A precedent for those arguing against reparations


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paying for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results
Last edited:
I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paid for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results

So? Send me your address, your name and a amount that you believe that I owe you...please divide it by a factor 37 million since that is how many black folks live in the USA.

My suggestion to you is to stop pissing and moaning about how you believe that those that suffered the yoke of slavery (that ended 155 years ago) entitles you and those of your ilk to even more welfare and entitlements. My great grandfather was a full blooded Natchez native American on my father's side from Alabama and I haven't received diddly squat in reparations nor have I asked for any. Get off of your fat ass and make your own way instead of wallowing in victimhood. The LBJ "War on Poverty" has only created generations of welfare seekers. The world does not owe you a "giving".
I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paid for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results

So? Send me your address, your name and a amount that you believe that I owe you...please divide it by a factor 37 million since that is how many black folks live in the USA.

My suggestion to you is to stop pissing and moaning about how you believe that those that suffered the yoke of slavery (that ended 155 years ago) entitles you and those of your ilk to even more welfare and entitlements. My great grandfather was a full blooded Natchez native American on my father's side from Alabama and I haven't received diddly squat in reparations nor have I asked for any. Get off of your fat ass and make your own way instead of wallowing in victimhood. The LBJ "War on Poverty" has only created generations of welfare seekers. The world does not owe you a "giving".

My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.
I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paid for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results

So? Send me your address, your name and a amount that you believe that I owe you...please divide it by a factor 37 million since that is how many black folks live in the USA.

My suggestion to you is to stop pissing and moaning about how you believe that those that suffered the yoke of slavery (that ended 155 years ago) entitles you and those of your ilk to even more welfare and entitlements. My great grandfather was a full blooded Natchez native American on my father's side from Alabama and I haven't received diddly squat in reparations nor have I asked for any. Get off of your fat ass and make your own way instead of wallowing in victimhood. The LBJ "War on Poverty" has only created generations of welfare seekers. The world does not owe you a "giving".

My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not a full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.

I have black blood, Native American blood flowing through my veins that make up my DNA. I have busted my ass to eek out an existence on this shitty prison planet ruled by 13 bloodline families that go back to the days of the Egyptians that believe that they have the divine right to rule and all roads to indeed lead to Rome. Your alleged "36 years of research" claim amuses me greatly because it reeks of political correctness taught to you by Marxists that want to keep the black race subservient to them and keep them on the plantation. I will debate you any time and on any issue. I know of what I speak. I have brothers and sisters from every ethnicity that understands the nature of the cage that are fighting with me to expose this debt slavery system.

You have one of two choices....you can go back and read my prior posts that contain HJR 192 and the Federal Reserve Act using my name and the search feature or you can ignore me because you can't take me on in a debate.....the choice is yours but I will never stop replying to your divisive and racist diatribes whether you see them or not.
I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paid for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results

So? Send me your address, your name and a amount that you believe that I owe you...please divide it by a factor 37 million since that is how many black folks live in the USA.

My suggestion to you is to stop pissing and moaning about how you believe that those that suffered the yoke of slavery (that ended 155 years ago) entitles you and those of your ilk to even more welfare and entitlements. My great grandfather was a full blooded Natchez native American on my father's side from Alabama and I haven't received diddly squat in reparations nor have I asked for any. Get off of your fat ass and make your own way instead of wallowing in victimhood. The LBJ "War on Poverty" has only created generations of welfare seekers. The world does not owe you a "giving".

My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not a full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.

I have black blood, Native American blood flowing through my veins that make up my DNA. I have busted my ass to eek out an existence on this shitty prison planet ruled by 13 bloodline families that go back to the days of the Egyptians that believe that they have the divine right to rule and all roads to indeed lead to Rome. Your alleged "36 years of research" claim amuses me greatly because it reeks of political correctness taught to you by Marxists that want to keep the black race subservient to them and keep them on the plantation. I will debate you any time and on any issue. I know of what I speak. I have brothers and sisters from every ethnicity that understands the nature of the cage that are fighting with me to expose this debt slavery system.

You have one of two choices....you can go back and read my prior posts that contain HJR 192 and the Federal Reserve Act using my name and the search feature or you can ignore me because you can't take me on in a debate.....the choice is yours but I will never stop replying to your divisive and racist diatribes whether you see them or not.

I can take you on easily Dale. You talk stupid. I know exactly what you are talking about and most of it is conspiracy theory garbage. Name the 13 families. I bet it starts off with the Rothschilds. You call what I say racist, but between you and I, I'm the one with the truth. Documented truth, all 360 degrees of it. .

Your grandfather did not have sex with the woman who birthed you. So talking about your grandfathers race is irrelevant to this conversation. There ain't no plantation Dale. And no one cares how hard you say you worked. We all worked hard around here. Whites are where they are because of legislation. And you really don't want to talk about HJRS?

I have a third choice Dale, tear your raggedy argument apart. .

So start a thread Dale. Then tell me what section it's in. Maybe you might want to look at PL 93-373. Because we can buy, sell and trade gold coins today as much as we want. There was a reason for HJR 192 and Executive Order 6102. It was called the great depression.
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I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paid for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results

So? Send me your address, your name and a amount that you believe that I owe you...please divide it by a factor 37 million since that is how many black folks live in the USA.

My suggestion to you is to stop pissing and moaning about how you believe that those that suffered the yoke of slavery (that ended 155 years ago) entitles you and those of your ilk to even more welfare and entitlements. My great grandfather was a full blooded Natchez native American on my father's side from Alabama and I haven't received diddly squat in reparations nor have I asked for any. Get off of your fat ass and make your own way instead of wallowing in victimhood. The LBJ "War on Poverty" has only created generations of welfare seekers. The world does not owe you a "giving".

My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.
My great grandfather came over during WWI, do I owe you something?
Not to defend slavery, but it happened generation ago, and the only way that current generations are affected by it is that the descendants of slaves now live here in America, rather than somewhere in Africa.

The true purpose of reparations would be to make it as if the wrong had never happened.

With that in mind, the only reparations that can be rationally justified for the descendants of slaves in this country would be to offer any who desire it, all the assistance necessary to emigrate to any country in Africa that will have them, including the process of revoking their American citizenship and establishing their citizenship in their new home country.
My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.

Kenneth Chenault didn't ask for reparations ... He asked Jack Welch Jr. how to get things done.

I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paying for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results
From your first link: "The plaintiffs claim that the U.S. government has incorrectly accounted for the income from Indian trust assets, which are legally owned by the Department of the Interior, but held in trust for individual Native Americans (the beneficial owners)."

So it had nothing to do with reparations. Please try again.
I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paying for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results
From your first link: "The plaintiffs claim that the U.S. government has incorrectly accounted for the income from Indian trust assets, which are legally owned by the Department of the Interior, but held in trust for individual Native Americans (the beneficial owners)."

So it had nothing to do with reparations. Please try again.

You don't know what reparations are if this is what you think.
My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.

Kenneth Chenault didn't ask for reparations ... He asked Jack Welch Jr. how to get things done.


Not to defend slavery, but it happened generation ago, and the only way that current generations are affected by it is that the descendants of slaves now live here in America, rather than somewhere in Africa.

The true purpose of reparations would be to make it as if the wrong had never happened.

With that in mind, the only reparations that can be rationally justified for the descendants of slaves in this country would be to offer any who desire it, all the assistance necessary to emigrate to any country in Africa that will have them, including the process of revoking their American citizenship and establishing their citizenship in their new home country.

Bob, slavery was not the end of the atrocities. If you cannot post about the 100 years after slavery, leave. This will be the last post I will respond to about slavery. If you post another, you will be reported.
Native American Trust Lands Explained

Federal Trust Responsibility

The responsibility of the trust is recognized in the Snyder Act of 1921, which requires the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) to use money given by Congress for the benefit, care, and assistance of Indians from the United States.

Native American Trust Lands Explained | 1st Tribal Lending Blog

The United Nations Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Rights to a Remedy and Reparation for Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law describes five formal categories of reparations: restitution, compensation, rehabilitation, satisfaction, and guarantees of non-repetition.

  1. Restitution – measures which serve to "restore the victim to the original situation before the gross violations occurred". This can include: restoration of liberty, enjoyment of human rights, identity, family life and citizenship, return of one's place of residence, restoration of employment, and return of property.
  2. Damages Compensation – the provision of compensation "for any economically assessable damage, as appropriate and proportional to the gravity of the violation and the circumstances of each case". Such damage includes: physical or mental harm, lost opportunities, material damages and loss of earnings, moral damage, cost of legal, medical, psychological, and social services.
  3. Rehabilitation – medical, psychological, social services, and legal assistance
  4. Satisfaction – various measures which include the cessation of human rights violations and abuses, truth-seeking, searches for the disappeared, recovery and reburial of remains, judicial and administrative sanctions, public apologies, commemoration, and memorialization.
  5. Guarantees of non-repetition – reforms ensuring the prevention of future abuses, including: civilian control of the military and security forces, strengthening an independent judiciary, protection of civil service and human rights workers, the overall promotion of human rights standards, and the establishment of mechanisms to prevent and monitor social conflict and conflict resolution.[6]
Reparations (transitional justice) - Wikipedia
most whites did not own slaves
I think the Democrat party and anyone associated with Democrats are the ones who have to pay Reparations. There were Blacks that had slaves, why aren't they paying also?

A Short History of Democrats, Republicans, and Racism
Democrats for Slavery
However, black slave owners continued to thrive in the United States. By 1830 there were 3,775 black families living in the South who owned black slaves. By 1860 there were about 3,000 slaves owned by black households in the city of New Orleans alone.

America’s first slave owner was a black man.
I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paying for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results
From your first link: "The plaintiffs claim that the U.S. government has incorrectly accounted for the income from Indian trust assets, which are legally owned by the Department of the Interior, but held in trust for individual Native Americans (the beneficial owners)."

So it had nothing to do with reparations. Please try again.

You don't know what reparations are if this is what you think.
Treaty obligations. Not the same thing. Where's your black treaty?
I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paid for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results

So? Send me your address, your name and a amount that you believe that I owe you...please divide it by a factor 37 million since that is how many black folks live in the USA.

My suggestion to you is to stop pissing and moaning about how you believe that those that suffered the yoke of slavery (that ended 155 years ago) entitles you and those of your ilk to even more welfare and entitlements. My great grandfather was a full blooded Natchez native American on my father's side from Alabama and I haven't received diddly squat in reparations nor have I asked for any. Get off of your fat ass and make your own way instead of wallowing in victimhood. The LBJ "War on Poverty" has only created generations of welfare seekers. The world does not owe you a "giving".

My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not a full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.

I have black blood, Native American blood flowing through my veins that make up my DNA. I have busted my ass to eek out an existence on this shitty prison planet ruled by 13 bloodline families that go back to the days of the Egyptians that believe that they have the divine right to rule and all roads to indeed lead to Rome. Your alleged "36 years of research" claim amuses me greatly because it reeks of political correctness taught to you by Marxists that want to keep the black race subservient to them and keep them on the plantation. I will debate you any time and on any issue. I know of what I speak. I have brothers and sisters from every ethnicity that understands the nature of the cage that are fighting with me to expose this debt slavery system.

You have one of two choices....you can go back and read my prior posts that contain HJR 192 and the Federal Reserve Act using my name and the search feature or you can ignore me because you can't take me on in a debate.....the choice is yours but I will never stop replying to your divisive and racist diatribes whether you see them or not.

I can take you on easily Dale. You talk stupid. I know exactly what you are talking about and most of it is conspiracy theory garbage. Name the 13 families. I bet it starts off with the Rothschilds. You call what I say racist, but between you and I, I'm the one with the truth. Documented truth, all 360 degrees of it. .

Your grandfather did not have sex with the woman who birthed you. So talking about your grandfathers race is irrelevant to this conversation. There ain't no plantation Dale. And no one cares how hard you say you worked. We all worked hard around here. Whites are where they are because of legislation. And you really don't want to talk about HJRS?

I have a third choice Dale, tear your raggedy argument apart. .

So start a thread Dale. Then tell me what section it's in. Maybe you might want to look at PL 93-373. Because we can buy, sell and trade gold coins today as much as we want. There was a reason for HJR 192 and Executive Order 6102. It was called the great depression.

Nope, the 13 bloodline families are mostly of Italian descent and the Kazarian court Jews are just pawns and put out in front to deflect attention away from the Jesuits and the Vatican....the Learned Elders of Zion manifesto? It was written by the Jesuits.

You claim that I talk of "conspiracy theories"? Nope, I am a conspiracy analyst with thousands upon thousands of hours of due diligence seeking the truth as to how this debt slavery system still flourishes. Black, white, red, yellow, etc, etc......the tint of one skin doesn't mean a damn thing in the great big scheme of it all. Divide and conquer by using racial, political, economic and gender warfare in order to keep our focus elsewhere. Your "struggle" is no different than anyone else's but those of your ilk do most of the whining while depending on those that don't want to see you succeed......and that is truth.

No, my grandfather did not have sex with the woman that birthed me....but your mother wasn't a slave and neither was her mother OR father. Legislation has put whites like me in an elevated position? I would sure like to see that because I have had to scratch my way through this world and no one gave me a free pass because of the tint of my skin.

Please, by all means, tear my "raggedy argument" apart and be sure to give source documentation. Gold was a means of exchange before FDR pledged our labor as surety against the debt due to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of USA.INC and made the Federal Reserve Notes "legal tender"....do you know what a "note" is according to Black's Law Dictionary? It's a debt, sister....it's a debt note with interest attached to every FRN that is created and borrowed into existence. We can buy gold now but it can't be used to settle debts as it pertains to those of USA.INC, a corporate entity that was taken into receivership by the IMF after USA.INC went bankrupt yet again in 1950. I have no doubt that you haven't a clue as to how the Great Depression was artificially created and the crooks behind it....but I do. Woodrow Wilson and FDR sold out American to the banking oligarchs that are the shadow government.

I don't need to start yet another thread because I have covered this all before to ad nauseum. The bottom line is that we are all in the same boat....just because some are only waist high in shit doesn't make them better off than those that are up to their armpits in shit. What should matter is the fact that we are standing in shit to begin with...regardless of how high it is.

I eagerly await your rebuttal.........

My mother was forced to sit in the back of buses, refused entry into college because they don't allow blacks, had to get off the fucking sidewalks when whites were on it, had to watch a white girl spit in her sisters mouth and could not vote until she was 40. Just to name a few things. We are not in the same boat, and if you want to discuss the programs whites alone received as part of the depression, start a tread.
So? Send me your address, your name and a amount that you believe that I owe you...please divide it by a factor 37 million since that is how many black folks live in the USA.

My suggestion to you is to stop pissing and moaning about how you believe that those that suffered the yoke of slavery (that ended 155 years ago) entitles you and those of your ilk to even more welfare and entitlements. My great grandfather was a full blooded Natchez native American on my father's side from Alabama and I haven't received diddly squat in reparations nor have I asked for any. Get off of your fat ass and make your own way instead of wallowing in victimhood. The LBJ "War on Poverty" has only created generations of welfare seekers. The world does not owe you a "giving".

My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not a full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.

I have black blood, Native American blood flowing through my veins that make up my DNA. I have busted my ass to eek out an existence on this shitty prison planet ruled by 13 bloodline families that go back to the days of the Egyptians that believe that they have the divine right to rule and all roads to indeed lead to Rome. Your alleged "36 years of research" claim amuses me greatly because it reeks of political correctness taught to you by Marxists that want to keep the black race subservient to them and keep them on the plantation. I will debate you any time and on any issue. I know of what I speak. I have brothers and sisters from every ethnicity that understands the nature of the cage that are fighting with me to expose this debt slavery system.

You have one of two choices....you can go back and read my prior posts that contain HJR 192 and the Federal Reserve Act using my name and the search feature or you can ignore me because you can't take me on in a debate.....the choice is yours but I will never stop replying to your divisive and racist diatribes whether you see them or not.

I can take you on easily Dale. You talk stupid. I know exactly what you are talking about and most of it is conspiracy theory garbage. Name the 13 families. I bet it starts off with the Rothschilds. You call what I say racist, but between you and I, I'm the one with the truth. Documented truth, all 360 degrees of it. .

Your grandfather did not have sex with the woman who birthed you. So talking about your grandfathers race is irrelevant to this conversation. There ain't no plantation Dale. And no one cares how hard you say you worked. We all worked hard around here. Whites are where they are because of legislation. And you really don't want to talk about HJRS?

I have a third choice Dale, tear your raggedy argument apart. .

So start a thread Dale. Then tell me what section it's in. Maybe you might want to look at PL 93-373. Because we can buy, sell and trade gold coins today as much as we want. There was a reason for HJR 192 and Executive Order 6102. It was called the great depression.

Nope, the 13 bloodline families are mostly of Italian descent and the Kazarian court Jews are just pawns and put out in front to deflect attention away from the Jesuits and the Vatican....the Learned Elders of Zion manifesto? It was written by the Jesuits.

You claim that I talk of "conspiracy theories"? Nope, I am a conspiracy analyst with thousands upon thousands of hours of due diligence seeking the truth as to how this debt slavery system still flourishes. Black, white, red, yellow, etc, etc......the tint of one skin doesn't mean a damn thing in the great big scheme of it all. Divide and conquer by using racial, political, economic and gender warfare in order to keep our focus elsewhere. Your "struggle" is no different than anyone else's but those of your ilk do most of the whining while depending on those that don't want to see you succeed......and that is truth.

No, my grandfather did not have sex with the woman that birthed me....but your mother wasn't a slave and neither was her mother OR father. Legislation has put whites like me in an elevated position? I would sure like to see that because I have had to scratch my way through this world and no one gave me a free pass because of the tint of my skin.

Please, by all means, tear my "raggedy argument" apart and be sure to give source documentation. Gold was a means of exchange before FDR pledged our labor as surety against the debt due to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of USA.INC and made the Federal Reserve Notes "legal tender"....do you know what a "note" is according to Black's Law Dictionary? It's a debt, sister....it's a debt note with interest attached to every FRN that is created and borrowed into existence. We can buy gold now but it can't be used to settle debts as it pertains to those of USA.INC, a corporate entity that was taken into receivership by the IMF after USA.INC went bankrupt yet again in 1950. I have no doubt that you haven't a clue as to how the Great Depression was artificially created and the crooks behind it....but I do. Woodrow Wilson and FDR sold out American to the banking oligarchs that are the shadow government.

I don't need to start yet another thread because I have covered this all before to ad nauseum. The bottom line is that we are all in the same boat....just because some are only waist high in shit doesn't make them better off than those that are up to their armpits in shit. What should matter is the fact that we are standing in shit to begin with...regardless of how high it is.

I eagerly await your rebuttal.........

My mother was forced to sit in the back of buses, refused entry into college because they don't allow blacks, had to get off the fucking sidewalks when whites were on it, had to watch a white girl spit in her sisters mouth and could not vote until she was 40. Just to name a few things. We are not in the same boat, and if you want to discuss the programs whites alone received as part of the depression, start a tread.
All Democrats.....Why aren't you bitching about them?
I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paying for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results

You’ve received plenty of free money. It’s called the welfare state
most whites did not own slaves
I think the Democrat party and anyone associated with Democrats are the ones who have to pay Reparations. There were Blacks that had slaves, why aren't they paying also?

A Short History of Democrats, Republicans, and Racism
Democrats for Slavery
However, black slave owners continued to thrive in the United States. By 1830 there were 3,775 black families living in the South who owned black slaves. By 1860 there were about 3,000 slaves owned by black households in the city of New Orleans alone.

America’s first slave owner was a black man.

We've been over this. Your post is full of untruths and is disingenuous as to the facts.. You have been reported. Keep going and I'll request you are banned from this thread. Try me if you want

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