A Moral Conundrum


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Over the past year, orders for 'morning after' abortion drugs have increased greatly in Brazil and other countries where the Zika Virus has been proliferating but abortion is illegal save for specific circumstances. Ask 1000 Brazilians what they think of abortion, and you'll maybe find one who supports it. But...
It would be interesting to draw parallels between the U.S. and Brazil. The U.S. faced this dilemma approximately 15 years ago when RU486 was introduced.
All avenues should be open to the parents of children whose pre-birth scans have indicated that they're more than likely to suffer from a seriously dibilitating affliction or disfigurement. However, like much of South America, Brazil is a Catholic country, so I can't see overwhelming support for abortion. Afterall, taigs don't believe in divorce, either.
It would be interesting to draw parallels between the U.S. and Brazil. The U.S. faced this dilemma approximately 15 years ago when RU486 was introduced.

Some states are now using the RU486 up to 24 weeks.

Amazing that clinics charge $300-$7500 for the pill that costs less than $1 to produce. It costs around $5-$75 in most pharmacies. Online combo pill pack for home abortions are around $50 and up.
There are a few clinic that offer the pills for free if you have had an ultrasound to determine the weeks.

Pills 97-99% safe and effectiveness.

D&C for medical reasons are usually covered by insurance. Hospitals $1200-$7000+, out of pocket.

Clinics between $500-$3275, out of pocket for abortion (education and 24-48 hr before abortions will be performed)

Food, herbs and/or teas from any grocery store can cost between a few cents to a few dollars. Best in the first month or two.

Birth control..... $0.01 or free in some cases no Rx required

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