A Party divided that can't do anything


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
This is what's going on today within the Democratic Party:
  • Top House Democrats expected to have the votes to pass both the bipartisan infrastructure bill and their massive reconciliation spending bill Friday.
  • But they appear to have dropped that plan after moderates demanded a CBO score on the bill before voting on it -- something that will take potentially until Thanksgiving.
  • Now the House plans to take a procedural vote to advance -- but not pass -- the reconciliation bill, and to finally pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer expressed confidence about the state of play on President Biden's infrastructure and social spending bills. The House will vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill tonight, but leaders were forced to delay a vote on the spending bill. But the progressives say they won't support the smaller BIB without the larger bill a the same time.

The upshot is, the progressives won't vote for the smaller bipartisan bill and the moderates won't vote for the larger bill at least until they get a report from the CBO concerning what it will cost.

Note that the larger bill is over 2100 pages and nobody has read it but Pelosi tried to pass it anyway. Figures.

You have to wonder if some of those democrats who saw what happened in Virginia and New Jersey this week might be a little antsy to pass that big spending social spending bill. Will they wimp out at the last minute? They usually do, and get their asses kicked in the next election.

I don't think whatever the House Dems do will get through the Senate anyway.
First of all, this is NOT a "political party" anymore than the Italian mafia was a "labor union". The democrook party is an enemy enterprise. Anyone who has an axe to grind against the COTUS, American Sovereignty, our traditions, culture, free enterprise, capitalism and any host of things that differentiate us from fallen shithole marxist states belongs to the democrook "party".

The democrook party has been consistently hostile to The USA since the 1860's and everything they've done was designed to undermine what made this country a superpower. They use the same concepts and philosophies that destroyed the UK and western europe in general, brought a total collapse of the USSR, and massive starvation and genocide across the planet.

Never mistake these sociopaths for political leaders. They're criminals. Their voters are jabbering imbeciles still wearing masks that mail in dozens of ballots for corrupt political whores.


First of all, this is NOT a "political party" anymore than the Italian mafia was a "labor union". The democrook party is an enemy enterprise. Anyone who has an axe to grind against the COTUS, American Sovereignty, our traditions, culture, free enterprise, capitalism and any host of things that differentiate us from fallen shithole marxist states belongs to the democrook "party".

The democrook party has been consistently hostile to The USA since the 1860's and everything they've done was designed to undermine what made this country a superpower. They use the same concepts and philosophies that destroyed the UK and western europe in general, brought a total collapse of the USSR, and massive starvation and genocide across the planet.

Never mistake these sociopaths for political leaders. They're criminals. Their voters are jabbering imbeciles still wearing masks that mail in dozens of ballots for corrupt political whores.


And that is on a good day.
A party divided against itself cannot stand.

Here‘s hoping that proves true.
The DNC is like a bomb going off.

As such, they always destroy everything around them, including themselves

Either way, mission accomplished.
4:35 p.m.

Democratic leaders in the House say they are moving forward with a vote Friday on the bipartisan infrastructure measure, despite opposition from progressives who say it should not get a vote until the House is also ready to vote on a separate, broader social spending and climate measure.

Asked about the statement of opposition from progressives, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said "the fact is we believe it is necessary to pass the BIF" so that jobs she said it would create can come online immediatly.

"I do believe there are a large number of members of the progressive caucus who will vote for the bill," Pelosi said.

"I have Speaker's secret whip count," she added after noting the whip count by House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.). "I have a pretty good feel."

Don't know about the Speaker's secret whip count, but if they don't pass the BIF then they're going to look awfully bad to most of the rest of the country.
First of all, this is NOT a "political party" anymore than the Italian mafia was a "labor union". The democrook party is an enemy enterprise. Anyone who has an axe to grind against the COTUS, American Sovereignty, our traditions, culture, free enterprise, capitalism and any host of things that differentiate us from fallen shithole marxist states belongs to the democrook "party".

The democrook party has been consistently hostile to The USA since the 1860's and everything they've done was designed to undermine what made this country a superpower. They use the same concepts and philosophies that destroyed the UK and western europe in general, brought a total collapse of the USSR, and massive starvation and genocide across the planet.

Never mistake these sociopaths for political leaders. They're criminals. Their voters are jabbering imbeciles still wearing masks that mail in dozens of ballots for corrupt political whores.


Don't be stupider than you have to be, Petey.
Every Congressional democrat needs a primary challenge, every republican a trial.
This is what's going on today within the Democratic Party:
  • Top House Democrats expected to have the votes to pass both the bipartisan infrastructure bill and their massive reconciliation spending bill Friday.
  • But they appear to have dropped that plan after moderates demanded a CBO score on the bill before voting on it -- something that will take potentially until Thanksgiving.
  • Now the House plans to take a procedural vote to advance -- but not pass -- the reconciliation bill, and to finally pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer expressed confidence about the state of play on President Biden's infrastructure and social spending bills. The House will vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill tonight, but leaders were forced to delay a vote on the spending bill. But the progressives say they won't support the smaller BIB without the larger bill a the same time.

The upshot is, the progressives won't vote for the smaller bipartisan bill and the moderates won't vote for the larger bill at least until they get a report from the CBO concerning what it will cost.

Note that the larger bill is over 2100 pages and nobody has read it but Pelosi tried to pass it anyway. Figures.

You have to wonder if some of those democrats who saw what happened in Virginia and New Jersey this week might be a little antsy to pass that big spending social spending bill. Will they wimp out at the last minute? They usually do, and get their asses kicked in the next election.

I don't think whatever the House Dems do will get through the Senate anyway.
Lol. The D Party isn’t divided. They are entirely united. Plus they are united with the R Party. It’s a scam few Americans recognize.
Unlike 2010 the few remaining moderate Dems refuse to sacrifice their political careers for the left this time. Dem leaders have completely lost control of the left wing. Majorities in both houses plus the White House and they can't get anything done :auiqs.jpg:
Unlike 2010 the few remaining moderate Dems refuse to sacrifice their political careers for the left this time. Dem leaders have completely lost control of the left wing. Majorities in both houses plus the White House and they can't get anything done :auiqs.jpg:
There is no left wing to the D Party. This is a fallacy designed to deceive and divide Americans. It works well.
There is no left wing to the D Party. This is a fallacy designed to deceive and divide Americans. It works well.
Of course there is. Those on the far left, leaning toward Marxism and socialism, are barely even Democrats.

As far as dividing Americans, the Leftists are the ones doing that - including Biden. They are pitting liberals against those who disagree with the far-left nonsense they are trying to cram through, even going so far as to position them as “domestic terrorists.”

And didn’t Biden basically call Americans who don’t want the vaccine “murderers,” while letting in hundreds of thousands of illegals who don’t want the vax, either?
Of course there is. Those on the far left, leaning toward Marxism and socialism, are barely even Democrats.

As far as dividing Americans, the Leftists are the ones doing that - including Biden. They are pitting liberals against those who disagree with the far-left nonsense they are trying to cram through, even going so far as to position them as “domestic terrorists.”

And didn’t Biden basically call Americans who don’t want the vaccine “murderers,” while letting in hundreds of thousands of illegals who don’t want the vax, either?
Again I ask you to please name ONE major piece of legislation passed in the last fifth years that is progressive, let alone Marxist or communist? I know you will ignore this request as you and others on the right are wont to do. You live in an unreal narrative of your choice, just like those on the left.
Again I ask you to please name ONE major piece of legislation passed in the last fifth years that is progressive, let alone Marxist or communist? I know you will ignore this request as you and others on the right are wont to do. You live in an unreal narrative of your choice, just like those on the left.
I note with amusement he never got back to you with that list~

With the infrastructue bills law..and the spending bill on it's way to the Senate, I'm not seeing the disarray or the stagnation that the OP is hoping for.

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