A playbook for the DNC


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
The reason we can't win national races is because we keep putting all our hopes and common sense in thinking that white voters will give up rapist, clowns and idiots and vote our party instead......when their base consists of the latter.....what the DNC need to do going forward is put a huge spot light on what a majority GOP congress is doing to this country.....the devastation is endless to our labor force, our economy and this country....JUST LIST THE SHIT THEY'VE DONE THUS FAR.....starting with employers being able to take tips away from waiters or no longer being able to sue preditory banks....the list would blow these fools away....our nations parks will become oil fields.....

We need to stop putting focus on men that fuck around with women, while married.....a hint: FDR one of our greatest presidents, cheated on his wife for years. Kennedy, another man that cheated....both did wonderful things for this country. The one leader that dressed nice, never cheated, never drank or smoked...his name was Adolf Hitler....we need to judge our leaders by the things they do for our nation and let the wives deal with these bitches.
The reason we can't win national races is because we keep putting all our hopes and common sense in thinking that white voters will give up rapist, clowns and idiots and vote our party instead......when their base consists of the latter.....what the DNC need to do going forward is put a huge spot light on what a majority GOP congress is doing to this country.....the devastation is endless to our labor force, our economy and this country....JUST LIST THE SHIT THEY'VE DONE THUS FAR.....starting with employers being able to take tips away from waiters or no longer being able to sue preditory banks....the list would blow these fools away....our nations parks will become oil fields.....

We need to stop putting focus on men that fuck around with women, while married.....a hint: FDR one of our greatest presidents, cheated on his wife for years. Kennedy, another man that cheated....both did wonderful things for this country. The one leader that dressed nice, never cheated, never drank or smoked...his name was Adolf Hitler....we need to judge our leaders by the things they do for our nation and let the wives deal with these bitches.

The reason you're not winning is because you people have discarded any semblance of American identity.

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