A New Year's email that I sent to relatives.


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
South Pacific
Hey, I made it through the night in my temporary residence in Oakland, Ca. I will next be going to Iowa to pursue my work.

Oakland is a city in transition. Mexicans are moving in to the southern part of the city. Blacks have lived in large number throughout the city. Where the Blacks are, the Whites have fled. Asians are buying the Black houses and whole neighborhoods are changing from 100 percent Black to 100 percent Asian. It is fascinating to watch this evolve.

Yet, there are disadvantages to being in the middle of it. As I sleep, my head points to the East. If I am lying on my back, my left shoulder points to the heavy Mexican part of town. MY right shoulder points to the heavily Black part of town. Further to the north are the Asians ever expanding in their purchases.

As I was laying in bed last night at midnight, the gun fire started. Something about the Mexican culture in this country mandates that they shoot off guns to welcome the new year. The Oakland City Government advertises frequently on radio and television warning the Mexicans that firing a gun into the air is illegal and dangerous as the bullets come back to Earth at high velocity and can kill or maim people. (Which they have done in greater and greater number over the years as the Mexican population has increased. I considered that I was in relative safety, as I have a roof, a ceiling, a floor and a ceiling above my head since I am presently on the ground floor of a two story home.

There were a bunch of hand guns that were fired. Bang! Bang! Bang! About that time, a car down the street had its windshield shatter. I was getting nervous. Yet, when the Machine guns started going off I was wide awake and somewhat terrified until it died down. A couple of guys in the area off of my left shoulder (Mexican area) had AK-47's and they had their fully automatic capacity as they fired off twenty or thirty round bursts. AK-47's have a very distinct sound in rapid fire.

About that time I pulled my thickest pillow over my head, figuring that my two wool blankets might protect me from a spent round making it all the way through the building materials, but I had nothing over my head, so the thick pillow offered some security as I prayed for Divine protection.

For some reason, I felt led to read Micah this morning. Either God has a message for me in the verses, or I just have neglected the writings of a good prophet. Perhaps Micah has something to do with this present new year?

I turned on the Television before heading out of the small, small apartment (No that is not redundant.) and James Cramer was telling the listening audience to put their money into Certificates of Deposit. Mr. "Stock Market is the place to get rich" is now telling people to put their money into the Banks.

Cramer has a following. I am not one of them as I know he is right almost as much as he is wrong. Yet, his advice might lead to a panic on the stock market come Friday or Monday if what he said gets wide coverage.

The world is in trouble economically. Obama needs to take the Oath of Office and then offer up a State of the Economy speech. We are on the edge of a Depression and what he does will decide if we slide into that morass. The plywood should start appearing in the windows of the fast food restaurants soon. We will see thousands of them go out of business. AS the key to Service Sector Economy strength all we need to know "if we are avoiding the fall into depression" will be the number of sheets of plywood in use. The more plywood, the more malaise.

The Senate seat appointment the Illinois Governor made should be honored. The man appointed is a good and proven performer. As regards the governor, last I heard, a man is innocent until proven guilty.Though I feel he is most likely a crook, the Illinois Governor has not been found guilty of any wrongdoing and as such, should be allowed to perform his duties.

Obama was wrong in saying that the governor should resign. The Senate leadership is wrong in saying that they will not accept the new Illinois Senator. America has lost sight of its ideals. That ain't good. Oh well, a new year is here and we can always hope and pray for the best. Here is wishing you the best and most spiritual year. May we all grow in our obedience to God.
That fast food restaraunts will only close if significant numbers of people figure out how to cook again...;)

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