A nationalist-Is it any wonder?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
America was founded on the principle of the individual to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as a right, not by virtue of the doctrines of the enlightened elite but by their own choice. The founders recognized that there is always a yin and yang present in the universe of governance, a kind of gravitational influence between government and the governed so the first three words in the preamble to the Constitution are "We the People". Those three words may be the most important in the history of democratic civilization because they establish a core belief that only the people not the government are capable of deciding what defines life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Clearly the founders intended for the people in America to control the government, not the other way around. Many people call this American Exceptionalism.

The yin in America began to subdue the yang in about 1964 with the emergence of Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty and his Great Society. A determined nucleus of intellectuals and left-friendly ideologues convinced Johnson that government knew better than the people what was good for the people. Now after more than fifty years of bad social engineering racist and sexist schadenfreude is an integral part of college curriculums, drug use is at an all-time high, violent crime is more than triple what it was in 1964 and single parent families have exploded sending poverty rates into the stratosphere. According to the 2011 census the number of people in the United States receiving means-tested government benefits was 108,592,000 while the number of people actually working full time was 101,716,000. That’s 1.07 welfare recipients to every one working individual. Even if the figures are spun to get it to fifty-fifty it’s still an economic and cultural disaster for a government to metastasize to such monstrous proportions in a country where “We the People” was the founding principle.

Today we live in a country where half the population is living off the other half. Millions of American citizens exist by propagating out-of-wedlock, unsupported children and receive a government check for doing so. It’s a nightmarish outcome where the government grows itself by overproducing the poverty it was put in place to eliminate. This symbiotic relationship between the poor and the government is government work at its finest but the people who are seduced to follow the path of least resistance are not completely to blame. As the founders predicted the real parasite in our culture is the government itself because as the prospects for the working class diminish the government expands.

The parasitism of government will always look for new ways to attack the host and it doesn’t matter that the War on Poverty and the Great Society have demonstrated nothing but fifty years of failure. In 2010 the current president used executive privilege to sign into law the Affordable Care Act-a massive welfare transfer program putting all citizens on a forced march to universal healthcare destroying the current system of insured workers and putting everyone on a path to second class medicine-everyone except the elite in the government, academia and various strata of the upper class wealthy who shielded themselves from the calamity by opting out. But after all they’re the elite so it was just a minor inconvenience that it’s unconstitutional-they just got some timid judge to pencil it in.

When it comes to growing the government it’s the more the merrier so the elites have purchased their tickets to globalization with the futures of average citizens. Industries across the country have been falling all over themselves to eliminate pensions, health benefits and living wages for average workers as they offshore their companies to exploit foreign workers who work for peanuts and who have lungs that don’t seem to mind pollution.

The founders of our country had no idea of the genius possessed by the elite in modern American society. Average workers in this country should forget about the Constitution and just bow down to their magnificence. Or maybe not-Is it any wonder that the president elect is a nationalist?
Even a nationalist president may be too little too late because the character of the Average American is changing. Millions have never known any other way of life other than a single-parent family and a government check. This is not sustainable in a democracy.

Examining the Means-tested Welfare State: 79 Programs and $927 Billion in Annual Spending

But this is exactly what generates the democratic majority.

And as long as the country can force its loan packages onto the rest of the world, the government needs only to print more money. Problem solved, sustainable.
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Even though we live in an oligarchy the founders intended for us to act democratically. Democratic socialism is a paradox for our constitution because it relies on the power to be concentrated in the government and the government is not of the people, by the people and for the people any more than the guards at a concentration camp are.
Get the racial and social taboos out of your philosophy, William, and I agree with you.
Get the racial and social taboos out of your philosophy, William, and I agree with you.
I can't wait for this one. What racial and social taboos were in William's philosophy, Starkey. We're not Jewish like you, so we don't have that ability to divine the sinister from the benign. Help us out.

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