, I believe, in order for that to happen is not "steal" the necessities from others.

I don't disagree.

Also I've never really analyzed our split but lets say we have a 80/20 split here in favor of capitalism. It generally seems to work. Broke capitalists in America generally aren't out kidnapping kids for ransom as a means to wealth.
Yet, we have alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.

I don't understand the correlation with the "wars" on crime, drugs and terror?

If you expect some kind of perfect utopia, man kind isn't there yet.
"Capitalism Provides More Incentives. In capitalist economies, people have strong incentives to work hard, increase efficiency and produce superior products. By rewarding ingenuity and innovation, the market maximizes economic growth and individual prosperity while providing a variety of goods for consumers."

"Socialism ends depression and recession by rationally and democratically planning the economy on the basis of meeting human needs. Poor and working people will determine what is produced under what conditions—not the Walton family."

I agree that it would be nice if we don't have to go through a depression or a recession. But it is necessary at times, I believe, in order for that to happen is not "steal" the necessities from others.

I don't disagree.

Also I've never really analyzed our split but lets say we have a 80/20 split here in favor of capitalism. It generally seems to work. Broke capitalists in America generally aren't out kidnapping kids for ransom as a means to wealth.
Yet, we have alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.

I don't understand the correlation with the "wars" on crime, drugs and terror?

If you expect some kind of perfect utopia, man kind isn't there yet.
nothing but socialism on a national basis while alleging a subscription to Capitalism.

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