A possible argument against the Cancel Culture.

Man of Ethics

Gold Member
Feb 28, 2021
In this nanoessay I propose an argument Conservatives should use against Cancel Culture. Progressive Totalitarians support and applaud firing and blacklisting anyone who disagrees with their ideology. They claim that those fired and blacklisted are being "held accountable" for their opinions. Unlike Classic Liberals who defended the rights of workers, modern Progressive Totalitarians support unlimited power of Capitalists to fire any employee for almost any reason. They argue that might makes right.

Conservatives, Independents, and Classical Liberals who oppose Cancel Culture seem to have almost no options. Many Conservatives engage in pointless arguments with Progressive Totalitarians, trying to explain the benefits of a Free Society in which people are not afraid to share their political views. Unfortunately, History teaches us that Despots and Tyrants who hold power are not interested in establishing a Free Society.

Sadly, the only language Despots and Tyrants understand is the language of Consequences -- Argument Ad Baculum. I would never advocate anything illegal or wacky. There are many legal ways to hold Progressive Totalitarians accountable. In my opinion, the only way for Conservatives, Independents, and Classical Liberals to Make America Free Again is by mastering the art of boycott and applying pressure on Progressives. Boycotts would require planning, coordination, and support from media like NewsMax.

Some boycotts may be totally useless -- like a small group trying to boycott a Social Media giant. In other cases, boycotts can be very effective. USA contains thousands of counties and small towns in which 70% or 80% of population is Conservative. Boycotting any small business owned by a Progressive could bring outstanding results.

A more effective strategy would be for small businesses in Conservative towns and counties to make support for Cancel Culture and possibly support for Democratic Party a firing offense. Progressives fired in small Conservative counties would have few job opportunities. They may have to relocate in order to find employment.

Being held accountable would end many Progressives support for Cancel Culture and would tech them to appreciate Diversity of Opinion. It would also be a stepping stone off their high horse. Some of them would have to live a double life -- just like many Conservatives, Independents and Classical Liberals do now. Being held accountable would destroy Progressive Totalitarians claim that they support accountability. They may join Conservatives, Independents, and Classical Liberals in advocating greater worker protections.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of Conservatives are not ready to hold Totalitarian Progressives accountable. Unfortunately, most Conservatives are so invested in Tolerance of different political opinions that they extend unconditional Tolerance toward the Intolerant Progressives. As a result, the Intolerant win and impose their rules upon the rest of Society. Karl Popper's prediction came true once again. In other words, Conservatives oppose Cancel Culture so much that they let it win. This is Paradox of Tolerance exemplified.

Fortunately, there is hope for change. Most Bush Republicans have evolved into Trump Republicans. Perhaps, escalating polarisation of American Society will make Conservatives less tolerant of the Intolerant. Then we can Make America Tolerant Again.
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What are they cancelling except racist and other bigoted speech?
Most of the canceled are not for racist or bigoted remarks. That is the rub.
So what are they cancelling, then?
Virtually anything that may be taken the wrong way if you try really, really hard to misinterpret it.

But you knew that already.

Or something you said when you were a moronic 21 year old a decade ago. Moronic things we all have said.

For the most part, cancel culture picks a target then FINDS something to cancel them over.
Talking sense to a liberal makes no sense.

Unfortunately, bullies, despots, and tyrants can only understand the language of consequences. As I have mentioned in the OP:

A more effective strategy would be for small businesses in Conservative towns and counties to make support for Cancel Culture and possibly support for Democratic Party a firing offense. Progressives fired in small Conservative counties would have few job opportunities. They may have to relocate in order to find employment.
What are they cancelling except racist and other bigoted speech?
Really? What an ignorant statement.

Racist and bigoted speech is subjective.

What are they cancelling except racist and other bigoted speech?
Really? What an ignorant statement.

Racist and bigoted speech is subjective.

It was a question. See the question mark?
What are they cancelling except racist and other bigoted speech?
Really? What an ignorant statement.

Racist and bigoted speech is subjective.

It was a question. See the question mark?
So you were serious? You don't watch the news? You didn't hear about Gina Carano or Chris Harrison?
What are they cancelling except racist and other bigoted speech?
Any opposition to the looney left wing agenda.
Any possibility you could give me a concrete example?
Canceling a documentary on Justice Thomas, big tech banning conservatives from using social media, under the guise of racism for strarters.
It hasn't been cancelled. See the thread. PBS sold it and many services are streaming it.
In this nanoessay I propose an argument Conservatives should use against Cancel Culture. Progressive Totalitarians support and applaud firing and blacklisting anyone who disagrees with their ideology. They claim that those fired and blacklisted are being "held accountable" for their opinions. Unlike Classic Liberals who defended the rights of workers, modern Progressive Totalitarians support unlimited power of Capitalists to fire any employee for almost any reason. They argue that might makes right.

Conservatives, Independents, and Classical Liberals who oppose Cancel Culture seem to have almost no options. Many Conservatives engage in pointless arguments with Progressive Totalitarians, trying to explain the benefits of a Free Society in which people are not afraid to share their political views. Unfortunately, History teaches us that Despots and Tyrants who hold power are not interested in establishing a Free Society.

Sadly, the only language Despots and Tyrants understand is the language of Consequences -- Argument Ad Baculum. I would never advocate anything illegal or wacky. There are many legal ways to hold Progressive Totalitarians accountable. In my opinion, the only way for Conservatives, Independents, and Classical Liberals to Make America Free Again is by mastering the art of boycott and applying pressure on Progressives. Boycotts would require planning, coordination, and support from media like NewsMax.

Some boycotts may be totally useless -- like a small group trying to boycott a Social Media giant. In other cases, boycotts can be very effective. USA contains thousands of counties and small towns in which 70% or 80% of population is Conservative. Boycotting any small business owned by a Progressive could bring outstanding results.

A more effective strategy would be for small businesses in Conservative towns and counties to make support for Cancel Culture and possibly support for Democratic Party a firing offense. Progressives fired in small Conservative counties would have few job opportunities. They may have to relocate in order to find employment.

Being held accountable would end many Progressives support for Cancel Culture and would tech them to appreciate Diversity of Opinion. It would also be a stepping stone off their high horse. Some of them would have to live a double life -- just like many Conservatives, Independents and Classical Liberals do now. Being held accountable would destroy Progressive Totalitarians claim that they support accountability. They may join Conservatives, Independents, and Classical Liberals in advocating greater worker protections.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of Conservatives are not ready to hold Totalitarian Progressives accountable. Unfortunately, most Conservatives are so invested in Tolerance of different political opinions that they extend unconditional Tolerance toward the Intolerant Progressives. As a result, the Intolerant win and impose their rules upon the rest of Society. Karl Popper's prediction came true once again. In other words, Conservatives oppose Cancel Culture so much that they let it win. This is Paradox of Tolerance exemplified.

Fortunately, there is hope for change. Most Bush Republicans have evolved into Trump Republicans. Perhaps, escalating polarisation of American Society will make Conservatives less tolerant of the Intolerant. Then we can Make America Tolerant Again.
I agree with you in principle, but I think the problem goes a lot deeper than this.

Your reference to Popper is very apropos, but it applies to just about every society. Ultimately, every society has an Overton Window that is continually moving. In America, it has shifted very far to the left. A lot of the West in general has gone in the same direction.

What I think we're seeing is that cultures based on ethnicity are much more stable and better for the average person. The West has unfortunately chosen a dual path of multiculturalism and ideological basis. We've already seen how ideologically based cultures have failed miserably, like the USSR and the police state that is modern China. The West is creating its own police states, but it's chosen a subtler route -- by using corporations to do their bidding rather than having direct state action in most respects.

Identity politics ensure that no "silent majority" will ever rise up to put the social left in check, and the propaganda within academia ensures that younger generations will get incrementally more extreme in leftist beliefs. What is currently considered left of center will soon be seen as conservative, and what is currently seen as somewhat conservative will be seen as unacceptable or bigoted.

A revolution is about the only way to stop this process, because it would require tearing down the institutions and corporations that fund and implement the brainwashing and censorship in our society. Short of that, those of us who don't buy the woke narrative will simply have to move to more rural areas or to another country.
What are they cancelling except racist and other bigoted speech?
Any opposition to the looney left wing agenda.
Any possibility you could give me a concrete example?
Canceling a documentary on Justice Thomas, big tech banning conservatives from using social media, under the guise of racism for strarters.
It hasn't been cancelled. See the thread. PBS sold it and many services are streaming it.
And you skipped the rest because....
What are they cancelling except racist and other bigoted speech?
Any opposition to the looney left wing agenda.
Any possibility you could give me a concrete example?
Canceling a documentary on Justice Thomas, big tech banning conservatives from using social media, under the guise of racism for strarters.
It hasn't been cancelled. See the thread. PBS sold it and many services are streaming it.
And you skipped the rest because....
I asked about things other than racism.
What are they cancelling except racist and other bigoted speech?
Really? What an ignorant statement.

Racist and bigoted speech is subjective.

It was a question. See the question mark?
So you were serious? You don't watch the news? You didn't hear about Gina Carano or Chris Harrison?
What are they cancelling except racist and other bigoted speech?
Any opposition to the looney left wing agenda.
Any possibility you could give me a concrete example?
Canceling a documentary on Justice Thomas, big tech banning conservatives from using social media, under the guise of racism for strarters.
It hasn't been cancelled. See the thread. PBS sold it and many services are streaming it.
And you skipped the rest because....
I asked about things other than racism.
And he pointed out Carano who is just the latest of those cancelled that had nothing to do with her being a racists or making a racist remark. It did have to do with people looking for a way to get rid of her because she is somewhat conservative.

Interesting that the reaction to her tweet did nothing other than prove it true. For every one of those that has influence, power and fame there are a hundred that go unnoticed.
What are they cancelling except racist and other bigoted speech?
Most of the canceled are not for racist or bigoted remarks. That is the rub.
So what are they cancelling, then?
Virtually anything that may be taken the wrong way if you try really, really hard to misinterpret it.

But you knew that already.

Or something you said when you were a moronic 21 year old a decade ago. Moronic things we all have said.

For the most part, cancel culture picks a target then FINDS something to cancel them over.
I don't agree with cancel culture as a general rule, so all you folks are really preaching to the choir here. But I think the news you're reading about it is slanted to make it sound a lot more unfair than it actually is. A lot of it is the same sort of sour grapes we hear here when a poster's thread gets poofed. And usually we're hearing less than half the story.

But yeah, i've seen uproars over stuff that honestly made me scratch my head.

I was curious what else is getting cancelled other than bigotry. You say the whole conservative party. CPAC did quite well, though, didn't it? Fox is still swinging away, Newsmax, Breitbart, OAN, talk radio...so I wonder if all that is true. I saw a whole raft of crap in the past month from MTG, Boebert, Cruz, and Trump every time he writes a letter or does an interview on the MSM. So is it really being cancelled?

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