A hypothetical question for left wingers...


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2020
Would you demand Donald remain POTUS if somehow it turned out that the Democrats really did cheat? I'm not saying they did or that it will ever be proven. I just have a suspicion that a lot of left wingers wouldn't care enough to do the honest thing even if it was true. Getting rid of Trump matters too much to them for that to ever happen I think.
Would you demand Donald remain POTUS if somehow it turned out that the Democrats really did cheat? I'm not saying they did or that it will ever be proven. I just have a suspicion that a lot of left wingers wouldn't care enough to do the honest thing even if it was true. Getting rid of Trump matters too much to them for that to ever happen I think.
Stupid question. Reality is tRump lost.

Get over it.
There is nothing individuals could do. It would be a court decision so your question is really moot.
Would you demand Donald remain POTUS if somehow it turned out that the Democrats really did cheat? I'm not saying they did or that it will ever be proven. I just have a suspicion that a lot of left wingers wouldn't care enough to do the honest thing even if it was true. Getting rid of Trump matters too much to them for that to ever happen I think.
Stupid question. Reality is tRump lost.

Get over it.
There is nothing individuals could do. It would be a court decision so your question is really moot.

I understand that. They could be vocal about it and express their disgust over it though. Public opinion does influence things by the way. What would your opinion be?
There is nothing individuals could do. It would be a court decision so your question is really moot.

I understand that. They could be vocal about it and express their disgust over it though. Public opinion does influence things by the way. What would your opinion be?

If a court found fraud like they did in North Carolina and enacted some sort of action I would support that.
Stupid question. Reality is tRump lost.

Get over it.

There's nothing to get over as I'm not a Trump supporter and I'm not accusing the Democrats of cheating. I just think partisans on both sides lack integrity. I noticed that you opted not to answer the question by the way. I wonder why. ;)
tRump lost.

Get over it.


The official declaration of a winner is still pending.

Why is honesty so impossible for you ???
Would you demand Donald remain POTUS if somehow it turned out that the Democrats really did cheat? I'm not saying they did or that it will ever be proven. I just have a suspicion that a lot of left wingers wouldn't care enough to do the honest thing even if it was true. Getting rid of Trump matters too much to them for that to ever happen I think.
Did you Trump Nazis demand Hillary be sworn in when Tramp cheated in 2016?
Stupid question. Reality is tRump lost.

Get over it.

There's nothing to get over as I'm not a Trump supporter and I'm not accusing the Democrats of cheating. I just think partisans on both sides lack integrity. I noticed that you opted not to answer the question by the way. I wonder why. ;)

He just answered your question. He doesn't care about the mountains of evidence of fraud.
Would you demand Donald remain POTUS if somehow it turned out that the Democrats really did cheat? I'm not saying they did or that it will ever be proven. I just have a suspicion that a lot of left wingers wouldn't care enough to do the honest thing even if it was true. Getting rid of Trump matters too much to them for that to ever happen I think.
Stupid question. Reality is tRump lost.

Get over it.
Why? You and your ilk spent the last four years proving that you can't get over it and then the anti-American democratic party is attempting to make a mockery of US elections. The truth will prevail and Trump will make America great until 2024.

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