A Mom Confronts Principal Over The School Dress Code


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2012
East Tennessee
Go here for the story.

God bless you and the girl and her family always!!!


P.S. Forgive me if I've asked this before, but is being kept after school for detention even a thing anymore these days?

Public school employees should be required to wear bodycams and audio pickups


Sweatpants? To school? Jesus Christ. I shouldn't expect any less. Everywhere I go I see people wearing slides, old sweat pants, oversized t shirts, and so on. I mean they can wear what they please but damn a whole lot of people have no pride or dignity anymore.

When I was a kid if we went anywhere my grandma would make me change, even to go to the grocery. She told me "you don't need to look like a 100 dollars but you need to atleast look like 40".

Schools should have dress codes. Kids don't give a fuck about anything. If you give them an inch they will take it a mile.

When kids go to school they should look, act and behave a certain way. Because school is about getting kids used to consideration, manners and eitquete when in groups of other people. School is the first stepping stone to society.

Schools should be expected to have rules because society can't depend on parents to atleast do the bare minimum anymore.
Yes, it is.
Thank you. I wonder if the girl was ever given any. The write up says that she was approached about her clothing previous times. Also was her mother aware of the previous times? I am under the impression that she was not.

I have mixed feelings. Yes, rules are to followed, but if they come across as too extreme in any way, I don't blame those who say so for their saying so. At the end of the day, there has to be some form of compromise because if the rules get crazy enough, none of them are going to be followed.

God bless you always!!!

I graduated way before all this bullshit started.

But sometimes..........just sometimes..........I wish I was in school again.
I'd be the catalyst that sends these fuktards to the rubber rooms they need to be in.
Mind fucking them would be SOOOOOOO much fun!!!


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