A Movement Whose Time Has Come!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Sometimes, the machinations of the party of evil, come back to bite 'em.
And now is a time to make it really, really hurt.

1. The Democrats/Progressives/totalitarians recognized that Trump’s greatest advantage was his economy. They needed a way to stultify the economy…..and when the Wuhan came along…..they saw a way to weaponize it against Trump. Trump was far quicker in announcing steps to fight the spread, and didn’t take six months to announce a national emergency, as Hussein did with the H1N1…but the Democrats had a way: close the economy down, and keep kids out of school so parents couldn’t go back to work.

2. "Covid Crisis Opens a Schools Voucher Moment for Trump
Editorial of The New York Sun | September 19, 2020
...our K-12 education serves teachers unions more than their customers, meaning parents. Could this be a moment for President Trump to launch a national schools voucher for parents scrambling to get their children back to school — and corner Joe Biden?
On Thursday, three days before New York City’s public schools were due to return to in-classroom learning, parents learned that the opening for grades between eight and twelve will be delayed —

What the crisis says to us is: empower parents to make the choices on where to educate their children.

3. And what better way for Mr. Trump to show his party stands with parents? The idea would be to expand a proven idea so that families across the country get a cash voucher for the education of their choosing: charter, private, religious, or home. Let the money follow the parents rather than to a set school. Milton Friedman began laying out the logic of vouchers more than 60 years ago. The idea shines brighter than ever.

4. This, though, would be a chance for Mr. Trump to mark the kind of principles he would pursue if re-elected. “I’m with you,” he likes to say. In this case he could mark vouchers as particularly attractive to families of minority students trapped in failing public schools.

5. Mr. Trump could even start in North Carolina, which Secretary DeVos recently visited to show her support for efforts to keep schools open for pupils, despite resistance from public school teachers. What a time for Mr. Trump to visit the Tarheel State, which is now too close to call, to talk about following North Carolina’s leader with a voucher program at the national level. Americans seem to be hungering for options. An aide at the Home School Legal Defense Association reckons we could see a 500% increase in homeschooled students this autumn. "

Unless we can pry the schools from them, as earlier American pried their slaves from them.....America is lost.
This is the opportunity.
They needed a way to stultify the economy…..and when the Wuhan came along…..they saw a way to weaponize it against Trump

So the Democrats are responsible for a global COVID epidemic just to punish Trump?
Sometimes, the machinations of the party of evil, come back to bite 'em.
And now is a time to make it really, really hurt.

1. The Democrats/Progressives/totalitarians recognized that Trump’s greatest advantage was his economy. They needed a way to stultify the economy…..and when the Wuhan came along…..they saw a way to weaponize it against Trump. Trump was far quicker in announcing steps to fight the spread, and didn’t take six months to announce a national emergency, as Hussein did with the H1N1…but the Democrats had a way: close the economy down, and keep kids out of school so parents couldn’t go back to work.

2. "Covid Crisis Opens a Schools Voucher Moment for Trump
Editorial of The New York Sun | September 19, 2020
...our K-12 education serves teachers unions more than their customers, meaning parents. Could this be a moment for President Trump to launch a national schools voucher for parents scrambling to get their children back to school — and corner Joe Biden?
On Thursday, three days before New York City’s public schools were due to return to in-classroom learning, parents learned that the opening for grades between eight and twelve will be delayed —

What the crisis says to us is: empower parents to make the choices on where to educate their children.

3. And what better way for Mr. Trump to show his party stands with parents? The idea would be to expand a proven idea so that families across the country get a cash voucher for the education of their choosing: charter, private, religious, or home. Let the money follow the parents rather than to a set school. Milton Friedman began laying out the logic of vouchers more than 60 years ago. The idea shines brighter than ever.

4. This, though, would be a chance for Mr. Trump to mark the kind of principles he would pursue if re-elected. “I’m with you,” he likes to say. In this case he could mark vouchers as particularly attractive to families of minority students trapped in failing public schools.

5. Mr. Trump could even start in North Carolina, which Secretary DeVos recently visited to show her support for efforts to keep schools open for pupils, despite resistance from public school teachers. What a time for Mr. Trump to visit the Tarheel State, which is now too close to call, to talk about following North Carolina’s leader with a voucher program at the national level. Americans seem to be hungering for options. An aide at the Home School Legal Defense Association reckons we could see a 500% increase in homeschooled students this autumn. "

Unless we can pry the schools from them, as earlier American pried their slaves from them.....America is lost.
This is the opportunity.
First thing you do is get rid of teacher's unions that protect these liberal hacks to teach our children what ever they believe with no chance of being fired. The whole country wants what is best for their kids. It is only democrats that have fought against vouchers along with their union and that is why there is more home schooling, not many parents want their children growing ignorant AND THAT IS WHAT HAPPENING.
So the Democrats are responsible for a global COVID epidemic just to punish Trump?

You have to admit, the global reaction (some say over-reaction) is a perfect opportunity for those in power to seize more of it, and for those coveting more power, to use it to destroy their foes.

It's no wonder that COVID has ramped up the viciousness of partisan politics, not just here in our country, but around the world.

It's truly a political broadsword that swings both ways.
So the Democrats are responsible for a global COVID epidemic just to punish Trump?

You have to admit, the global reaction (some say over-reaction) is a perfect opportunity for those in power to seize more of it, and for those coveting more power, to use it to destroy their foes.

It's no wonder that COVID has ramped up the viciousness of partisan politics, not just here in our country, but around the world.

It's truly a political broadsword that swings both ways.
COVID has killed four million worldwide
Hardly an “Anti-Trump” virus

Rather than use the threat to bring us all together, Trump politicized the virus and made it …….
us vs them
Rather than use the threat to bring us all together, Trump politicized the virus and made it …….
us vs them

This isn't an anti-Trump virus any more than it's an anti-Merkel, anti-Biden, anti-Johnson, anti-Morrison virus. Everyone around the world with political ambitions on either side of the aisle can see the obvious benefit of maintaining a heightened state of hysteria.

The Democrats are just as guilty as Republicans in using a public health crisis for political gains.
Rather than use the threat to bring us all together, Trump politicized the virus and made it …….
us vs them

This isn't an anti-Trump virus any more than it's an anti-Merkel, anti-Biden, anti-Johnson, anti-Morrison virus. Everyone around the world with political ambitions on either side of the aisle can see the obvious benefit of maintaining a heightened state of hysteria.

The Democrats are just as guilty as Republicans in using a public health crisis for political gains.
If Trump had shown leadership during the virus, he would have easily won re-election

After 9-11 rather than turn against Bush, the country rallied around him.

Trump missed his chance

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