A Nice Present for the Democrats

By Rich Lowry, National Review
December 14, 2007

After many false prophecies, Dean circa 2008 has finally arrived. He is former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. Not because he will inevitably blow himself up in Iowa. But because, like Dean, his nomination would represent an act of suicide by his party.

for full article:

Basically if you don't support Ron Paul your giving the dems the big gift
and i can assure you Hillary will be your new decider... The Oracle has spoken there shall be no more discussion on this matter
One conservative Arkansas blogger:

I believe whether Iraq or politics in US, listen to those on the ground:


Friday, October 26, 2007
"He destroyed the conservative movement in Arkansas, and left the Republican Party a shambles."

A very nice man, yes. A very fiscally conservative man, no. This is a must read story and pretty much sums up my feelings about Huckabee.

Betsy Hagan, Arkansas director of the conservative Eagle Forum and a key backer of his early runs for office, was once "his No. 1 fan." She was bitterly disappointed with his record. "He was pro-life and pro-gun, but otherwise a liberal," she says. "Just like Bill Clinton he will charm you, but don't be surprised if he takes a completely different turn in office." ...

"He has zero intellectual underpinnings in the conservative movement," says Blant Hurt, a former part owner of, and columnist for, Arkansas Business magazine. "He's hostile to free trade, hiked sales and grocery taxes, backed sales taxes on Internet purchases, and presided over state spending going up more than twice the inflation rate."

There are many similar assessments. Read the rest of it.
this is the inevitable result of the GOP - formerly the party of Eisenhower - spending two decades courting the whacked out religious right.

Wall street republicans thought they could just use these people for their votes. That they could remain seen, but not heard. The red headed step children of the republican party, as it were. Its no suprise that the theocratic wing of the republican party is taking over, and now has a bona fide front runner for the party's nomination. No one should be suprised.

The wall street republicans will try to drown Huckabee in a sea of money. But the writing's on the wall. The GOP will forever be beholden to the theocrats, as long as they make Jesus and the Bible a mainstay of their debates and campaign stump speeches.
this is the inevitable result of the GOP - formerly the party of Eisenhower - spending two decades courting the whacked out religious right.

Wall street republicans thought they could just use these people for their votes. That they could remain seen, but not heard. The red headed step children of the republican party, as it were. Its no suprise that the theocratic wing of the republican party is taking over, and now has a bona fide front runner for the party's nomination. No one should be suprised.

The wall street republicans will try to drown Huckabee in a sea of money. But the writing's on the wall. The GOP will forever be beholden to the theocrats, as long as they make Jesus and the Bible a mainstay of their debates and campaign stump speeches.

As opposed to the Democrats forever beholden to the far left whacko Liberal morons.
this is the inevitable result of the GOP - formerly the party of Eisenhower - spending two decades courting the whacked out religious right.

Wall street republicans thought they could just use these people for their votes. That they could remain seen, but not heard. The red headed step children of the republican party, as it were. Its no suprise that the theocratic wing of the republican party is taking over, and now has a bona fide front runner for the party's nomination. No one should be suprised.

The wall street republicans will try to drown Huckabee in a sea of money. But the writing's on the wall. The GOP will forever be beholden to the theocrats, as long as they make Jesus and the Bible a mainstay of their debates and campaign stump speeches.

I know you're a liberal democrat (i assume, anyway, from your posts), but reading this post, i would think then, that you would have to be able to recognize that Ron Paul is the one shot the GOP has at maintaining, or rather, REGAINING, their good name. He fits the model perfectly, besides being so against hawkish war...like that's ever been a historical staple of Republicanism anyway. He's just as Christian as the next, but you don't see him shoving it down people's throats. He's almost never even asked about his position on abortion during 1 on 1 MSM interviews. On Face The Nation, Bob Schieffer never once brought up abortion with Ron, after just having talked about it for a few minutes when he interviewed Huckabee right before Ron...and Ron was actually there in PERSON, sitting right next to Bob. Huck was via satellite. I mean, that's a pretty huge issue for the GOP voters...why would you not want to bring that up with a specific GOP candidate??? Maybe because the establishment KNOWS it's the root issue among the GOP, and they wouldn't want potential voters to understand Ron's specific abortion position, which in the REAL sense of the GOP, is exactly what's desired? That's the way I saw it, anyway. Instead, he brings up all the federal govt. cuts he'd like to make...you know, those things that Republicans USED to care about???

I'm really not a republican, nor a democract, in any CURRENT sense of the words...I like a little of what each side has to offer, but I think the division is what ultimately ends up being the demise of this country.

Ron is the only candidate I see that has the ability to unite. I mean, the guy's snatching up a large part of the liberal base for christ's sake! I find it to be amazing.
this is the inevitable result of the GOP - formerly the party of Eisenhower - spending two decades courting the whacked out religious right.

Wall street republicans thought they could just use these people for their votes. That they could remain seen, but not heard. The red headed step children of the republican party, as it were. Its no suprise that the theocratic wing of the republican party is taking over, and now has a bona fide front runner for the party's nomination. No one should be suprised.

The wall street republicans will try to drown Huckabee in a sea of money. But the writing's on the wall. The GOP will forever be beholden to the theocrats, as long as they make Jesus and the Bible a mainstay of their debates and campaign stump speeches.

The only one making Jesus and the Bible a mainstay of the debates is the media, and the only one making it a mainstay of the campaign stump speeches is Huckabee

Not another single Republican candidate is emphisizing religion although almost all are religious.

Maybe you should actually listen to what most of the candidates are saying.
I know you're a liberal democrat (i assume, anyway, from your posts), but reading this post, i would think then, that you would have to be able to recognize that Ron Paul is the one shot the GOP has at maintaining, or rather, REGAINING, their good name. He fits the model perfectly, besides being so against hawkish war...like that's ever been a historical staple of Republicanism anyway. He's just as Christian as the next, but you don't see him shoving it down people's throats. He's almost never even asked about his position on abortion during 1 on 1 MSM interviews. On Face The Nation, Bob Schieffer never once brought up abortion with Ron, after just having talked about it for a few minutes when he interviewed Huckabee right before Ron...and Ron was actually there in PERSON, sitting right next to Bob. Huck was via satellite. I mean, that's a pretty huge issue for the GOP voters...why would you not want to bring that up with a specific GOP candidate??? Maybe because the establishment KNOWS it's the root issue among the GOP, and they wouldn't want potential voters to understand Ron's specific abortion position, which in the REAL sense of the GOP, is exactly what's desired? That's the way I saw it, anyway. Instead, he brings up all the federal govt. cuts he'd like to make...you know, those things that Republicans USED to care about???

I'm really not a republican, nor a democract, in any CURRENT sense of the words...I like a little of what each side has to offer, but I think the division is what ultimately ends up being the demise of this country.

Ron is the only candidate I see that has the ability to unite. I mean, the guy's snatching up a large part of the liberal base for christ's sake! I find it to be amazing.

I appreciate your post, but I disagree with the historical revisionism of the GOP being the party of peace and non-intervention. Kuwait, 1991. Panama, 1990. Nicaruagua 1980s. Cambodia 1960s. Ike overthrew the democratically elected government of Iran in the 1950s, and installed a monarch. Both Dems and Repubs have overthrown governments and formented coups around the world. Ron Paul, if he means what he says, is totally different from today's GOP, or even the GOP of the previous generations when in comes to foreign policy.
One conservative Arkansas blogger:

I believe whether Iraq or politics in US, listen to those on the ground:


you mean of course as long as they are sayimg what you want to hear

GARKO » Why the Active Military Supports Ron PaulWhy the Active Military Supports Ron Paul. 12 12 2007. Ron Paul has received more donations from active military than any other candidate for president. ...
www.itsmynet.info/GARKO.blog/?p=1069 - 52k -
Andrew Sullivan:

It's amazing to me to watch Rich Lowry and Charles Krauthammer begin to panic at the signs of Christianism taking over the Republican party. Where, one wonders, have they been for the past decade? They have long pooh-poohed those of us who have been warning about this for a long time, while cozying up to Christianists for cynical or instrumental reasons. But now they want to draw the line. Alas, it's too late, I think, for Charles to urge an openness toward atheism or non-religion in a party remade on explicitly religious grounds by Bush and Rove. Who was it, after all, who cited Jesus Christ as the most influential "philosopher" in his life as part of his electoral strategy? Who reorganized his party to base it on churches? The man whom Krauthammer eagerly supported in two consecutive elections.


And that is why part of me, I confess, wants Huckabee to win. So he can lose. So the GOP can lose - as spectacularly and humiliatingly as possible. If we are to rid conservatism of this theocratic cancer, we need to start over. Maybe it has to get worse before it can get better. But it is certainly too late for fellow-traveling Christianists like Lowry and Krauthammer to start whining now. This is their party. And they asked for every last bit of it.
Good Read!

So basically, the GOP is screwed in 2008?

If they act like sheep and vote for the MSM's candidate, they are. But I don't believe the main body of GOP voters is interested in "Jimmy Carter, the sequel, or Clinton light", as Huckabee is being called. When Republican voters really start looking into Huckabee's record, I imagine that will be the end of his run. But as can be expected, the MSM will keep beating the drums loudly on his behalf since they would like to see him become the candidate.
Andrew Sullivan:

Well, of course, Andrew Sullivan is going to put the emphasis on religion in this campaign, like Huckabee has done to ingratiate himself with a segment of the Republican Party. But Krauthammer and Lowry are not repudiating Huckabee because he's a Christian; they are repudiating him because of his record.
Well, of course, Andrew Sullivan is going to put the emphasis on religion in this campaign, like Huckabee has done to ingratiate himself with a segment of the Republican Party. But Krauthammer and Lowry are not repudiating Huckabee because he's a Christian; they are repudiating him because of his record.

His record? LOL That's a smokescreen, because they are panicking over his theocracy.

Wanna talk about records? Romney and Guilliani have more liberal "records" than Huckeabee. Hello? Universal healthcare in mass.?

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